BOARDElliot Abrams, Chair

Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair

Jeff Luck, Supervisor

Josh Troxell, Supervisor

Walt Wise, Supervisor

STAFFDoug Erickson, Township Manager

Kim Wyatt, Finance Director

Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer

John Petrick, Chief of Police

Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor

EXCUSEDJoe Price, Senior Planner


Barbara Fisher, Resident

Joyce Harvey, Homestead Farms Corporation

Dick Harvey, Homestead Farms Corporation


The December 7, 2011 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the TownshipMunicipalBuilding was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Abrams, Chair.


Mr. Troxell moved to approve the April 25, 2011, November 9, 2011 and November 16, 2011 meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


There were no public comments.


a. Police Update

Chief Petrick stated that there are 3 officers that are now certified to do child seat safety checks, and that Bellefonte Police Department asked for assistance with security in Bellefonte next week for the Jerry Sandusky preliminary hearing.


a. Homestead Farms Neighborhood Improvement District

Mr. Erickson stated that the Homestead Farms Corporation Board of Directors has worked with the Township Engineer and himself to develop a process wherein the Township would accept ownership of these roadways and the required improvements, needed to bring the streets up to public road standards, would be funded by the property owners of the neighborhood. The Neighborhood Improvement District Act (Act of 2000, P.L. 949, No. 130) permits a municipality to levy special assessment fees on the properties of a defined area or neighborhood, and the assessment fees are used to make improvements within the neighborhood.


a.Homestead Farms Neighborhood Improvement District (ContInued)

A Public Hearing was held on October 12, 2011 for review of the “Preliminary Plan for Establishing Neighborhood Improvement Districts for Homestead Farms in Ferguson Township and Patton Township.” This document detailed the specifics of establishing the Neighborhood Improvement District (NID), the special assessment fees to be levied, and the improvements to be undertaken.

There were no substantive changes recommended and the Plan was deemed to be the Final Plan for the NID, invoking a 45-day period in which property owners could file written objections to creating the Homestead Farms NID. The 45-day period expired on November 28, 2011. Seven written objections have been received representing 16.3% of the property owners. The Neighborhood Improvement District Act permits the establishment of an NID when less than 40% of the property owners file written objections.

To conclude this process the Board should consider action on the following items:

i.Adopt Ordinance No. 2011-537

ii.Appoint the Manager or designee to be the PattonTownship member of the Homestead Farms Corporation Board of Directors.

iii.Approve the Articles of Agreement for the Management, Operation and Termination of Homestead Farms Neighborhood Improvement Districts in FergusonTownship and PattonTownship

iv.Adopt Ordinance No. 2011-538

v.Adopt Resolution 2011-009

vi.Approve temporary traffic regulations as recommended

If approved, the NID would become effective December 29, 2011.

The Board appointed the Manger or his designee to be the Patton Township member of the Homestead Farms Corporation Board of Directors.

Mr. Wise moved toadopt Ordinance No. 2011-537, Ordinance No 2011-538 and Resolution 2011-009, along with other recommended approvals noted above. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


a.Fee Schedule Changes

The Board should consider action to approve a Resolution amending the Township’s fee schedule by incorporating the proposed changes to fees as follows:

  • Reduce Building Code Permit Fees by approximately 9% by reducing fee per dollar of declared cost from $0.0099 to $0.0090. (Sections I.A-1.1, I.A-1.2 and I.A-2.2 of Fee Schedule)
  • Increase Fire Safety Permit Fees by approximately 23% by increasing the Reduction Factor (“R”) from 0.51 to 0.63. (Section I.B of Fee Schedule)
  • Increase Rental Housing Fee for Fraternity or Dormitory by $5 per year. (Section I.C.3 of Fee Schedule)
  • Establish a local Rental Housing Permit Application Fee for new rental housing permits of $20/dwelling. (Section III.L of Fee Schedule)
  • Increase Refuse and Recycling Collection Fees by $0.15 per month (Section IV.A.1 of Fee Schedule)

Mr. Wise moved to approve a Resolution amending the Township’s fee schedule. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.

b.Manager’s Employment Agreement

This item was postponed until after the Executive Session

c.Supervisor’s Compensation Ordinance

Mr. Abrams stated that the Second Class Township Code (Section 606) sets maximum compensation amounts for Supervisors based on Township population. With the 2010 Census we now have more than 15,000 residents and the compensation cap is now $4,125 per year (current rate is $3,250 per year). Only those Supervisors taking office in 2012 and beyond are eligible for the new pay rate.

The proposed ordinance has been advertised and is included with the agenda materials.

Mr. Boyer moved to approve Ordinance No. 2011-536. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Wise and Mr. Luck abstaining.

d.Adoption of Capital Improvement Plan 2012-2016, 2012 Township Budget, and 2012 Council of Governments Budget.

Mr. Erickson stated that in October the Board received and reviewed the Manager’s recommendation for the Township’s five year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP provides an additional financial planning tool that serves as a companion to the Township’s annual Budget, focusing on major capital projects, significant operational increases (e.g. staff additions or COG programmatic changes), and long-term financing options. The 2012-2016 CIP, is included with the agenda materials.

At the November 9, 2011 meeting the Manager presented his recommended budget, incorporating the current elements of the CIP, which the Board tentatively adopted with a Real Estate Tax rate of 8.9 mills. This Tentative 2012 Township Budget was advertised for a Public Hearing, which was held on November 16, 2011. The Board received no comments from the Public Hearing.


d.Adoption of Capital Improvement Plan 2012-2016, 2012 Township Budget, and 2012 Council of Governments Budget. (Continued)

The 2012 Township Budget presented for final adoption provides for an increase of 0.2 mills in the Real Estate Tax rate and the following totals:

Revenue $ 8,935,332

Expenditures$ 9,230,213

Revenue less Expenses$ (294,881)

Ending Cash Balance$ 1,122,053

The 2012 Township Budget must be adopted by December 31, 2011.

At the November 28, 2011 General Forum meeting the 2012 Centre Region Council of Governments Budget was approved and referred to the municipalities for adoption. Approval of the 2012 Township Budget would incorporate approval of the 2012 COG Budget.

The Board should consider the following actions to adopt the 2012-2016 CIP and the 2012 Township Budget:

  • Approval of a 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Plan Resolution.
  • Approval of a 2012 Budget Resolution
  • Approval of a 2012 Property Tax Rate Resolution

Mr. Troxell moved to adopt the 2012-16 Capital Improvement Plan Resolutioon, the 2012 Township Budget and 2012 Property Tax Resolution. Seconded by Mr. Wise, the motion passed 5-0.


The items included below are routine in nature and it is not anticipated that any will generate discussion

or questions. The actual Consent Agenda with a brief description of each item is included with the agenda packet materials distributed to the Board and will also be available to the public at the sign-in table. At the request of a Board member any single item or all items on the Consent Agenda can be discussed and voted on separately. If no items are “pulled,” the Board should consider a motion for “approval of the Consent Agenda items as shown on the agenda.”

a. Public Works

1)Materials Bids

The Township has advertised for and received bids for the supply of concrete, asphalt, bituminous road material, gasoline and diesel fuel. A copy of the Township Engineer's Bid Tabulations and recommendation is enclosed.

It is recommended that the Board award the contracts for materials as recommended by the Engineer by memo dated December 2, 2011.


a. Public Works (Continued)

2)Accept Streets in Wooded Hills and Establish Temporary Traffic Regulations

Work on streets in Wooded Hills has been completed and found acceptable by the Public Works Director. The required Deeds have been provided and the Board should take action to accept the streets and establish temporary traffic regulations.

The following temporary traffic regulations are recommended:

Name of StreetSpeed LimitLocation

Hemlock Hill Road25Entire Length

Scarlet Oak Circle 25Entire Length

Pleasant Hill Road25Entire Length

Stop Sign onDirection of TravelAt Intersection of

Pleasant Hill RoadNorthFox Hill Road

Scarlet Oak Circle SouthHemlock Hill Road

One-Way Streets

Name of StreetDirection of Travel

Hemlock Hill Road from Fox Hollow RoadEast

To Scarlet Oak Circle

Permanent regulations must then be enacted by ordinance within 90 days.

It is recommended that the Board approve Resolution 2011-015 accepting street in Wooded Hills and establish temporary traffic regulations as recommended..


1)Voucher Report

A copy of the November 2011 Voucher Report is enclosed. Board members having questions should contact the Township office prior to the meeting so the necessary information can be obtained.

It is recommended that the Board approve the November 2011 Voucher Report.


b.Administration (Continued)

3) Police Pension Plan Employee Contributions for 2012

The 2011-2012 contract with the Police Officers’ Association provides that employee contributions for the Police Pension Plan will be 5.0 percent of base salary for 2012. The amount contributed by officers was determined through arbitration. A confirming resolution is required on an annual basis.

It is recommended that the Board adopt Resolution 2011-014 (copy enclosed) confirming the 2012 contribution rate of 5.0 percent.

Mr. Luck moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0.


Mr. Erickson wanted to remind residents that the Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2012is at 4pm and that the ABC Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is on January 27, 2012 at Toftrees Resort.

He also informed the Board that there is an elected Tax Collector for 2012 and that he met with her today to discuss the position. Ms. Wyatt stated that she told the Tax Collector to contact her with any

questions. Mr. Abrams asked how much would she be paid. Mr. Erickson said she would be getting paid $3.90 per parcel for collecting County, Township and School real estate bills. Ms. Wyatt stated that the Township will be losing out on commission and the residents lose out on having an office that is open during regular business hours. Mr. Abrams stated that there were issues with the last Tax Collector. Ms. Dupuis stated that the concern with the Township is if the Tax Collector decides to stop collecting in the middle of the year that there will be extra costs. Mr. Boyer asked if there is any way PattonTownship can set guidelines. Ms. Dupuis stated that a resolution needs to be done on when and how much money to transfer to the Township but cannot require to be open during business hours. Mr. Abrams asked if there is a guideline on how often Tax Collector contacts us. Ms. Wyatt stated that the Township will be getting a monthly statement of collections and that last year there was over $21 million dollars collected and that the FDIC will only insure up to $250,000. Mr. Abrams stated that he thinks it is for our best interest to give her as much information as possible. Mr. Erickson stated that the Township may assist with getting the first bills out.


Mr. Boyer stated that at the Public Services and Environmental met today and discussed changes to recycling for electronics and discussed a developer in Halfmoon Township’s request to review alternativeseptic systems permitted under the 537plan.

Mr. Luck stated that at the Transportation and Land UseCommittee meeting he discussed a region wide traffic coordination system.


The Board met in Executive Session to conduct the Manager’s performance review.

6. ADMINISTRATION (Continued from earlier in the meeting)

b.Manager’s Employment Agreement

The Board reconvened from Executive Session and continued the meeting.

Mr. Abrams stated that the Legislation in September amended the Second Class Township Code to specifically permit an employment agreement between a Board of Supervisors and a Township Manager. Prior to this legislation the enforceability of such an agreement was questionable, even though many elected governing bodies, including Patton Township, have had agreements with their Managers in place for many years

The amendment to the Code (subsection a1 of Section 1301) limits the term of any agreement to no more than two years. A revised Agreement, indicating changes from the original agreement of February of 2006, was forwarded to Board Members earlier for review.

Mr. Troxell moved to approve the Manager’s Employment Agreement for the period December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2013. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


There was no other business brought before the Board.


There being no further business, by Mr. Troxell‘s motion and Mr. Wise’s second, the meeting was adjourned at7:31 pm.

Douglas J. Erickson, Township Secretary