CFDP Steering Committee

Conference Call

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

3:00pm ET | 2:00pm CT


John Burger (ASERL)

Mary Clark (Library of Virginia)

Cheryle Cole-Bennett (ASERL)

David Durant (East Carolina University)

Judy Russell (U-Florida)

Bill Sudduth (U-South Carolina), Chair


Stephanie Braunstein (LSU)

Chelsea Dinsmore (U-Florida)

Sandee McAninch (U-Kentucky)

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The meeting started at 3:04pm


Regional Discard Pilot/Policy – Update/news?

Judy Russell was asked to share an update on the UF pilot discussed in previous meetings. She gave a broad overview of UF’s support for the program, which involves an inventory, adding holdings statements, assessment of condition, and electronic substitution as a component of the project.

The project did not change their existing workflow, processing or policies - other than making the documents non-circulating. She commented that libraries work under a variety of conditions and processes when handling government information, and was hopeful that project proposals would allow flexibility to foster broad participation.

For more information: Judy’s PowerPoint slides from her segment of the Fipnet webinar [April 2016] detail the UF processing of government documents.

While this new discard policy has been approved by JCP [Joint Committee on Printing], it has not formally been implemented. Possibly by October of this year.

CFDP video for new library administrators - identify presenters, create a Subcommittee/Task Force

John Burger envisions the presenters to be mostly library deans, and would provide an overview of why they participate in the project, and what their institution has received as a result of their participation. In the age of YouTube, John expects this would be a very short program – maximum of 5 minutes.

Bill Sudduth volunteered to serve on a Task Force to create this video, and asked others willing to help to email him or Cheryle Cole-Bennett. Judy Russell volunteered.

Earlier in the spring, Mary Clark had offered the assistance of the Library of Virginia’s production studio, and agreed to check with them on availability, as well as any formatting/production requirements they may have.

We might consider filming during the ASERL meeting in December, as ASERL Deans will be available at that time.

FDLP Exchange database – impact on the ASERL Disposition Database.

To his knowledge, Bill Sudduth reported that a formal release date has not yet been determined. He anticipates GPO working toward an October release, near the DLC conference timeline.

Disposition Database stats review/discussion

Bill reviewed the statistics documents, and identified two areas of particular interest.

  • Weeding activities have allowed libraries to free valuable space, and the percentage of items claimed has increased over the past year. Many items have been claimed that might otherwise have been lost.
  • Cheryle discussed a report of user activity – date of last login, date of last offer, and date of last claim. Members discussed the best use of this information and recommended that each state’s activity be shared with the Regional Depository Librarian.

Next CFDP Steering Committee Conference Call: September 28, 2016

Pre- DLC planning (October 17–19, 2016). Can ASERL library reps meet at DLC? Cheryle will explore opportunities.

Steering Committee FY17 (Retirements? New members? Chair). Cheryle reported that Stephanie Braunstein has announced plans to retire after the first of the year. Bill is willing to serve an additional year as Chair, if the committee desires. Unanimous agreement.

Mary Clark announced that Virginia will be holding a meeting for their Selectives in the next week, with representatives from GPO expected to be in attendance. She will provide an update on any information of interest.

With no further announcements, the meeting adjourned at 3:47pm.

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