West of Scotland

Core Trainee’s

Psychiatry Course

2nd Semester 2014

Afternoon Programme

Venue; Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre, Erskine Hospital

UGASP: see timetable for venue



20th Feb 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Neuropsychology seminar
Dr Steven Meldrum
2.30-3.15 / Neurosciences 4: Neuroimaging Applications in Psychiatry
Prof David Wyper
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
27th Feb 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Neuroscience Seminars 5: introduction to the neuroscience of Schizophrenia
Prof Bob Hunter
2.30-3.15 / Neuroscience 6: Understanding the neuroscience of Schizophrenia 1:
Pre-Clinical Studies
Prof B Morris
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
6th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Understanding the neuroscience of schizophrenia (2) Clinical studies
Prof R Hunter
2.30-3.15 / Genetics 1: Key concepts, ideas and results in the genetics of mental
Dr Maria Jackson
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
13th March 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
20th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Basic Psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology of complex or atypical cases -Dr Justin Crean
2.30-3.15 / Human Psychological Development
Dr Ifaf Asghar
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
27th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Basic Psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology of Psychosis
Dr Jon Macklin
2.30-3.15 / Genetics 2: An Update on the genetics of Autism and Rett’s syndrome
Dr M Bailey
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
17th April 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Psychopharmacology of Old Age
Dr Derek Brown
2.30-3.15 / Genetics 3: Introduction to the genetics of Schizophrenia
Prof R hunter
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
24th April 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Adult Psychiatry 1: Affective Disorders
Dr Malcolm Cameron
2.30-3.15 / Bipolar Scotland
Alan Douglas
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
1st May 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Adult Psychiatry 2: Personality Disorders
Dr Pavan Srireddy
2.30-3.15 / Genetics 4: Genetics of Huntington’s disease
Dr E Tobias
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
8th May 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
15th May 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Adult Psychiatry 3: Schizophrenia
Dr Angela Cogan
2.30-3.15 / Psychodynamic Psychopathology 3
Dr Andrea Williams
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
22nd May 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Adult Psychiatry 4: Anxiety Disorders
Dr Anupam Agnihotri
2.30-3.15 / Advanced Psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology of Alcohol Related
Dr Iain Smith
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
29th May 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Adult Psychiatry 5: Risk Assessment
Dr Ian Clarke
2.30-3.15 / Advanced Psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology of Mood
Dr David Brown
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
5th June 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
12th June 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Introduction to the clinical applications of psychological processes
Dr John Prestwich- TBC
2.30-3.15 / Advanced Psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology of Anxiety
Dr Maire Cooney
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice
19th June 2014 / 1.30-2.15 / Advanced Psychological Processes 1: It’s the thought that counts
Dr Judith Halford/Dr John Prestwich- TBC
2.30-3.15 / Advanced Psychological Processes 2: It’s the thought that counts
Dr Judith Halford/Dr John Prestwich- TBC
3.30-4.15 / Skills based training
Clinical skills practice

20th Feb 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Psychiatry of Old Age – Dementia
Ajay Macharouthu
27th Feb 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Psychiatry of Old Age – Neuropsychiatry in Old Age
Dr Mark Luty
6th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Psychiatry of Old Age – Functional Illnesses in Old Age
Dr Joan Barber
13th March 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
20th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1: ASD and Asperger’s Syndrome
Dr Val Sellars
27th March 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2: ADHD
Dr Alasdair Hosking
17th April 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3: Attachment and Disorders of Attachment – Dr Helen Minnis
24th April 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Learning Disability Psychiatry 1:An Introduction to Learning Disabilities
Dr Laura Cameron
1st May 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Learning Disability Psychiatry 2: Assessment and management of psychiatric disorders in learning disabilities
Dr Omer Rashid
8th May 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
15th May 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 /
Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Learning Disability Psychiatry 3 : Autism spectrum disorders and behavioural phenotypes
Dr Laura Cameron
22nd May 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Topics: Delirium
Dr Ajay Macharouthu
29th May 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Addictions 1
Dr Iain Smith
5th June 2014 UGASP (Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre Erskine Hospital) map available on webpage NHSGGC – home page – microsites – MRCPsych West of Scotland
12th June 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 / Advanced Clinical Seminars: Addictions 2
Dr Iain Mackay
19th June 2014 / 1.30-2.15
2.30-3.15 / Skills based Training
CASC preparation
3.30-4.15 /
Advanced Clinical Seminars: Addictions 3
Dr Iain Smith TBC