Contact Person(s)

Executive------Pastor Muyskens 324-4523

Ministry Coordinator------Jenna Hernandez 348-1456

Worship------Pastor Muyskens 324-4523

Children & Worship------Shonna Wassenaar 324-3572

Communion------Mart Peters 541-1441

Decorations------Deb (Mart) Peters 541-2080

Nursery------Tami Schemper 324-1974

Sound------Klint Tatsumi 324-3769

Education------Jena Dykstra 348-1276

Cadets------Tom Schemper 324-4518

GEMS------Julie Jacobsma 230-2372

Youth Group------Dane & Kerri Buren 324-3069

Jeff & Jill Schemper 324-1237

Jenna Hernandez 348-1456

Fellowship------Jerry Postma 324-3695

Kitchen------Deb (Bart) Peters 441-6847

Small Groups------Jenna Hernandez 348-1456

Mission Outreach Team------Mark Dykstra 324-2004

Building and Grounds------Duane Haack 230-0339

Prayer Ministry------Marion Baker 541-5379

Youth Elder------Steve Holz 324-4054

Library------Krista Van Bruggen 324-4784

Christian Education Society Board----Katie Wieringa 348-0031


Elders: Deacons:

Dave Vande Brake, Vice Pres. (#5) Dan Jacobsma, Pres. (#1)

Chuck Mulder, Clerk Matt Hanenburg, Vice Pres(#3)

Mart Peters (#1) Ryan Freese, Treasurer

Jerry Postma (#2) Greg Geels, Sec. (#4)

Mark Dykstra (#3) Ray Hernandez (#2)

Larry Meyers (#4) Shawn Wassenaar (#5)

Marion Baker (#6) Mike Coulander (#6)

Steve Holz (Youth Elder)

Household of Faith Ministry Partners:

#1 Lorna Kraayenbrink------635-7754

#2 Sherri Bootsma------348-0947

#3 Rachel Jansen------348-2463

#4 Starla Geels------324-3740

#5 Roz Geels------324-4569

#6 Teresa Hoekstra------324-2150

Welcome to worship at Immanuel

Pastor Kevin Muyskens

December 3, 2017

Morning Worship: Christ’s peaceable kingdom has great implications for all of creation. This morning we will look especially at the physical creation and its hope to be released from its subjection to frustration and to be restored to the peaceful status of God’s intention. We will look at pictures from Eden, from Isaiah, and from Revelation in light of Romans 8:21: “Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.”

Children & Worship dismisses this morning. The lesson is “Mary & Joseph Show the Way to Bethlehem”. All children age three through kindergarten are welcome.

Evening Worship: Rev. Bob De Boer, associate pastor at Trinity Reformed Church of Orange City, will lead our evening worship as Pastor Kevin works on plans for the winter and spring series of messages. Bob will dig into both Old and New Testament passages presenting “The Bread of Life.”


This morning we celebrate the baptism of Noah John Van Tilburg at our morning service. We as a congregation join Nate and Sonya in making vows to raise this child to know and love our Lord Jesus. We trust the Lord will be faithful to the promises He makes in the sacrament. We pray for Nate and Sonya and their whole family that they will receive this child in love and that the Lord will pour out his grace and love upon them in this time of transition.

Upcoming Worship Dates ~ These are great dates to invite friends and neighbors to church:

December 10 – 9:30 a.m.: Choir presents the service of lessons and carols.

December 24 – 9:30 a.m.: “Christmas” service.

December 24 – 6:00 p.m.: “Christmas Eve” service.

The Congregational Meeting to approve the annual budget has been set for Wednesday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. The council will give final approval to the budget Wednesday evening and copies will be in member’s mailboxes next weekend.

The Angel Tree will be a little different this year. You will find all the info you need on the Community Connections table. So check it out on Sunday and grab a tag to help make Christmas a little brighter for those less fortunate in the community. Please have your gifts back by next Sunday, December 10.

Christmas Sack Program: Cornerstone Prison Church is asking for our help with making fudge again for Christmas sacks that are given to the SD Penitentiary inmates. The instructions for cards and packaging along with the fudge recipe are on the Community Connections table. Fudge can be dropped off at church by noon on Monday, December 11. Put cards in Lois Postma’s church mailbox. Also, please remember to write the number of pieces on each box of fudge.

Michelle’s Orphans: Sweatshirt tags have all been claimed! Please make sure to bring back all sweatshirts with the tag attached by December 17.

Justice For All is looking for workers to help with a housing project on S. 9th Avenue in Sheldon. Contact Roger Boer at 341-0306 for more information of if you can be involved.

Ladies Retreat: Friday, January 12 and Saturday, January 13 at the North Place. Check –in will be at 5:00 p.m. on the 12th and the retreat should be over by 3:00 p.m. on the 13th. Registration for this is coming in your mailboxes this week.

THANK YOU everyone for filling our freezer with meals and providing support for our family since the birth of Jett and the addition of Silas’ sister as a foster child. We are truly blessed!

-  Blake & Stacy Snieder


Stacy Klein’s surgery this week was successful. Pray that her calf will heal in a timely manner and that the surgery will have achieved the desired results.

Pray for those who grieve the loss of loved ones this holiday season, especially those who face their traditions and gatherings for the first time without individuals whom they love.

GREETERS: Bill & Nancy Van Otterloo

Dec 10: Larry & Sue Meyers

NOTE: Greeters are responsible for the AM & PM Services.

USHERS: Jeff Boer, Bart Peters, Lee Schemper

NOTE: Ushers are reminded to seat latecomers during the (**) noted in the order of worship.

OFFERING: AM: Christian Education Society

PM: Alliance Defending Freedom

Dec 10: AM: World Missions (Resonate Global Missions)

PM: Love offering for smaller churches

AUDIO/VIDEO: Audio: Klint Video: Benjamin

Dec 10: Audio: Zach Video: Carter


Dec 10: Allan

NURSERY: AM: Dianne S, Caleb S, Ada B

PM: Jim & Rachel Jansen

Dec 10: AM: Lindsey M, Alyssa B, Macy W

PM: Lyle Hoekstra family


Today: Steve & Helen Van Den Berg, Allan Walker

Dec 10: Ron & Twyla Smit, Cort & Trudy Victoria


Today: Rachel R, Marla W, Ashely S, Carter W, Evan W

Dec 10: Tami S, Krista H, Kailey H, Keaton H, Dylan H


SUN: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship

10.45 a.m. Sunday School and Catechism

11:00 a.m. Choir

MON: 7:00 a.m. CES Meeting

WED: 6:00 p.m. Elders Meeting

6:30 p.m. Deacons Meeting

7:00 p.m. GEMS / Cadets

7:15 p.m. Young Peoples

7:30 p.m. Council Meeting