Minutes of the Special


Date: May 11, 2017

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Bouchelle Island Clubhouse

Walt opened the meeting at 10:00 am.

Pledge of Allegiance

Board members in attendance:

Walter Franek / Joe Wegman / Ed Dabrowski / Don Leimenstoll / Bill Saint James / Mary Kay Schramm / John Hankins / Dave Grunderman
Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Phone / Yes / Yes

A Quorum of Directors was established.

Proof of meeting notice provided April 19, 2017.

Don made a motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting and Bill second

Walter Franek / Joe Wegman / Ed Dabrowski / Don Leimenstoll / Bill Saint James / Mary Kay Schramm / John Hankins / Dave Grunderman
Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes

The motion passed.

President’s overview:

Walter began his comments by saying everyone wished Bob Dunham well after his recent heart attack. He is recovering nicely and the association sent him a large fruit basket to his home.

NSB will be offering a “citizens academy” that will last about 2 hours each session and run for 4-6 weeks. You will get a certificate upon completion. Walt has the applications for anyone interested.

Another way to get NSB info is It is monitored by the NSB police and has lots of helpful info. It is a free AP for downloading.

He reminded everyone who uses the boatyard to be sure to lock the gate. It may be a hassle, but it needs to be done. There is over a million dollars of boats and equipment in the yard. Even though we have cameras now that is only helpful after the fact.

Dave brought up the fact that very little has ever been taken from the yard. He noted that in the past they had checked into other locking systems for the gate and they would be costly and high maintenance. Walt appointed Dave to look into other types of systems and report back to the board.

Public Announcements:

Boating Safety classes May 13th and 20th. If you are interested call, they may still have room.

Not enough signed up for the Drivers Safety class. They will not be holding that here.

We will continue to have Presidents meetings though the summer months on the 1st Tuesday of the month.

Ed gave the Treasurers Report: See Attached

He also noted that it is time for all of the task forces and committees to be thinking about what they would like to see in the budget for next year. Please have all the items on your lists to him by the end of July. That way he can have plenty of time to see about working it into next year’s budget.

Debbie Kreinest gave the Managers Report: See Attached

Joe gave the report on the Board Walk: See Attached

Dave Grunderman gave a report on the Boatyard:

They have been doing a lot of in-house work to spruce up and make repairs to damage from the hurricane. They painted the gate, put in new pilings and decorative rope, lights, a roof on the pavilion, new shed and new canoe racks. The coast guard came in for a free boat inspection. The boatyard task force provided soft drinks and snacks. They will be scheduling a cleanup of the boatyard and asking boaters to clean up the area behind their boats. A notice of the date for that will be sent out in the newsletter and posted on the website.

Ed talked about bank account security: All the banking information will be locked in a file in a secure place. This way future board will have that information available to them.

Don gave an update on efforts to improve communication:

The webpage and TV are being updated on a regular basis. We have requested that the Presidents attend the CSA meetings or send a representative from their association. The presidents will continue to have meetings though the summer months. If you have information of interest to the whole community, please send it to the office and we will post it on the web or in the newsletter.

Board Comments: None

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Owner Comments:

Rod Rich: Please give more serious consideration to retention pond. There are over 60 owners who are concerned with the smell.

Also please be sure that the security guards on for the holidays know the difference between family and guest.

There was discussion about the findings on the retention pond. It would involve taking out a lot of muck and dirt to get it down to “clean earth” and set the proper grade for drainage. The equipment involved would be quite costly and the smell would be awful when they turn the muck. Then we have to figure out how to get rid of all the muck and dirt removed and not damage the landscape and golf course getting it out.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35am.

The next meeting will be held June 15th, 2017.


Don Leimenstoll

CSA Secretary

409 Bouchelle Drive, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, 32169