Dear Families of St. Francis,

As we complete this school year, I am reminded just how quickly time passes. Our 8th grade students have completed their faith based education at St. Francis and soon incoming Kindergarteners will begin their journey.

Our annual auction “Spring Fling” was a great success due to the incredible efforts of Lisa Gillespie Faulkner, Robin Corrington, committee chairs and school families. Thank you for your time and efforts.

As I leave my position in all my prayers & wishes I could not find a better place to end my career. St. Francis Xavier school you are a wonderful blessing in my life.


In Christ,

Phyllis Daily



All students are out of uniform May 28th- 31stdue to our gently used uniform sale. It will take place May 29th, 30th and 31st. All uniforms will sell for $5.00 per item and all money will go to our tuition angel program.


We are continuing with the FACTS tuition program this fall. If you were enrolled last year you will automatically be reenrolled. You may go online to the new website address-

to access your account. Click on “sign in to manage your facts account” to check balances and make scheduling changes. Tuition balances will not be entered until the end of August. If you have any questions please call the school office at 347-3651.


Kindergarten thru 5th grade students NWEA results will be coming home in the same envelope as their report card on the last day of school. Middle School Students will have their NWEA scores and report cards mailed to them after school lets out.


Congratulations St. Francis Xavier Class of 2013

Isabelle Buday, Luke Buday, Julia Budnick, Julia Doskoch, Tyler Fuchs, Kitty Hoffman, David Hosler, Joy Kiogima, Collin LaPrairie, Samantha Mason, Nico Mingrone, Mackenzy O’Leary, Adam Pall, Ryan Powers, Megan Romano, Max Scholl, Ryan Sullivan, Danielle Sylvain, Jacob Taylor and Darby Walker.


There are many items in the lost and found hanging on the staircase by the office. Please take time to check to see if your uniform, coat, lunchbox, etc. is there. Any leftover items will be donated to charitable organizations on June 7th.


If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the D.V.D. played at the Gala Spring Fling, copies will be available in the school office for $20.00 each on Tuesday, May 28th or you can contact Jen Waldvogel directly at 347-2914 to order one.


There is an upcoming volleyball camp for all 3rd-12th graders. Olivet College will be coming to Petoskey High School, July 22, 23 and 24th. Cost is around $120.00 for 3 days of instruction from 9am-3pm. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Levitte @ .


Just a quick thank you, from Sue Levitte for all the wonderful parent support on field day. Fun was had by all of the students and it was a great success because of all of the help from SFX parents. Thanks so much!


A reminder of the immunization requirements from the Michigan Department of Community Health, for the 2013/2014 school year. If you have any questions, please call us at 347-3651.


Thanks to our school families and parishioners for mentioning SFX school when ordering books at McLean and Eakin. McLean and Eakin gives 10% of your purchase back to our school. We just received a check for $161.58 to go towards new books for our school library.


The St. Francis Xavier Class of 2014 will be holding two fundraisers over the summer. They will be parking cars in the SFX parking lot the weekend of sidewalk sales July 26th and 27thand also will be running the Great Bear River Duck Race with the help of the 7th grade class. Raffle Tickets will be sold for $10.00 each and ticket numbers will match a number on a plastic duck. The ducks will be dumped in the Bear River at the “Festival Bay the Bay” on August 17th at 4:00pm and the first three ducks to the finish line will win cash prizes. 1st place-$300.00, 2nd place-$200.00 and 3rd place-$100.00.You can buy raffle tickets from any 7th or 8th grade student. Please support these summer fundraisers.


The scrip program will continue this summer. The following dates are the dates of pickup if you have put in a scrip order by the Monday prior:

Friday, June 14th, June 28th, July 12, July 26th, August 9th and August 23rd. The scrip box will also be available. Cheryl Eberhart and Lisa Pike will be sending out a more detailed e-mail to all scrip recipients with further details. If you have any questions please contact Cheryl at 838-0196 or Lisa at 539-8257.


Camp Sancta Maria, located in Gaylord, Michigan, is a Catholic summer camp with 1 and 2-week camps for boys and one-week for girls. Activities include: a daily mass (children’s liturgy), horseback riding, swimming, a high ropes course, a climbing tower, archery, crafts, sports, a trip to Mackinaw Island and much more. Please call (248) 822-8199 for details or a brochure or DVD. Or visit us online at Financial aid is available.

The Staff of St. Francis hopes your family has a wonderful summer. Please watch for a school mailing after August 15th regarding school opening activities, including welcome back festivities. See you in the Fall!