Friday 11th November 2016

Message from Mrs. Willis

A big thank you for my lovely flowers and money. Italy was fantastic especially Venice, which was rather magical, off to one of the Spanish islands in November then Greece, Asia and Australia next year. With the money you gave me I had decided to get a silver spoon bracelet to remind me of you all, especially the children over the years. Once again thank you so much, Love Diane

Family Learning Morning

We would like to invite all the parents/carers, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to join their child for a Christmas Family learning morning on Thursday 8th December 9am – 12 noon.

We will be making Christmas decorations. Younger brothers and sisters are welcome and refreshments will be available. Please see attached flyer.

Cycling Days

Can all parents / carers make sure your child/ren have a coat, hat, scarf and gloves on the days they are cycling to keep them warm and toasty.

Christmas Designs

Just a friendly reminder that all Christmas designs need to be inby next Friday (18th Nov) with payment. Please make sure the picture is not folded and is returned in the plastic wallet. If you do not wish to place an order you can still return your child’s design for a free printed card.

Packed Lunches

We have noticed a few unsuitable snacks sneaking into children’s lunchboxes. As we have recently been awarded the Healthy School Platinum Award (well done!!) we really need to make sure that the children continue to eat a healthy and well-rounded diet.

If you are not sure what should be included in your child’s lunchbox, please see the office. Unfortunately if items are put into lunch boxes, they will be asked to collect them from the office at the end of the day.

Handy Man

Is anyone handy with a screwdriver? Can anyone help fix a couple of our playground toys? Your help will be very much appreciated.

Lost Property

We have found a wallet and a purse that may have been lost some time ago, if you have been missing one please can you come and see us in the office.

School News

We are pleased to announce that our Year 2 teacher Mrs. Pickering is expecting a baby in April; we wish her and her family our congratulations!!

Monthly attendance for October

Whole School / 96.3%
Rec/YR1 / 97.3% Well Done!
YR2 / 96.4%
YR3/4 / 95.7%
YR5/6 / 96.1%

Diary Dates

Tues 15th Nov – YR4 cycling, pupils will need their bikes in school

Wed 16th Nov – Individual pupil photos

Thurs 17th Nov – Join your child for lunch day – Rec/YR 1 11.45am YR2 12noon KS2 12.30pm

Fri 18th Nov – Children In Need – Non Uniform £1 contribution / Pennies for Pudsey

Mon 21st Nov – YR5 group 1 cycling, pupils will need their bikes in school

Tues 22nd Nov – YR5 group 1 cycling, pupils will need their bikes in school

Wed 23rd Nov – YR5 group 2 cycling, pupils will need their bikes in school

Thurs 24th Nov – YR5 group 2 cycling, pupils will need their bikes in school

Mon 28th Nov – YR 5/6 Presentation of Learning

Tues 29th Nov – Rec/YR1 Presentation of Learning

Wed 30th Nov – YR 3/4 Presentation of Learning

Stars ofthe Week


Charlotte Secker / Maddie Reid
Alana Loomes / Sofia Millington
Lewis Woodhouse / Bradley Halley
Audrey Sinclair-Russell / Reece Norman

Mrs. Lydia Board–Acting Head Teacher