UK Gift Card & Voucher Association

Executive MeetingMinutes

Tuesday 25thSeptember 2012,

Present: Kevin Lake, Tony Rich, Tim Ward, Steve Bradbery, Arun Glendinning, Siobhan Moore, Joanne Peake, Stuart Lawrence.

Guest; David Walsh for first part of meeting

Apologies: Wayne Harrington

1. / Welcome new exec member, Joanne Peake
Confirmed Joanne will take PR and websites as her cabinet role
2. / Introduction David Walsh, one4all re: Irish Gift Card & Voucher Association
  • The Irish Association – plans to date
  • Moving forward
David explained that a meeting of prospective Irish Association members was held in September 2011, hosted by GVS. The meeting was heavily attended by UK retailers with Irish divisions with limited representation from Irish only retailers. David has since followed up with Irish retailers and the view is that Irish only retailers cannot see the benefits of an association; however they could see the opportunity of occasional get together and relevant communications. GVS are happy to act as a conduit for communication to prospective members in Ireland through the various communications they currently undertake. There is also the potential to link with Irish Chambers of Commerce and Retail Excellence Ireland.
The exec discussed the suggestion from GVS. The UK retailers present on the exec who also have Irish divisions did feel there would be merit in setting up an association which was a sister association of the UK. This would encompass the objectives offered to members in the UK such as legislative support, PR, data and research. The association should not be confined to retailers and should incorporate processors, agents etc.
Suggested that the UKGCVA investigates the setup of an association by contacting Retail Excellence Ireland and also asking Rostrum for contacts in PR agencies in Ireland. AJ to feedback to David to invite Irish retailers to the UKGCVA meeting on the 13th November. Irishassociation to be added to the agenda for 13th November.
3. / Minutes from last meeting
  • B2B Research – feedback from presentation of data
The results of the B2B research have been presented to members and the feedback was very positive.
All other items covered on main agenda
3. / Budget & Finance Review
  • End of Year report for July 11 to June 12
  • July/August data
  • Member payments to date
Accounts for year ending June 2012 were presented. These to be sent electronically to all exec members. AJ to formulate slides for presentation of accounts at the meeting on the 13th November.
Discussed the member payments to date, agreed that at the accounts presentation in November a request for members to pay to be included. AJ to follow up with a couple of members causing concern.
4. / Membership
  • Status to date
40 issuer and 40 service members; papers have been sent to a couple of prospective members but no new members to report.
5. / PR Strategy
  • Rostrum updates – nothing additional to report, full details on Rostrum monthly reports
  • Gift Card and Gift Voucher Week –a National Newspaper is confirmed as the main media partner and Promotional Marketing are confirmed as the B2B media partner. Web site for the week should be live by first week of October.
  • Mother’s Day PR Campaign – agreed that the revised Christmas campaign can go ahead for Mother’s Day. This includes additional PR clinics and PR packs from Rostrum. AG and JP to present on 13th November.

6. / Payments Services & Emoney Directive
  • Feedback from member meeting
A well-attended meeting held on the 19th September, hosted by Locke Lord. Members agreed at that meeting that there was no benefit to UKGCVA responding to the Surcharging and Payments Strategy Boardconsultations. Expecting to meet with Treasury re: PSD and EMD before mid-October.
7. / VAT
  • Feedback from meeting with Treasury & PWC
AJ and Jim Wilkinson (PWC) invited to meeting with EU and UK Treasury on the 14th September. Outcome of this meeting was that further discussions to be had with EU before the final rules on VAT are laid out. AJ to liaise with PWC on how to move forward.
8. / EY Data – Tendering Process
  • Feedback from member meeting
At a members meeting on the 19th September agreed to go forward with a tender. AJ to formulate plan.
9. / November Member Meeting
  • Agenda – AGM (including Constitution updates and finance), presentations from AmEx, Visa & MC, format and agendas for future meetings
AJ to formulate agenda for circulation
10. / Conference 2013
  • Update
Conference is expected to run over 2 days, 17th and 18th April 2013. One day will be very UKGCVA focused and the other prepaid. Only UKGCVA members will be able to purchase tickets for one day only. More details to follow at the November meeting as IIR will be attending.
11. / Secretariat Contract – please contact either chair for notes on this part of the meeting
12. / Any Other Business
  • No other business

Future Meeting Dates: (all 2pm to 5pm)–2012,27 Nov