Parents, Teachers and Students ~ Partners in Education
2015 ~ 2016
Mission Statement
Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy applies the fundamental principles of
Christianity to the field of education: to develop young men and women with a sense of understanding and compassion for others, along with the courage to act on their beliefs. Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy stresses the total development of each student: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical.
Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy recognizes each child as God’s creation with extraordinary gifts and talents that need to be nurtured and cultivated. The faculty and staff of the academy cooperate with each family in the education of the children entrusted to its care. The diversity of each child’s gifts challenges the administration, faculty and staff to engender in themselves and their students qualities of mutual respect and esteem.
The rules of this handbook apply to all students and all families who are enrolled in Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy from Nursery through 8th Grade.
Legally, registration in the school assumes acceptance of these guidelines and policies on the part of the families registered.
It is the sole responsibility of the administration of the school to interpret and, when needed, to change aspects of the handbook in whole or in part. First and foremost, Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy is a Catholic school, guided by the Gospel. The principles of the Catholic Faith will always be the guiding force behind these and all school policies and procedures. All persons who attend the school are to learn and respect the Catholic Faith as taught within the school.
2015 - 2016
Pastor Rev. John Mendonca
Chairman, Board of Directors Mr. James Burnosky
Principal Mr. Giuseppe Campailla
Pre – K 3 Ms. Christina Gatto
Pre-Kindergarten Ms. Kristy Kiely
Kindergarten Mrs. Frances Rafanelli
Grade One Mrs. Teresa Santamaria
Grade Two Ms. Nicole Fulgoni
Grade Three Mrs. Diana O’Connell
Grade Four Ms. Maria Carpenzano
Grade Five Mrs. Cynthia Campbell
Grade Six Ms. Nicole Lanier
Grade Seven Mrs. Margaret Zoufaly
Grade Eight Mr. James Arra
Spanish Mrs. Karla Florez
Computer Mrs. Mary Deck
Physical Education Mr. Raymond Bonilla
Music Mrs. Despina Pestesi
Art Mrs. Karyn Balan
Pre-Kindergarten Assistant Ms. Tatiana Diaz
Kindergarten Assistant Mrs. Rosanna Salcedo
Pre – K 3Assistant Mrs. Erminda Vidal
Pre – K 3 Assistant Mrs. Darlene Murtagh
Office Assistant Mrs. Virginia Yaniro
School Secretary Mrs. Laurie Parmiter
Bookkeeper Mrs. Rosalie Curley
Religious Education Coordinator Sister Xaveriana Ngene
Custodian Mr. James Suescen
Monday 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Friday* 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
*First Fridays and Half Days Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.
On regular school days, supervision can only be provided between 7:15 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. It is important that parents be alert to days of early dismissal (some examples: First Fridays, Parent-Teacher Conference days, last week in June, etc.) Supervision cannot be provided before 7:15 a.m. or after dismissal time unless the children are enrolled in the After-School Program from 2:45 - 6:00 p.m. The students are expected to come into school through the front door at 7:45 a.m. HOMEROOM BEGINS 8:00 A.M. SHARP. Teachers are waiting in the classrooms and are fully prepared for the children to begin the task of learning immediately. Parents are asked to make certain that their children have a good beginning each day by being prompt.
Grades Kindergarten to 3 will be dismissed at the back of the school. Grades 4 to 8 are dismissed at the front door (63RD Drive). Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten are dismissed in the schoolyard.
With regard to the After-School Program, those parents who pick-up their children later than 6:00 p.m. will be charged a late fee of $20 for every quarter hour or part of a quarter hour the child remains after 6:00 p.m.
A student is late if s/he arrives after 8:00 a.m.; 8:01 a.m. is considered late. Tardy students in grades N-8 must enter the building from the main entrance on 63rd Drive. Students in Grade Pre K – 8 will receive a Late Pass. This pass must be presented to the class teacher upon entrance to the classroom. Lateness is recorded on the student’s Permanent Record Card. Chronic lateness can result in a Parent Conference.
Chronic lateness is a serious issue for the child’s total development and can influence acceptance into high school.
Students in Grades K – 8 that receive three late passes in a week will receive lunch detention.
Release of Students From School
Students will normally be released ONLY at regular dismissal time. It is the responsibility of the parent to be certain that a qualified and designated adult is ready and able to pick up the child from school. Supervision is not provided after dismissal. Students are expected to be in attendance all day each school day. If, for any reason, a student must leave school before the regular dismissal hours, a parent or legal guardian must send a note to the teacher and principal explaining the reason for early departure.
Only a parent or duly designated person 18 or older may come to the School’s Office to sign the student out and escort him/her to the designated place.
No student will be dismissed from school to anyone other than a parent or legal guardian without prior written or verbal permission from the parent directly to the office or teacher. This is the case even if the student, of any age, recognizes the adult who presents himself or herself to pick up the child. Even in such cases clear permission must be received for the student to be released to this adult.
A student registered in school should be able to profit from the school experience.
Students in grades K-8 are required by New York State Compulsory Attendance
Law to be present each day school is in session. Medical and dental appointments and family functions should be tended to during school recess periods. Vacation taken during school time must be recorded as an illegal absence. Teachers must be notified in writing one day prior to appointments. Illness or family emergencies are the only real reasons for a student to be absent. If a student is unable to attend class, please observe the following:
1. A parent or legal guardian must call Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy by 9:00 a.m. each day the student is absent. Please state student’s name, grade and reason for absence. Indicate who will pick up books and assignments. It is extremely important that this be done so that the school is aware that the parent knows of the absence.
2. A parent or legal guardian is responsible to send a written note explaining the absence to the child's teacher when the student returns to school. If no written excuse is received within three days, the absence must be recorded as illegal. The school will always follow all New York State Complusory attendance in this regard.
3. In case of a profound illness or contagious disease (chicken pox, measles, etc.) a physician’s note must be presented to the teacher when the student returns. This note must indicate when the student is permitted to return to classes. For the safety of all, a student cannot be permitted back to class without such a note.
4. Long Term Illness - parents must contact the Principal for Home Instruction Procedures.
5. A student with excessive absences is in jeopardy of retention. There is a legal limit for absences at which point it is highly probable that a student will be retained so as to ensure that he or she can truly benefit from the education offered.
It is important that the safety of each and every child is assured. Therefore, every person who is not on the Staff List appearing on page three of this book must:
1. Enter the school via the front door, and
2. Report directly and immediately to the School Office
Because teachers need to give their whole and undivided attention to the students and because children should not be distracted during the learning process, positively no one is to go to the classroom to speak with a teacher or a student between 8:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Children are not permitted to talk to ANYONE through the school fence. There should be no moving vehicles in the schoolyard. Parents who come to assist with supervision of students during recess should identify themselves to the Principal and/or Teacher who is responsible for the students.
At dismissal time, cars are NOT PERMITTED to park in front of the school. Double-parking in the areas near the school is strongly discouraged. This policy is established to better ensure the safety of our children.
Emergency Cards:
It is important that each child’s card is completely up-to-date at all times. If any changes are made during the year, one note should be sent to the teacher and another note to the School Office. The school must have quick and easy access to parents. However, if a parent wishes an unlisted telephone number to be kept in confidence, the fact must be so stated on the emergency card. A request should also be made in writing and sent to the teacher. If it is necessary for a child to be dismissed early from school, the parent must come for the child and sign the book in the School Office.
Students are required to wear official school uniforms unless special dress code is indicated for a specific reason. Failure to be in full uniform will result in disciplinary action. This is especially true for flagrant disregard for uniform rules and for repeat offenses on this matter.
Anytime and any place where the student is wearing the Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy uniform he or she is representing the school and is expected to act accordingly. This includes travel to and from school.
In addition to possession of the uniform, it is the responsibility of the student and family to be certain that the uniform is worn properly in a manner that is neat, clean and presentable. Shirts must always be tucked in.
Official School Uniform
Students are ONLY to wear the specifically designated uniforms for Our Lady of the Angelus Catholic Academy as clarified in handouts and as offered at Flynn and O’Hara. No exceptions or substitutions will be made. Casual versions of the uniform can be worn only during clearly designated times of the year. Students may not take it upon themselves to wear the summer version of the uniform at any time of the year other than specific designated days. Similarly, shorts may be only worn during the summer/casual uniform times.
The girls skirt is to be no more than 1/2 inch above the knee. Student may NOT roll up their skirts. Full dress uniform required for Mass and school pictures unless other instructions are given by the Administration.
JEWELRY: is NOT allowed on gym days. No rubber bracelets.
EARRINGS: Girls who have pierced ears may wear posts. Only ONE pair is permitted.
Large loops or dangling earrings may not be worn as this presents a health hazard to the child during the school day. Only thin, inconspicuous chains may be worn around the neck. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings at any time.
WRIST WATCHES: may be worn, but it is the students' responsibility to provide a safe place for their belongings, especially during gym. Administration, faculty and staff are not responsible for students' belongings or personal money. If students wear watches or carry personal money to school, they do so at their own risk.
MAKE UP AND NAIL POLISH: NOT permitted under any circumstances on regular school days. Students are encouraged to have clean hands and nails, no "fake" nails of any kind.
DRESS DOWN/ NUT CARDS: Students may use NUT cards or Dress Down only on clearly designated days with the express permission of the School Faculty and Administration. For no reason can parents or students decide on their own to dress down without prior permission and a clear written explanation.
When dressed down for any reason, students must dress with modesty and observe at all times the following:
1. No bare shoulders, tank tops, spaghetti straps or similar tops.
2. No bare midriffs. The stomach must be covered entirely.
3. No “short-shorts”
4. No writing of any kind on the backside of pants or shorts.
5. Shirts and jackets cannot have offensive or unchristian pictures, images or messages on them. This rule will be strictly enforced. It is the role of the administration to decide what constitutes an unacceptable saying or image on a shirt.
6. No high heeled shoes. No flip-flops, sandals, crocs or any form of open-toed shoes.
7. BOOTS may be worn to and from school during inclement weather. However, boots, including UGGS, may NOT be worn during class. Upon entrance to the classrooms, the students must change into uniform shoes.