Via Edoardo Jenner, 10 - 00151 ROMA

Tel.: 06/58230994

APRIL 2017

For Health:

Frank, 34 years old, lung cancer (Sr. Marie Blanche Dulon, France)

Stéphanie Lioret, the threemonth of the pregnant womanis extremely tired and cannot eat normally. (Sr. M. Annick Robez-Masson, France)

Ana González, 44 years old,brain tumor with metastasi(Ana María de Los Ríos, Spain)

Sr. Josephina Sumida, FMI, Provincial of Japan, Parkinson’s disease(Sr. M. de la Croix Kobayahi, Japan)

Antonio, 6 years old, suffering from Prader-Will syndrome(Sr. Caty Pilenga, Italy)

Bianca, breast cancer and metastases in the head (Sr. Caty Pilenga, Italy)

William, 3 years old, autistic(Sr. Caty Pilenga, Italy)

Alessandro, 7 years old, has Crouzon Syndrome(Sr. Caty Pilenga, Italy)

David, 30 years old, wakes up from coma and is recovering in the hospital ( Sr. RenataBizzotto, Italy)

DomenicoDimico, 26 years old, head injury following an accident (Sr. Paola Brivio, Italy)

Robertino, 5 years old, has always delicate health situation, and needs to control and to analysis (Sr. Gianna Carlessi, Italy)

Two married couples(in Rome and in Penna), who want a child so much.(the community of Penna

and Sr. Gianna Carlessi, Italy)

Spiritual Intentions:

-For the Mother Adele Cause: the Congress of Cardinals and Bishops attached to the Congregation of the Cause of the Saints.

- Projects for new FMI foundations: Vietnam and Malawi
- For the Bicentennial of the FMI-SM Foundations
- For the Perpetual Vows Preparation Program 2017: Agen-Rome.

- For the General Chapter 2017
- For Marianist vocations
- For the sale Astaffort Building – FMI, France.

- For the discerment of useof the house of Sixth Avenue - Chile

- For the new Region of Latin America

With Mother Adele

Let us never forget that it is impossible to get to heaven without suffering, that we must carry our cross, that is to say, the one God sends us: daily vexations, putting up with the defects of our neighbor. . . . It is with this coin that we shall purchase heaven. Good Lord! Of what could we complain, we who have so often deserved hell? We, who are but dust and ashes, must learn to humble ourselves and to be counted as nothing.

(Letter No. 689.5, November 16, 1826, to Sister du Sacré Coeur Diché, Tonneins)


  • Please convey the intentions of the Novena to the whole Marianist Family and to all those with whom you collaborate, so they can pray with us.
  • If you wish, your unit may continue to pray for the intentions of the previous month.
    Please send intentions before the 20th of each month.
  • If you receive the news of a miracle or a grace in answer to prayer, please write.
  • Please send all intentions and graces received from the Novena to Sister Susanna Kim:

Sr. Susanna Kim

Assistant for Religious Life