Lesson: ______

Pages/Section in the Textbook:______

Peer Instructor Lesson Outline

Learning Outcomes/Objectives

Coping with issues dealing with roommates, family, friends and significant others.


·  Roommate scenarios from NSP website

·  Paper for snowball fight

·  Internet/computer to play videos


·  Prompting questions

·  Tell group to put themselves into pairs (or split them up yourself if you know who the outgoing students are)

·  Pass out one scenario to each pair and tell them not to tell anyone what scenario they have. Give 2-3 minutes for pairs to plan their skits.

·  Go through skits in number order for pairs to act out the scenario

o  After each scenario:

§  Ask what happened in the scenario

§  Ask has this ever happened to anyone

If yes, how did you handle it? If no, brainstorm how you would handle it with the class

·  Wrap up: Summarize , inform about RA/RD, tell them to come to you

·  Skits usually go about 20-30 seconds but with discussion this lesson usually takes the whole class

·  Skits also meant to be funny, but beneficial

Activities & Assignments

·  The scenarios that each pair performs from the class

·  The discussion

Prompting Questions (What will get your students engaged in conversation?)

·  How are you guys feeling about living with a roommate so far?

·  How are the other relationships in your life going so far?


How will you create interest among the class?

·  Keep it funny

·  Share your feelings and personal experience

·  Give advice

·  Very personal or deep topics can be discussed after class

How will you help the students apply this knowledge?

·  Giving them actual ways to handle the problems

·  Check in with them in the future to see if action was taking or is the problem got resolved


What went well:

·  Students opened up

·  Students that had these problems could get advice and students that didn’t could give advice on what is working

What can be adjusted:

·  Doing an example of a skit can be helpful to “set the mood” and make the environment fun

·  Be prepared for awkward responses

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