Fourth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 4.5.1 Smokejumpers Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Words:
1.  concentrating – paying close attention; focusing the mind
2.  dedication – the act of giving time and energy to something
3.  essential – necessary
4.  method – a way of doing something
5.  parachute – umbrella-shaped device made of fabric; it allows people to fall slowly after dropping out of an airplane
6.  steer – to guide
7.  underbrush – bushes and small trees growing under large trees
8.  wind – air that moves / Spelling Words:
1. reaction
2. prerecorded
3. incorrectly
4. incredibly
5. disobedient
6. disagreeable
7. refreshment
8. unbreakable
9. declaration
10. retirement
11. misdialed
12. undefined
13. unhappily
14. watchfully
15. gleefully
16. sportsmanship
17. repayment
18. questionable
19. displacement
20. midshipman
21. multicultural
22. universally
23. understatement
24. outlandish
25. inflammable
Amazing Words:
1.  generator – a gas powered machine that makes electricity
2.  deserted – abandoned or left vacant
3.  hurricane watch – to look carefully for a coming storm
4.  dangerous – not safe
5.  fire escape – metal stairway attached to the outside of a building
6.  medical – about healing and medicine
7.  first aid – treatment given to a hurt or sick person before seeing a doctor
8.  ignite – to set on fire
9.  wildfires – fires that are started by lightening or people and can move quickly through a forest
10.  gear - equipment
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose, Important Ideas
Fluency: Rate and Accuracy
Writing: Sentences, Fantasy
Grammar: Adjectives and Articles
Vocabulary: Homographs, Dictionary/Glossary
Spelling: Multisyllabic Words
Listening and Speaking: Dramatization

Fourth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 4.5.2 Lost City Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Words:
1.  curiosity – a strong desire to know or learn something
2.  glorious – magnificent; splendid
3.  granite – a very hard, gray or pink rock that is used for buildings and monuments
4.  ruins – what is left after a building, wall, or other structure has fallen to pieces
5.  terraces – formed into a flat piece of land by cutting into a hillside; terraces
6.  thickets – bushes or small trees growing close together
7.  torrent – a violent, rushing stream of water / Spelling Words:
1. tomorrow
2. borrow
3. different
4. rabbit
5. matter
6. written
7. bottle
8. ridden
9. odd
10. bubble
11. offer
12. suffer
13. slippers
14. grasshopper
15. worry
16. current
17. lettuce
18. saddle
19. shudder
20. hobby
21. Mississippi
22. recess
23. impossible
24. antennas
25. allowance
Amazing Words:
1.  region – any place, space, or area
2.  cultivate – to help plants grow by caring for them
3.  adobe – brick made of clay and baked in the sun
4.  highland – a country or region that is higher than the neighboring country
5.  gigantic – very large
6.  century – one hundred years
7.  culture – the ways of a nation or people during a given time
8.  legend – a story from the past that many people believe but that cannot be verified
9.  research – to study or investigate something
10.  records – information that have been written or kept
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast, Visualize
Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing
Writing: Sentences, Legend
Grammar: Adverbs
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots, Word Structure
Spelling: Words with Double Consonants
Media Literacy: Radio Announcement

Fourth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 4.5.3 Cliff Hanger Genre: Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  coil – to wind around and around, forming a pile
2.  descent – the act of moving down from a higher to a lower place
3.  foresaw – saw or knew beforehand
4.  rappel – to lower yourself down the face of a cliff by means of a rope fastened to the top of the cliff and placed around your body, so that the rope can be gradually lengthened
5.  ridge – the long, narrow part of something
6.  shaft – a long, narrow, usually vertical hole
7.  trekked – traveled slowly by any means
8.  void – an empty space / Spelling Words:
1. telephone
2. biography
3. telescope
4. photograph
5. microwave
6. diameter
7. barometer
8. microscope
9. headphones
10. microphone
11. autograph
12. microchip
13. telegraph
14. perimeter
15. paragraph
16. phonics
17. symphony
18. saxophone
19. periscope
20. megaphone
21. stethoscope
22. xylophone
23. cacophony
24. microorganism
25. microbe
Amazing Words:
1.  extraordinary – something that is very unusual or remarkable
2.  decency – treating people well or behaving properly
3.  courage – the ability to meet danger instead of running from it
4.  valiant – brave and courageous
5.  admirable – acts in a way that deserves respect or approval
6.  individual – a single person, animal, or thing
7.  protect – to keep safe from harm or injury
8.  secure – to be safe and protected
9.  generous – willing to give or share
10.  flood – a huge flow of water over what is usually dry land
Comprehension: Literary Elements: Character, Plot, and Theme
Fluency: Appropriate Expression
Writing: Word Choice, Thank-You Note
Grammar: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs
Vocabulary: Unfamiliar Words, Context Clues
Spelling: Greek Word Parts
Listening and Speaking: How-To Demonstrations

Fourth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 4.5.4 Antarctic Journal Genre: Journal
Vocabulary Words:
1.  anticipation – act of anticipating; looking forward to; expectation
2.  continent – one of the seven great masses of land on Earth. The continents are North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica.
3.  convergence – act or process of meeting at a point
4.  depart – to go away; leave
5.  forbidding – causing fear or dislike; looking dangerous or unpleasant
6.  heaves – rises; rises and falls alternatively
7.  icebergs – large masses of ice detached from glaciers and floating in the sea. About 90 percent of an iceberg’s mass is below the surface of the water. / Spelling Words:
1. dictionary
2. abrupt
3. predict
4. import
5. locally
6. verdict
7. locate
8. portable
9. transport
10. bankrupt
11. dictate
12. location
13. erupt
14. passport
15. export
16. contradict
17. rupture
18. interrupt
19. disrupt
20. dislocate
21. vindictive
22. portfolio
23. jurisdiction
24. corruption
25. interruption
Amazing Words:
1.  frigid – very cold
2.  survived – to have lived longer or made it through
3.  wily – using subtle tricks to get something
4.  supply – an amount that you have ready to use
5.  obstacle – something that stops or blocks progress
6.  conquer – to get something by overcoming it
7.  durable – able to last a long time against harsh treatment
8.  venture – something you do that is exciting but risky
9.  confident – believing you are capable
10.  rugged – rough and uneven
Comprehension: Main Idea and Details
Fluency: Expression
Writing: Focus/Ideas, Persuasive Ad
Grammar: Time-Order Words
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots, Word Structure
Spelling: Latin Roots
Listening and Speaking: Panel Discussion

Fourth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 4.5.5 Moonwalk Genre: Science Fiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  loomed – appeared dimly or vaguely as a large, threatening shape
2.  rille – a long, narrow valley on the surface of the moon
3.  runt – animal, person, or plant that is smaller than the usual size. If used about a person, runt is sometimes considered offensive.
4.  staggered – became unsteady; wavered
5.  summoning – stirring to action; rousing
6.  taunted – jeered at; mocked; reproached
7.  trench – any ditch; deep furrow
8.  trudged – walked wearily or with effort / Spelling Words:
1. please
2. pleasant
3. breath
4. breathe
5. image
6. imagine
7. product
8. production
9. heal
10. health
11. triple
12. triplet
13. relate
14. relative
15. meter
16. metric
17. compose
18. composition
19. crumb
20. crumble
21. origin
22. original
23. academy
24. academic
25. inspire
26. inspiration
Amazing Words:
1.  crater – a bowl-shaped hole on the surface of Earth or the Moon
2.  astronomers – experts in the science that deals with the sun, moon, planets, stars, and so on
3.  probes – spacecraft carrying devices to record and report information
4.  launch – to send into the air or into outer space
5.  telescopes – a device that makes faraway things look closer and larger
6.  spacewalk – when astronauts go outside the spaceship
7.  dusty – filled with or covered in a fine, dry powder
8.  spacesuit – worn by astronauts when they are in space
9.  gravity – earth’s pull on objects
10.  geologists – scientists who study how the earth is formed
Comprehension: Draw Conclusions, Monitor and Clarify
Fluency: Rate and Accuracy
Writing: Sentences, Personal Narrative
Grammar: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Vocabulary: Synonyms, Context Clues
Spelling: Related Words
Media Literacy: Talk Show