/ 2016-2017 Syllabus & Procedures
English II Honors
Mrs. Padgett, Creekside High School
Room 710

If you have any concerns or questions throughout the year, please feel free to contact me at . I also have the following office hours for you to take advantage of: 8:30-9:00 A.M., Mondays and Fridays. Please just let me know in advance if you plan on coming in for extra help or need to schedule an alternative time to meet. These office hours can also be used for students who require extended time on tests or assignments.

Please visit my school website http://teachers.stjohns.k12.fl.us/padgett-m/ often for information, documents, and a calendar of events. Within the first week of school, you should also make an Edmodo account and join your specific class (codes can be found on my website). Also, if you would like to receive text alerts for homework due and other reminders, text @padgettenh to (210) 569 – 0006 OR 81010.


Main Literature Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Collections

Online Text: Go to http://my.hrw.com

Login for students: 55 + S + their student # (ex. 55S123456)

Password for students: first initial + last initial + their birthday in mmddyyyy format (ex. DB06021999 if the birthday is 6/2/1999)

Class novels: Students are encouraged to purchase novels that are not in the textbook so that they can annotate the text. If unable to purchase a novel, one will be provided from the school library during a scheduled class time. Please see the following chart for more information about the novels we will be focusing on this year (subject to change).

Quarter / Theme / Novel
1 / A Different View of Man’s World / Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
2 / Man’s Inhumanity to Man / Night by Elie Wiesel
3 / The Power of Words / Macbeth by William Shakespeare (in book, but can purchase No Fear Shakespeare version)
4 / Man’s Connections with Others in His World / Lord of The Flies by William Golding

* Various workbooks may be provided as supplemental texts and assessment preparation.

** Many novels can be purchased on Amazon.com for $1 or less.

Literature circles novels: The following novels will be read in literature circles each quarter. Students will be responsible for purchasing or checking out these novels on their own. Each student will be reading these novels at different times, depending on their group:

-  1984 by George Orwell

-  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

-  Divergent by Veronica Roth

-  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

-  Anthem by Ayn Rand

English II Honors Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide grade 10 students, using texts of high complexity, advanced integrated language arts study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in preparation for college and career readiness.
Honors and Advanced Level Course Note: Academic rigor is more than simply assigning to students a greater quantity of work. Through the application, analysis, evaluation, and creation of complex ideas that are often abstract and multi-faceted, students are challenged to think and collaborate critically on the content they are learning.

**For additional specifics, please visit www.cpalms.org

Required Materials

  • Binder or folder
  • Five-subject notebook (Sections labeled: Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Journal, Lit Circles)
  • College-rule loose leaf paper
  • #2 pencils with erasers
  • Blue or black ink pens
  • Highlighters
  • Glue stick or tape
  • Small pack or colored pencils, markers, or crayons
  • Flash drive (this can be used for other classes as well)
  • Headphones that can be used in all classes (for testing/labs)
  • Classroom Needs (donations graciously accepted) - Boxes of tissues, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, notebook paper, pencils, and erasers.

Grading Scale

A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D=60-69% F= 0-59%

Your grade in this class will be calculated as follows.

Summative Assessments (Tests, essays, quizzes): 65%

Formative Assessments (classwork, homework, binder, etc.): 35%

*Parents and students can log on to their Home Access Center account to view grades in my class. If there are any questions about a grade, the student may meet with me by appointment or communicate via email.

Classroom Expectations

  • Daily Procedures

1.  You will enter the classroom calmly, gather any materials that will be used for class that day, and then immediately begin working on the opening assignment. Monday opening assignments will be to copy down the weekly agenda in your planner.

2.  If homework is due, place it on the specified table, in the correct folder according to your class period. I will not take late homework, as the assignment is expected to be turned in at the beginning of the class period.

3.  You are expected to use the restroom and/or visit your locker before you come to class. No passes are given out the first or last 10 minutes of class. All passes will be written in a planner, not a piece of paper.

4.  At the end of class, everyone must be seated when the bell rings and trash picked up; at that time, I will dismiss you, not the bell or clock. DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR!

5.  If you must eat in the classroom, you need to be discrete and pick up your trash.

6.  Any and all electronic devices (iPods, iPads, cell phones, gaming systems, etc.) should not be used or seen in class. However, if we are using electronics in class for instructional purposes, you will be notified.

7.  There should not be any talking/discussing unless it is part of our learning. Sidebar conversations distract everyone.

8.  Edmodo should be checked WEEKLY, at minimum.

9.  Wednesdays are quizzes days – there will be only be silent, independent work on Wednesdays.

10.  When we are in the computer lab, there will be no food or drink, and you will act as the lab is a testing environment.

  • Rewards

* “The Shield” award/homework pass

* Positive notes/e-mail home

  • Homework

Homework is a necessary part of the learning process. Most homework will be given Monday through Thursday, although occasional assignments, unfinished class work, projects and papers will be assigned when necessary. Homework will be given over school breaks.

Homework is due at the beginning of class. You are responsible for correcting your work or asking for help when you experience difficulties. District policies regarding homework missed due to absences will be followed. Late homework will not be accepted, thus resulting in a zero.

  • Make –Up Work

You will have 1 school day to make up any missed assignments or tests when absent (only for excused absences). It is your responsibility to gather your missed assignments and arrange for a make-up test. Make-up tests will be given by appointment before or after school. I will not chase after you! Failure to complete make-up work within the time frame given will result in a zero. Use our class website, contact a study buddy, or email me.

  • Extra Help/Tutoring

If any student is having difficulty understanding or completing an assignment, please notify me immediately. Tutoring and/or extra help is available anytime throughout the year (Please contact me to schedule meeting times). Communication is ESSENTIAL! I cannot help you if I do not know that you are having trouble.

Behavioral Expectations

Students are expected to demonstrate the following behaviors at all times and to abide by

the Knights’ Code of Honor:

  • Respect others and yourself at all times
  • Show good character everyday
  • Set goals, stay focused
  • Think and act like a leader
  • Strive for excellence

If you choose to break a rule

1st offense- verbal warning

2nd offense- parent/guardian contact

3rd offense- referral

Severe disruptions will be sent directly to the Deans’ office.

  • Tardies

Students who are not in their seats and in the process of preparing for class when the bell rings will be considered tardy and marked as such. Your first tardy will result in a verbal warning, the second will be parent contact, and the third will result in a referral. Each tardy following will result in a referral to the Dean. (This count is per quarter.)

  • Academic Integrity:

It is non-negotiable that students will exhibit integrity at all times and in all classes at Creekside High School. All work submitted should be your own, with credit given to any expert used following the MLA citation format. Cheating, plagiarism, falsification - or attempts to cheat, plagiarize, or falsify- will not be tolerated. Aiding others in their desire or attempts to cheat is also not permitted. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment, a referral to the dean, and parent notification. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  • ESE/ELL:

ESE and ELL accommodations will be addressed within the classroom.

*Please return this portion of the syllabus for a homework grade by Friday, August 12th.

Parental Movie Permission Form

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Below is our suggested tenth grade movie list. We would like your permission to show all or part of the selected movies below:

Lord of the Flies (NR)


Minority Report


Many of the above movies have a motion picture rating of PG or PG-13. These movies will only be used for instructional purposes to enhance the study of the novels and different literary time periods studied in class.


The 10th grade English Department

Please sign and return this form to your student’s English Teacher.

Student’s Name: ______(please print)

Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Contract

I have read and understand Mrs. Padgett’s classroom guidelines and syllabus, including the grading policy. I also understand the consequences of failure to adhere to these expectations.


Student Signature Print Student Name Period

Dear Parents,

**The easiest and fastest way to contact me is via email.** Please do not hesitate to email me at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

I have read Mrs. Padgett’s syllabus and classroom guidelines for English II H; I am aware of what is expected of my child in her class.


Parent Signature Print Parent Name


Parent Email Contact Parent Contact Phone Number (type)