PGE Electric Vehicle Employee Survey 2015

March 2015

DHM Research

[Introductory letter appears here]

Types of Vehicles

How familiar do you consider yourself to be with the following types of vehicles?

Response Category / Very Familiar / Somewhat Familiar / Not Very Familiar / Not At All Familiar /
1.  Conventional gasoline vehicles /
2.  Plug-in electric vehicles, such as a Nissan Leaf, that plugs in to recharge the battery.
3.  Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, such as a Chevy Volt, that runs on electricity or gas and also plugs in to recharge the battery.
4.  Hybrid vehicles, such as a Toyota Prius, that use both an electric and a gas motor, but only is fueled by gas.
5.  Natural gas powered vehicles
6.  Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars

Purchasing or Leasing Vehicles

7.  When do you plan to buy or lease your next vehicle?

Response Category / N=
0-6 months
7-12 months
1-2 years
2-5 years
5+ years

8.  For your next vehicle purchase or lease, what type of vehicle would you prefer?

Response Category / Pick One /
Small Compact Sedan /
Standard Size Sedan
Sport Utility (SUV) or Compact Utility (CUV) Vehicle
Luxury Vehicle
Sports Car

9.  About how much would you be willing to spend to purchase your next vehicle (total purchase price)? [OPEN]

10. At what monthly rate (payment amount) would you be willing to lease your next vehicle? [OPEN]

11. What sources of information do you (or would you) use to research a new car purchase (e.g., specific comparison websites, magazines, dealerships)? Please identify specific sources if you can. [OPEN]

12. Do you currently own or lease a plug-in electric vehicle?

Response Category / N=

13. The next time you are in the market for a new vehicle, how likely is it that you would consider buying or leasing a plug-in electric vehicle?

Response Category / N=
Very likely / (Skip to Q15)
Somewhat likely / (Ask Q14)
Not too likely / (Ask Q14)
Not at all likely / (Ask Q14)

14. Why would you not consider a plug-in electric vehicle? [OPEN]

Opinions about Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Below are some reasons that people give for why they would buy or lease a plug-in electric vehicle. From your perspective, how good are these reasons for supporting a decision to buy or lease a plug-in electric vehicle? (Randomize)

Response Category / Very Good Reason / Good Reason / Poor Reason / Very Poor Reason /
15. To reduce fuel costs related to driving
16. To lower vehicle maintenance costs
17. To improve air quality
18. To take advantage of federal and state tax incentives
19. For the pride of being among the first to use a new technology.
20. To reduce our dependence on oil

21. How far would a plug-in electric vehicle need to go on one charge, for you to consider owning one? ______[OPEN]

What’s your best estimate for how long it takes to completely charge a plug-in electric vehicle, in hours? Please round to the nearest hour. ______[whole number]

22. PGE offers workplace charging at some sites. If charging stations were available at your workplace, how much influence would this have on the likelihood that you would purchase or lease a plug-in electric vehicle?

Response Category / N=
Very influential
Somewhat influential
Not too influential
Not at all influential
Don’t know / NA

If PGE were to negotiate special pricing for its employees to purchase or lease a plug-in electric vehicle, which of these promotions would you find most attractive? Please rank these promotions from 1st (most attractive) to 4th (least attractive) even if you have no intention of purchasing a plug-in electric vehicle. (add photos next to description.)

Vehicle / Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price / PGE arranged Discounts (includes tax credits) / Final Price / N= / Rank /
Type / Range / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
Sedan / 80 miles / $30,000 / $13,500 / $16,500
2.Electric Compact / 80 miles / $23,000 / $12,800 / $10,200
3.Plug-in Hybrid Luxury / 37 mile electric-only range then uses gas / $75,995 / $33,500 / $42,495
4.Plug-in Hybrid Sedan / 20 mile electric-only range then uses gas / $37,000 / $14,200 / $22,800
5.Plug-in Hybrid
Sedan / 35 mile electric-only range then uses gas / $40,000 / $14,500 / $25,500


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

23. For each type of promotion, please indicate how likely you would be to purchase or lease a plug-in electric vehicle by the end of 2015.

Response categories / N= /
Type / Range / Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price / PGE arranged discounts (includes tax credits) / Final Price / Yes - Definitely will buy or lease in 2015 / Might consider Purchase / Probably will not Purchase / Not interested /
Sedan / 80 miles / $30,000 / $13,500 / $16,500
Electric Compact / 80 miles / $23,000 / $12,800 / $10,200
Plug-in Hybrid Luxury / 37 mile electric-only range
then uses gas / $75,995 / $33,500 / $42,495
Plug-in Hybrid Sedan / 20 mile electric-only range then uses gas / $37,000 / $14,200 / $22,800
Plug-in Hybrid
Sedan / 35 mile electric-only range then uses gas / $40,000 / $14,500 / $25,500

Additional Discussion

24. PGE may want to meet with a small group of employees to better understand their views on plug-in electric vehicles. If PGE were to conduct a focus group on plug-in EVs, would you be interested in participating? (If yes, collect email address).

Response Category / N=
Yes (Collect email address)

25. If PGE were to provide you with a cash incentive for purchasing an electric car, would you be willing to be part of a research project, providing your feedback on the practicality and customer experience of driving an electric car?

Response Category / N=


For classification purposes only, please tell us a little about yourself:

26. How many miles do you drive (round trip) to commute to work each day? ______miles

27. Do you rent or own your home?

Response Category / N=

28. At your residence, where do you park most often? (Choose one)

Response Category / N=
On the street
In my own garage
In my own driveway
An assigned parking space in a lot/garage
An unassigned parking space in lot/garage
Other / (open)

29. What is your RC? [numeric open]

30. What is your job classification?

Response Category / N=
PGE Employee
Contractor/Contingent worker

31. What is your work location? [open-end]

Response Category / N=
(will add categories)


DHM Research | PGE EV Customer Survey | March 2015