November 17, 2014
QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES: RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-02, Solicitation of Proposals for a Performance Evaluation of USAID/Mozambique’s CHASS SMT and Niassa Programs
Q1, A1 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q1: Regarding both RFPs (CHASS and MCHIP), please stipulate the duration of the project.
A1: The duration of the activities is intentionally not included in the RFPs. FHI 360 suggests that each bidding firm include a timeline that you find appropriate for the SOW. USAID and FHI 360 are hoping for the evaluations to be completed as quickly as is possible, but within a realistic timeline that allows for a quality evaluation.
Q2, A2 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q2: May we propose a team structure in our proposal that deviates from the outlined team composition in the RFP? (ie. propose more or fewer personnel and/or different positions)
A2: Yes, bidders may propose a team structure that differs from that outline in the RFP, if they wish.
Q3, A3 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q3: Please provide additional information on the length and format of the proposal.
A3: The “Capability and Past Experience Statement” should not exceed 3 pages. The “Cost Proposal” should follow the template provided as an attachment to the RFP. The “Staffing” and “Timeline/Workplan” sections do not have any definite limitations. However, we can suggest that the “Timeline/Workplan” section be limited to 10 pages or fewer and that each submitted CV be limited to 3 pages or fewer.
Q4, A4 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q4: Is it sufficient at the proposal stage to provide the types of evaluation measures that will be used or are details to be provided for the study design and sampling of facilities, providers, and clients?
A4: For the proposal, we are looking for a workplan that addresses issues such as quality control, data management, and detailed plans for field work implementation to meet the scope and timeline. A final, detailed, and approved workplan, methodology, and data collection tools are all deliverables that are not expected until after a firm is selected and a contract is awarded.
Q5, A5 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q5: Are the provinces the same on each bid or will there be different provinces in the South for the MCHIP performance evaluation?
A5: The CHASS performance evaluation will take place in all four, active provinces: Sofala, Manica, Tete, and Niassa. For more information about the provinces involved in the MCHIP Evaluation, please reference Q&A #3 in the “Questions and Responses” document for the MCHIP RFP.
Q6, A6 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q6: The RFPs are separate, but do run concurrently. This being the case, could one use the same management team, plus additional ground resources, for both projects?
A6: Yes. Should bidders choose to respond to both RFPs, they are welcome to propose the same management team across evaluations.
Q7, A7 (Also relevant to RFP No. 101023.020.001.016-01)
Q7: For either RFP, are we able to submit the workplan as an attachment in spreadsheet format?
A7: Yes.