Indiana OB-GYN, PC

Swati Jain, M.D.

Initial Patient History Form

Please complete both sides of this form.

Patient Name ______Age ______DOB ______

Religion ______Marital Status ______

SSN# ______Primary Care Doctor ______


1. Reason for appointment ______

2. Have you or you family ever had any of the following conditions?

Self Your family M F GM GF etc

Yes No Yes No Who

o o a. Diabetes o o ______

o o b. High Blood Pressure o o ______

o o c. Epilepsy or Seizures o o ______

o o d. Frequent or Severe Headaches o o ______

o o e. Sickle Cell o o ______

o o f. Heart Disease/Heart Attack o o ______

o o g. Stroke o o ______

o o h. Cancer o o ______

3. Have you ever had any of the following conditions? If answer is yes, Please Explain

Yes No

o o a. Thyroid ______o o b. Breast Mass, Lump or Discharge ______

o o c. Asthma ______

o o d. TB or any type of Lung condition ______

o o e. Heart Murmurs ______

o o f. Rheumatic Fever ______

o o g. Stomach/Intestinal problems ______

o o h. Hepatitis/Mono or Liver problems ______

o o i. Gallbladder Disease ______

o o j. Chronic Bladder/Kidney infections ______

o o k. VD or STD, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, Clap ______

o o l. Infection of the Uterus, Tubes, Ovaries ______

o o m. Frequent Vaginal infections ______

o o n. Tumors ______

o o o. Blood clots in veins ______

o o p. Varicose veins ______

o o q. Anemia ______

o o r. Rubella (German measles/3 day measles) ______

o o s. Immunizations (vaccinations) ______

o o t. Mental/Emotional problems ______

o o u. Other ______

4. Please list medications that you are taking, include herbal and over the counter





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5. Allergies: are you allergic to medication, food, other? ______

6. Do you use any of the following: How much?

o Cigarettes ______

o Alcohol ______

o Drugs ______


7. Have you ever bee pregnant?

_____ Total # of times Pregnant, include this one _____ Number of Vaginal Births

_____ Number of Live Births _____ Number of C-Sections

_____ Number of Miscarriages _____ Number of Living Children

_____ Number of Elective abortions _____ Age at first pregnancy

8. Any complications with the delivery or pregnancy? ______


9. First date of last period ______

Age when you started your period ______

Number of days from one period to the next ______

Number of days your period last ______

Amount of flow: o Heavy o Medium o Light

Cramping: o None o Mild o Moderate o Severe

10. Do you have any of the following:

o Cramps o Discomfort before periods o Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

o Vaginal Sores o Spotting after intercourse o Painful Intercourse

o  Vaginal odor, itching, swelling, burning

11. Have you had a mammogram? o Yes o No Last Mammogram ______

12. Date of Last Pap Smear ______o Normal o Abnormal Where: ______

If abnormal what type of treatment was used? ______

13. Do you use feminine hygiene products? ______


14. What type of contraceptives do you use? ______

How long have you used this method? ______

Do you want to use another method? ______

Are you trying to get pregnant now? o es o No If yes, how long? ______

How may partners have you had? ______

How old were you when you first had sex ______

Please check all the methods you have used for contraception

o Withdrawal o Oral o IUD

o Condoms o Diaphragm o Foam, Jelly, Cream

o Rhythm o Natural Family Planning o Injection

oAbstinence o Vasectomy oTubes Tied

o Luck

Signature ______Date ______

Physician Signature ______Date ______Page 2of 2