Dear Course Directors, Faculty, and Staff:

Please find below the guidelines for planning and implementing Standardized Patient(SP)activitiesfor the 2015-2016 academic year. Following these guidelines promotes a high quality SP experience for both you and your students. We welcome any suggestions or comments you may have to further improve our services.


To schedule an SP activity,

  • Fill out a request form. We have attached a copy. You can also download a copy from our website at
  • Information needed to complete the form includes your SAP Account number, date and times of workshop/exam, the number and typesof standardized patients needed, the date you will furnish us with copies of the final scripts, as well as your computer lab and AV recording needs.
  • The completed request formis due at least 2weeks before your SP activity.
  • In order to give us time to adequately train standardized patients and prepare our facility, case scripts are due to us at least one weekbefore the SPtraining session.


Our office is responsible for orienting the SP to the standardized patient program and philosophy. For specific workshops/exams, you are responsible for a minimum of 1 hour of training for any new script or for a case that has not been done in 60 days.

*This year, during the training sessions,we want to include practice run-throughs of the activities with the faculty/trainer. In the past most of the time was used reading through the case. Therefore, it is essential to send us the case at least one weekBEFOREthe training session.*

Day of the Exam/Workshop

Joe Gatton, the SP Coordinator, will be in touch with you to confirm any specific needs (such as supply needs, timing requirements, computer and/or simulator coordination, etc.) prior to the date of the activity.


For every 2 hours of SP activity, a 10 minute break is recommended. Any SP activity that lasts over 5 hours will require a 30 minute meal break. SP meals are provided by our office.


The cost for fiscal year July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2016 is $28.00*per SP per hour for both training and the actual encounter with students. (*Rate forout of town activity will be $44.23. Rate for specific invasive procedures will be $44.23 for breast exams and $83.39 for male and female pelvic exams.) Please note that all rates are significantly lower for this year.


To cancel or change a scheduled SP activity, our office must be contacted no later than five (5) days before the originally scheduled time/day.

Thank you, Thank you,

Christopher Feddock, M.D. Joe Gatton

Associate Dean,Curriculum Standardized Patient Program Coordinator