Pertanika Vol. 10 No.2 August 1987

Paraquat Adsorption Characteristics ofSome Malaysian Soils
Marcus Jopony
Paraquat; adsorption; organic matter.
This adsorption study showed that adsorption ojparaquat varied between thetsoil samplesstudied. The adsorption was related to the organic matter content of the samples. However, the
inorganic components of the soil also contributed to the adsorption. Hence, both the inorganic andorganic components of the soils were involved in the paraquat adsorption. The adsorption followedboth the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms.
Soil Suitability and Management Implications of Soil Taxonomywith Special Reference to Tree Crop Cultivation
S. Paramananthan
Soil suitability; management; soil taxonomy; tree crop cultivation.
Soil surveys are carried out in many developing countries with the main objective of interpretingthe results of these soil surveys for agriculture use. A proper selection of crops is vital if maximumbenefits from the land are to be obtained. Soil Taxonomy as a system of soil classification isincreasingly being used in these countries. This paper examines the soil suitability and managementinterpretations that can be made using, Soil Taxonomy, for perennial cropz viz. rubber, oil palm,cocoa and coconut. Limitations that affect crop growth include climate, topography, wetness,physical and chemical soil conditions. Each of these five groups can be further subdivided into differentland characteristics. Except for topography, most of the other limitations can be evaluated usingthe family classification in Soil Taxonomy. In addition various management requirements to overcomethese limitations can also be ascertained. Soil Taxonomy is also a means by which soil scientistsfrorn different countries can communicate with one another thereby saving both time and money inrepeating experiments.


Heating Experiments with Palm Olein and Groundnut Oil

M.A. Augustin, TelingaiAsap and Y.K. Teah


Palm olein; groundnut oil; heating; frying; quality.


The quality changes in refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein (RBD olein) and groundnutoil during static heating at 180°C for 5h per day for 8 consecutive days were studied. I he indices

used for assessment of oil quality included % polar components, dielectric constant, polymer content,E1% 232 and 268nm, iodine value, C18:2/C16:0 ratio of glyceride-bound fatty acids, colour,acid value and smoke point. The results showed that the major differences between the performances of the oils were that (i) groundnut oil was more susceptible to the formation polymers and (ii) RBDolein was more prone to darkening than groundnut oil. The results also suggest that darkening ofRBD olein cannot be solely linked to quality deterioration of the oil.


Prevention of Browning in Canned Langsat(Lansiumdomesticum)

Suhaila Mohamed and S.H. Leong

Keywords: Browning; canned langsat (Lansiumdomesticum).


Langsat undergo both enzymic browning during preparation and non-enzymic browningduring storage of the canned product. Effects of sodium chloride, ascorbic acid, cysteineHCl andcitric acid on browning of the product were studied. Enzymic browning during preparation could bereduced by lowering of pH, but the use of citric acid is not recommended because it increases nonenzymicbrowning during storage. Ascorbic acid delays enzymic browning but produces intense nonenzymicbrowning on storage. However, amine-dehydroascorbic acid products are not the majorpigments in chemically untreated, canned langsat. Amongst the treatments studied, addition ofcysteineHCl was most effective in preventing browning and giving an acceptable product with regardsto taste and appearance. However, studies using model systems showed that cysteineHCl has no effecton non-enzymic browning. It probably prevents browning of canned langsat, therefore, by the reductionof the O-quinones, formed as intermediates in enzymic browning prior to canning to stablecolourless compounds, thus eliminating their activity as precursors for non-enzymic brown pigmentformation. NaCI does not have the same effect on the canned product as cysteine HCL The fairly highconcentration of NaCI needed to totally inhibit PPO activity would adversely affect the taste andacceptability oj the canned langsat.


A Study on the Quality of Imported and Local Beef Wrappedwith Different Packaging Films

AiniRuslin Ali, Aminah Abdullah And Abdul Salam Babji


Keywords: Packaging materials; TBA; TPC; vacuum packed sensory quality.


The effects of packaging materials and storage on the quality of three sources of meat werestudied. The three sources of meat were those imported from Australia and India and local beef fromMalaysia. Each type of meat was packed in three different packaging materials, ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) (vacuumed packedmaterial) each having different oxygen permeability. AIIsamples were stored under refrigeration temperature(2 °C ±2) and each quality parameter was analysed at every three days interval (0, 3, 6, 9andl2daysstorage). The analysis includesthiobarbituric acid value (TBA), Total Plate Count (TPC), detection ofPseudomonas spp. and Salmonella spp. pH and moisture. Results showed a positive relationship ofoxygen permeable films (EVA and LDPE) with increased TBA values, increased TPC, Pseudomonasspp. and a decrease of the moisture content of packaged meat during storage, and this was especiallyso after 6 days of storage. Vacuum packed meat did not give a good colour compared to those packedin high oxygen permeable films, but its low oxygen permeability could maintain the quality of themeat for more than 6 days. The anaerobic condition prevented lipid oxidation, restricted growth ofPseudomonas spp. and also decreased the pH values of meat. Salmonella spp. was not detected in allsamples analysed.


Preliminary Observations on Intrauterine Leucocytesof the Pregnant, Non-pregnant and Post-parturient Mice

M. ZamriSaad

Keywords: Leucocytes; uterus; mice.

Moderate to high lymphocyte and polymorphonuclear (PMN) leucocyte infiltrations wereobserved in the endometrium and myometrium of non-pregnant mice. Similar density of leucocyteinfiltrations were observed in post-parturient mice, but there were more macrophages in postparturientthan the non-pregnant mice. Three out of 6 non-pregnant and 5 out of 6 post-parturientmice had low PMN leucocyte infiltration in the luminal epithelium. However, in the placentome andinterplacentomal part of the uterus of the pregnant mice, leucocytes were absent.


The Effect of Gamma Irradiation onEmpty Oil Palm Fruit Bunches — A Preliminary Study

Mat RasolAwang, MuhamadLebaiJuri, Jamaliah Sharif, NorjanahMohid, KamaruddinHashim And MohamadDeraman

Keywords: EFB; irradiation; cellulase; grinding.


Fiber samples from empty fruit bunches (EFB) of oil palm irradiated at 0, 50, 100, 150 and200kGy were hydrolysed using commercially prepared enzyme cellulase. The results showed that theamount of glucose produced decreased as the irradiation dose increased. However, the glucose yieldwas enhanced by crushing the pretreated sample into smaller sizes of 0. 355mmand 0.325mm.


Conductance of Activated Carbon

M. Badri, Karen Anne Crouse and Che Ramli Ismail

Keywords: Conductance; activated carbon; pores; copper impregnated activated carbon.


The conductance of activated carbon and activated carbon impregnated with copper has beenmeasured. The results suggested that both materials were semiconductors with increasing conductanceas copper content was increased.


Distribution of Mercury in the Kelang Estuary

A.T. Law and A. Singh

Keywords: Mercury; pollution; estuary; Malaysia.


The distribution of total mercury in the water and sediment of Kelang estuary was studied. Themean level in water was 1.69/ig/lwith a range of 0.10 to 6.50/ug/l, while in the sediment; the mean was0.20mg/kg wet sediment with a 0.03 to 0.40mg/kg wet sediment range. The total mercury level in theKelang estuarine waters was much higher than that detected in the Straits of Malacca and SouthChina Sea. The mercury content in the sediment was comparable to some of the British estuarinesediment and was much higher that reported for the Turkish Mediterranean coastal sediments. Theresults suggest that the Kelang estuary carries some degree of mercury pollution


Simulation of Southern Louisiana Watershed Hydrologywith USDAHL-74 Revised Model of Watershed Hydrology’

Abdul Razak Bin Saleh

Key words: Watershed simulation.


The USDAHL-74 Revised Model of Watershed Hydrology was calibrated on a 0.86ha agriculturalwatershed in southern Louisiana. The input parameters determined in the calibrating periodwere used to simulate runoff from a nearby 1.55ha watershed. Differences between observed andsimulated monthly runoff from the test watershed were not significant.


Potential Intrinsic Tracers for Determination ofPulp Mill Effluent Dispersion in Tropical Seawater

Murtedza Mohamed and K. Lindstrom

Keywords: Intrinsic tracers; pulp mill effluent dispersion; chlorinated organic.


A study was carried out to identify suitable tracers for the determination of dispersion patternofkraft pulp mill effluent in tropical seawater. As components of the effluent themselves are preferredas tracers over added tracers, analyses were carried out to identify constituents of the effluent occurring in high quantities as well as less volatile in nature. For analytical method involving use of capillaryECD-gas chromatography, possible tracers identified were di-and tri-chloroacetic acids, 1,1-dichlorodimethylsulfone,and 3,4,5-trichlorocatechol


The Impact of Pollution on the Meiofaunal Densitiesof an Estuarine Mudflat

Shabdin B. Mohd Long

Keywords: Hydrocarbon; redox potential discontinuity; meiofaunal densities.


A study was carried out in the Forth estuary (Scotland) to determine the impact of industrial effluentson the meiofaunal density of an estuarine mudflat, through a survey of the meiofauna communitiesand certain chemical parameters. The mudflat has been subjected to oily effluents from the B.P.Refinery Ltd., effluents from B.P. Chemicals Ltd. (chiefly organic solvents and ammonium salts) andtwo sewage discharges. The refinery and chemical discharges were shown to have a marked impact onthe density of meiofauna. This was most marked near the points of discharge at the top of the shorewhere the high organic content caused the formation of black, reduced sediment below a depth of 1 -2mm in the summer. Meiofaunal density was grossly reduced. It seemed that reductions in nematodeand copepod densities were common responses to the presence of oil, although only when present athigh concentrations. At Kinneil, the toxic and physical effects of the oil on the meiofauna seemed lessimportant than the indirect effects of the oil through its production of oxygen-deficient, sulphuroussediments.


A Runge-Kutta Method for Solving Second Order ODEs Directly

Mohamed B. Suleiman, JalilAbd. GhaniAndMohri B. Idris


Keywords: Second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs); Runge-Kutta method; lineardifferential operator; extrapolated; tolerances.


A Runge-Kutta method for solving second order ODEs directly is defined. The equations ofcondition for the coefficients are derived using a linear operator and partial differentiation. Thisderivation differs from Fehlberg s (1964) where the uses a transformation and partial differentiationonly for his method. The performance of the method is compared with the Fehlberg (4, 5) method onsome second order problems.


Development of a Prototype Tractor-operatedGroundnut Digger-Lifter

Desa Ahmad and Shamsudeen V. Ghanny

Keywords: Tractor; groundnut; digger-lifter.


Digging or pulling groundnuts from the ground is a laborious and time consuming handoperation. The use oj a mechanical digger will reduce the labour requirement and minimise thedrudgery. I his paper describes the development and fabrication of a prototype groundnut diggerlifterbased on a potato digging machine. The design consists of two digging blades which penetrateunder the plant row to loosen the soil and cut the tap root. There are lifting rods on the blades whichhelp lift the plants from the soil and elevate them to the conveyor. The conveyor performs the tasks ofseparating, shaking and elevating the plants to a discharge unit. The conveyor is powered from thetractor PI O. I he power is transmitted to the conveyor shaft through a chain sprocket transmissionsystem. From preliminary tests carried out, at a speed of 0.9km/hr, the machine has o workingcapacity of 0. 5ha/hr with an efficiency of 63%. The estimated output per hectare is 126kg of peanuts.


PertaburanSaliniti Air PermukaandanPengkonduksianElektrikEkstrak Air-Tanah diKawasanPinggirLaut(Distribution of Salinity of Surface Water andElectrical Conductivity of Soil Water Extract in a Coastal Area)

Mohd KamilYusoff Dan Abd.MalekYunus

Keywords: Aras saliniti; pengkonduksianelektrik (EC); jarak; air permukaan; ekstrak air-tanah;



A salinity and electrical conductivity (EC) distribution study of surface water and soil waterextract was carried out respectively in the coastal area at Kg. PasirTuntong and Kg. Api-Api.Samples of surface water and soil were taken starting at 70m to 1600m from the coastline to the inlandarea. The salinity levels and ECs decreased with increasing distance from the coastline and thechanges found were very significant (p ≤0.01). A distinct change was obtained between 70m and

100m from the coast and this was due to the presence of an embankment which reducedthe inflow ofsalt water into the fresh water zone. The result showed that the salinity of surface water correlatespositively with the EC of soil water extract (r2 = 0.85; p≤0.01).


KajianAwalkeAtasKomunitiPereputanKayudanTaburannyadiKampungTanjungAru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah(Preliminary Study on the Wood-fouling Community and theirDistribution at KampungTanjungAru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)

Shaedin Mohd Long, Asiah Ahmad, Norhadi Ismail danGhazally Ismail

Keywords: Komuniti fauna pereput; kelimpahan; kepelbagaian; penzonan; keafinan.


A study on the wood-fouling faunal community was undertaken at KampungTanjungArulocated on the west coast of Sabah. A total of 42 species of wood-fouling organisms were identifiedBased on their zonal distribution, the organisms can be assigned to 3 groups: those found in (i) all thefour zones studied; (ii) zones 2 through 4 and (Hi) zones 3 and 4 where zone 4 is the area immediatelyabove the shore surface. This zonal distribution of wood-fouling fauna is probably associated with the organism’s resistance against drying due to exposure to air and sunlight. The abundance and diversityof wood-fouling fauna in the zone studied increase as the zones approach shore level. The affinity ishigher between any two faunal communities found in adjacent zones compared to those from distantzones.



The Biology of the Durian Carsidarid, TenaphalaramalayensisCrawf. (Homoptera: Carsidaridae)

Keywords: TenaphalaramalayensisCrawf.;Carsidaridae; durian pest; biology; life table.


A study on the biology of a carsidarid, TenaphalaramalayensisCrawf, a pest of durian, wascarried out at UniversitiPertanian Malaysia, Serdang. In the glasshouse (31 ±7°C and 70 ± 30% RH)the insects life cycle (egg-adult) was completed in 19 days with a 7-day preoviposition period. Therewere altogether five nymphalinstras. Eggs were laid singly hidden in the slits made beneath the scaleson the underside of the bud leaf The egg incubation period was 3 days. The duration of the first,second, third, fourth and fifth nymphal instars were 3, 3, 3, 3 and 4 days, respectively. The averagefecundity of the female carsidarid was 50 eggs. The longevity of the adult male and female were 9 and12 days, respectively. The female life-table analysis produced a net reproductive rate (R J value of3.35, the finite capacity for increase (r J value of 1.11 and the generation time (T) of 27 days.



Disease Conditions of Goats in Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


An observation on the disease conditions of goats in Serdang showed that emaciation is themajor problem. Pneumonia, gastro intestinal parasitism and mange mite infestation were among themajor diseases that led to emaciation.



A Comparative Study of Methods for the Analysisof Lead in Mosses


The analysis of Pb in moss was evaluated using different extraction methods. Except for themethod which involved boiling of the moss in HN03 (method E), the rest gives similar readings. It isrecommended that extraction of Pb in highly contaminated moss be carried out by stirring it with2M HNO at room temperature (method G). However, method C would be more efficient for

relatively unpolluted moss.



PerbandinganNilaiα /p dariTigaKaedahPenganalisisanuntukSampel Gas KriptondalamNyahcas Townsend(A Comparison of < α /p Values from Three Methods of Analyses inTownsend Discharge for Krypton Gas)


The Townsend primary ionization coefficients obtained using three analytical techniques tocurrent'amplification method are reported. The analysis techniques used are; three point technique,least square curve fitting technique and Gosseries plot. The primary ionization coefficient obtained byTownsend's method and Gosseries' method are also compared. The result of the measurementscomfirm that the influence of different techniques of analysis as well as different experimental methodsin the determination of α /p for five values of E/p, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 is about < 8%.