Foundation of Biology

Bio 100

Course Syllabus and Outline

Instructor: Ms. Lynn K. Wilson,

Room 2183

Tel# (973)877-3213

E-Mail address:

Text: Saladin. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. 4th Ed.

Bio 100 provides review and preparation for students who plan to follow the Pre-Nursing, Biology/Pre-med, or other health technologies science curricula. Bio 100 will not count toward the science graduation requirement for either science majors or non-science majors.

This course meets twice a week (lecture and lab) and will cover the first four chapters (Unit I) of the text. In addition, each chapter will be followed by an Exam covering topics discussed in both lectures and labs – 7 lecture exams; one every two weeks. The Final average will be 70% exams, 20% labs, and 10% attendance (Note: Points will be taken off final grade for constant lateness and leaving class before it is dismissed). There will be no makeup exams. The lowest lecture exam will be dropped if a student takes all lecture exams. There will be no comprehensive mid-term or final exams.

Grade Scale: 90-100 = A

87-89 = B+

80-86 = B

77-79 = C+

70-76 = C

60-69 = D

59-0 = F

Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes on time. Excessive absences (more than two classes) may lead to failure.

Cheating or Plagiarism: If a student is found to be cheating on any exam or hands in assignments/reports that are plagiarized that student will receive a zero for that exam or assignment. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who repeat this infraction.

Cell Phones: Please turn off or place your cell phones on vibrate so as to not disturb class lectures and labs. In addition, you may not answer your cell phones during an exam – failure to heed this warning will result in an F grade for that exam.

Week Lecture Laboratory

1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Course, Video, Models

The Scope of Anatomy and Physiology, The

Origins of Biomedical Science, Scientific Method

Pages 2 -9

2 Human Origins and Adaptations, Human Structure: Models, Worksheets Characteristics of Life

Pages 9 - 15

3 Exam 1

Human Function: Work Sheets


-Feedback Systems

Page 15 - 19

4 The Language of Medicine, Anatomical Fetal Pig Dissection

Terminology, Systems of the Body

Page 20 - 49

5 Exam 2

Chapter 2: Beginning Chemistry

Pages 54 - 69 Classify substances

6 Matter and Energy, Molecules and Calculate Molecular

Compounds, Chemical Bonds weights Periodic Table

7 Chemistry cont'd Chemical

Mixtures and concentrations Concentrations

Chemical reactions

8 Exam 3

Organic Molecules Food Test

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins

Nucleic Acids, ATP

Pages 79 - 85

9 Exam 4

Organic Molecules cont'd Introduction to the


Chapter 3:Cellular Level of Organization Microscope, fresh onion, and

10 Cells and their components epithelial cells

Membrane Transport Cell Cycle

Pages 90 - 121

11 Cells cont'd Osmosis demonstration,

Dialysis, video on membrane,

Mitosis slides

12 Exam 5

Chapter 4: Genetics and Cellular

Function: Genes and Nucleic Acids, Models and Videos

Protein Synthesis and Secretion

Pages 127 - 137

13 DNA Replication and the cell cycle Models and Videos

Pages 137 - 142

14 Chromosomes and Heredity Work Sheet

Pages 142 - 147

15 Exam 6