Surgery Hours3
Surgery Contact Details3
The Practice Team
Other Practice Staff5
How the system works, including emergencies,6
house visits and access7
“Out of Hours” Consultations8
Repeat Prescriptions8
Test Results9
How to Register with the Practice9
Changes to Personal Details10
Non Attendance10
Special Medical Examinations and Reports11
The Healthcare Teamand their roles
Practice Nurses12
District Nurses13
Health Visitor13
GP Specialist Trainees14
Medical Students14
Back Pain Service15
Mental Health Care Team/CPN15
More services offered by the Practice and others 16
Care in pregnancy and after16
Child Health Surveillance16
“Baby Friendly”16
Sickness Certificate17
Social Services /Social work18
Contraceptive Services18
Cervical smears19
Diabetic clinic19
Chronicdisease clinics19
Asthma care20
Joint injections20
Minor Surgery, Cryotherapy and Electrocautery20
Stopping Smoking21
Travel Clinic 21
Community Addictions Team22
Sexually transmitted diseases advice /treatment 22
Childhood Immunisation Schedule25
The GP Contract26
Facilities for the Disabled27
Patient Rights and Responsibilities28
Sharing Information about Children at Risk28
Suggestions and Complaints28
Confidentiality 30
Self Treatment of Common Illnesses31
Useful Contacts35
Opening Hours
Monday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm2.00 pm – 6.00pm
Tuesday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Wednesday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm2.00 pm – 6.00pm
Thursday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Friday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Consulting Hours
Monday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm3.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Tuesday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm3.00 pm – 6.45 pm
Wednesday:7.15 am – 12.30 pm3.00 pm – 6.45 pm
Thursday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm3.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Friday:8.30 am – 12.30 pm3.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Telephone Number:0141 956 1339
Emergency Number:0141 956 4334
Fax Number:0141 956 7098
Email address:
Web Address:
A list of other useful contacts is provided on page ?
Dr John M LovettMB ChB (Edinburgh, 1985),MRCGP,
(8 sessions) MaleMBA(Healthcare Management),FPCert.,
Dr Lynette HarkinsMB ChB (Glasgow, 1989), MRCGP, FP Cert.
(7 sessions) Female
Dr Marjorie A FraserMB ChB (Glasgow, 1987)
(5 sessions) Female
Dr John McPhersonMB ChB (Glasgow, 1996),MRCGP, DFFP
(9 sessions) Male
Dr Robert L HarrandMB ChB (Dundee, 1999), MRCGP,
(8 sessions) MaleDRCOG, DFFP
Practice Nurses:
Sister Fiona Bennet MA, RGN, RM, CIDC, FPCert
Sister Joanna LynchRGN, RM, BSc, ADMN, FPCert
District Nursing Team:
Sister Kathleen HalpinRGN, BSc Hons (CNIH),
BSc(Health Studies), Nurse Prescriber
Staff Nurse Gill CabanRGN
Mrs Dorothy MaltmanNursing Assistant
Health Visiting Team:
VacancyHealth Visitor
Staff Nurse Veronica GroomRGN,RMN,BSc,BSc,DipLSN
Practice Manager:
Mrs Vicky LeslieBA(Accountancy)
Health Care Assistant:
Mrs Rhonda Miller
Mrs Joan DoyleMs Emma Gallacher
Ms Danielle Reid
Secretarial and Administrative Staff:
Mrs Margaret ShearerMrs Irene McDonald
Miss Emma Gallacher
Emergencies take priority at all times. Telephone: 0141 956 4334
Making an appointment:
All surgery consultations are by appointment only. Most appointments are available from 08.30 am until 17.20pm, with a smaller number from 7.00am and until 18.45 pm
- An appointment lasts 10 minutes and can be made at the surgery or by telephone (0141 956 1339).
- Out of consideration for your fellow patients, if the consultation is likely to be lengthy, (for example if it involves several problems which cannot be adequately dealt with within a 10 minute time slot) please book a “double appointment” (which allows 20 minutes’ consulting) or two separate appointments.
- You can request an appointment withany of the doctors or nurses in the practice, subject to availability(irrespective of whom you may be officially registered with).
- In addition to our normal appointments (which are available up to 4 weeks in advance) we have a number of appointments available at 24 and48 hours notice; these are available for booking at 8.30 am.
- Same day appointments are availablefor urgent cases and can be booked from 8.30 am. It is best to book these early in the morning.
House Visits
- House visits from a doctor should only be requested in exceptional circumstances. Visits are only for those who, in the doctor’s opinion, are too ill to be brought to the surgery and all house visit requests are vetted by a GP. Lack of transport is not a reason for requesting a house visit – there are several taxi companies for hire locally. Please bear in mind that the average house visit, because of the time spent by the doctor travelling, takes as long as three consultations in the surgery. This affects the service which we can offer to other patients. Facilities at the surgery, including equipment for examination, are superior to those available in the doctor’s bag.
- District nurses have a responsibility for, the housebound elderly and others who can not attend the surgery. They should often be your first port of call. They can carry out many activities including changing catheters, blood tests, care of wounds etc. They can be contacted at Milngavie Clinic on (0141)232 4813.
- Access for the disabled. There is purpose built access at the main entrance for those with mobility problems. The surgery is entirely accessible by wheelchair.
- We have disabled lavatory facilities.
If you need to contact a doctor outside normal opening hours (see page 3) please telephone NHS 24 on Free phone 111 or visit
You normally will be invited to attend a GP run clinic at the Western Infirmary or DrumchapelHospital. In some cases NHS24 will simply offer advice. If medically indicated, a home visit will of course be offered.
We operate a computerised repeat prescription system for regular treatments.
Requests may be made in 3 ways:
1 The counterfoil from the last repeat prescription can be
(i) delivered in person to the surgery
(ii) Sent by postto the surgery with a stamped self-addressed return envelope enclosed
2Use our prescription line – 0141 956 1339, option 4
3 Use our website
Please allow 48 hours(2 working days) for your prescription to be ready for collection.
Local pharmacies/Collection Services
If you intend to collect your prescription from one of the local pharmacies please tell us which one you have registered with.
You need to contact them directly to arrange this facility.
Blood test’sand urine results, xray reports etc can be obtained by contacting the surgery between the hours of 8.30 am and 5pm. The Healthcare assistant, nurse or doctor who takes your blood sample or urine test etc. willprovide you with a form with details of the tests.
You must contact the surgery after the appropriate time to obtain your results. Please ensure that you keep the form so that when you contact reception the receptionist knows exactly which results you are looking for. Do not expect the surgery to contact you with the results.
You must contact the surgery
If you live in the G62 area and will be resident for a period of more than 3 months you can register as a patient at the practice. You will be required to fill out a registration form and a health questionnaire and will need to show reception two forms of identification eg passport and utility bill. The forms are available on our website or can be collected from reception.
As part of the process you will be asked to make an ‘introductory medical’ appointment with one of our practice nurses sometime in the four weeks following registration.
If you are staying in the area for a period of less than 3 months and require medical attention you can be seen as a temporary resident. Please contact reception for more information.
Advance notice will be required for an interpreter.
If you move house or change your telephone number please inform the reception staff so that your records can be updated. In particular, if you change your telephone number please advise the receptionist. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to contact you quickly should we receive urgent information to pass on to you, for example after investigations or blood tests. It is in your interests to ensure that you keep us up to date with your contact details.
Please attend your appointments on time. Failure to do so may result in you being unable to see the doctor. Please also ensure that you cancel appointments which you are unable to attend or no longer require. This can now also be done via our website.
Doctors are often asked to carry out private physical examinations of patients. This may be at the request of employers or insurance companies and will typically take thirty minutes to an hour. The examinations are carried out by Dr Lovett out-with normal surgery hours. A fee is payable for private examinations and/or reports. A list of our current fees is available from the surgery or online.
Please contact one of our secretaries for further details and to arrange appointments for private medical examinations.
Practice Nurses
The Practice Nurses are involved in many activities in the surgery, including advice about travel and administering vaccinations, blood sampling and ear syringing. Increasingly they have a major role in the management of chronic diseases. They work in the surgery.
Sister Bennet has special interests in the management of Diabetes and Heart Disease.
Sister Lynch has a special interest in the management of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Appointments can be made directly for her Asthma Clinic.
Health Care Assistant
Most of your blood tests, blood pressure readings, dressing changes, stitch removal, dressings and height and weight recordings will be carried out by our trained Healthcare assistant, Mrs Rhonda Miller. She is also trained in some vaccinations eg. Influenza.
District Nurses
The District Nurses are based at Milngavie Clinic, Craigdhu Road and can be contacted on:
Mon – Fri 7.00am– 4.00pm 0141 232 4813
Evening – out of hours0141 355 1688
Weekends 0141 232 8100
The district nurses care for housebound patients and visit them at home. Their services include: wound management, palliative care (care of the dying), bladder and bowel management, amongst other things. They are also involved in health promotion and with patients who have had surgery. They are involved with patients who have disabilities, accidents or illness. They are also trained in taking blood samples.
Health Visitor
The Health Visiting Team are based at Milngavie Clinic and can be contacted on:
Mon – Fri 8.30am-4.30pm0141 232 4850
They are mainly involved with children under five. Theyshould be contacted about child health development and childhood immunisations. Breast feeding support, general parenting advice and health promotion and education are also available. They can be contacted regarding local voluntary and statutory services and participate in public health activities.
General Practitioner Specialist Trainees (Registrars)
This practice is a ‘training practice’ for doctors who have decided to specialise in General Practice. They work in the practice for 18 months; initially they spend 6 months as first year trainees then in their third year of GP training they spend a year with us. They aim to obtain the MRCGP qualification and most will subsequently become partners in practices in the future. They have surgeries and carry out home visits just as the partners do.
Dr Lovett and Dr Harkins are the practice trainers and educational supervisors for all trainees. All of the partners are involved in training.
Medical Students
Dr Lovett and Dr McPherson are tutors atGlasgowUniversityMedicalSchool. Medical students from the University and overseas are occasionally present during consultations. If this is so, you will be informed in advance at reception; if you have any objections, the student(s) will leave for the duration of your consultation.
Physiotherapists – Self Referral
The Physiotherapists are based at Milngavie Clinic. This is a ‘DirectAccess’ service. The system is by self referral forms available in the surgery or online. You do not need to see your doctor for this service
Back Pain Service– Self Referral
This is a physiotherapist- run self referral service and can be accessedin the same way as the physiotherapist as above. You do not need to see your doctor for this service
Chiropodists (Podiatrists)– Self Referral
Based at Milngavie Clinic, this is also a ‘Direct Access’ service. Please telephone 0141 636 8421 between 9.00am and 5.00pm if you would like an appointment. You do not need to see your doctor
Mental Health Care Team
This service is for people (over 16 years) with psychological or emotional difficulties such as anxiety, stress and depression. They are based at Milngavie Clinic. You will need to be referred by your doctor. Please consult your doctor in the first instance.
Sometimes it may be more appropriate for you to be seen by a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse (CPN). The latter can do home visits if necessary.
Care in pregnancy and after
You should contact your GP in the first instance who will refer youfor antenatal care. This is now carried out by midwives alone in thevast majority of “low risk” pregnancies. Themidwives also will visit you on several occasions after your delivery.
A post-natal check is usually carried out by your doctor around 6 weeks after delivery here at the surgery. In the interim a member ofour health visiting team will see you to advise about care of your baby including vaccination schedules.
Child health surveillance
This involves checks on your baby’s physical and mental development soon after birth and is carried out by your GP and health visitor.
There is a check at around 6 weeks of age where you will see both your health visitor and GP here at the surgery. Drs. Lovett or McPherson perform these checks
The practice has been awarded “BABY FRIENDLY” status.
Sickness Certificates
If you are absent from work for longer than seven days then you may require a sick line or ‘Fitness to Work’ Certificate. Please note
- Under no circumstances can your employer request a certificate for periods shorter than 7 days except on prepayment.
- If your school, university or college or anyone else requests certification it must be paid for in advance as it is not an NHS service.
- If you are in hospital and need a sick line please ensure that a doctor there provides this and do not request one from the surgery
- Self certificates from 4-7 days off work can be downloaded from our website
Social Services /Social Work
The social workers help with social, domestic, housing and financial matters. Their role is varied but includes providing assessments, help and care for elderly or disabled people who are having difficulty managing in their homes. They should be contacted for assessment and advice regarding residential or nursing home care for you or a relative. You should contact them directly yourself.
They are located at 0141 578 2101:
East Dunbartonshire Council
Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place
Kirkintilloch G66 1XQ
Contraceptive Services
All of the doctors offer contraceptive advice and prescriptions for contraception during normal surgery consultations. No special appointment is required.
If you require an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or “coil”) or implant you should attend the Family Planning Clinic at “Sandyford Initiative” – tel:0141 211 8601. This is by self-referral.
They have a helpful website at
Morning after pill
Despite the name, this is effective if taken up to 72 hours after unprotected intercourse (the sooner the better). Currently pharmacies can provide this free of charge to females aged 13 years or over. You do not need to see your doctor.
Cervical Smears
The majority of cervical smears are carried out by our practice nurses. A recall system is in operation by the health board.
Under normal circumstances smears are carried out every 3 years in women aged 20 – 60 years.
Diabetic Clinic
Dr Fraser and Sister Bennet have a special interest in diabetes and run the diabetic clinics. They are assisted by a podiatrist and a dietician. The practice also has a diabetic nurse specialist within the practice area who can be contacted directly by patients for advice:
Sandra Coates (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri) or
Sharon Sinclair (Mon,Tues, Wed) (Tel. no. 07899 822364)
Chronic Disease Clinics
A number of clinics are run throughout the year to monitor chronic disease eg. Stroke, Chronic Heart Disease, Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis. These are supported by the Nurses and Healthcare Assistant. Attendance is by invitation.
Asthma Care
All of the doctors offer care for asthmatics within normal surgery consultations. Sister Lynch also offers asthma appointments. If you have been diagnosed as asthmatic, it is important to have a review with your doctor or Sister Lynch at least on a yearly basis and sometimes more frequently depending on the level of control of your asthma.
Joint Injections
Dr McPherson has an interest in musculo-skeletal conditions and carries out joint injections for painful joint conditions. If you feel this may be of help to you please make an appointment to see Dr McPherson.
Minor Surgery, Cryotherapy and Electro-Cautery Clinics
Cryotherapy (“freezing”) using liquid nitrogen can be a useful treatment for warts, verrucae and certain other skin conditions including sun damage and skin tags. Appointments can be made at reception. Please advise the staff that you wish this treatment as not all doctors provide it.
There are a limited number of appointments available for other procedures such as removal of toenails and surgical removal of some skin lesions. If you feel this may help you please make an appointment to see Dr Lovett in the first instance. In some cases it may be more appropriate for you to contact a chiropodist(they also carry out toenail operations)[self referral].
If after consultation with Dr Lovett he feels that you should see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon he will make this referral for you.
Stopping Smoking
All of the doctors and nurses in our practice are very keen to encourage people to stop smoking. There is a ‘Smoking Cessation Support’ service, run by nurses, available by ’Direct Access’ based at Milngavie clinic. You do not need to be referred for this service. Self-referral forms are available from reception or can be downloaded from our website.
The telephone number for this service is 0141 232 4800.
The local pharmacies also participate in smoking cessation and currently offer advice and provide free gum and patches (nicotine replacemtn therapy). You contact your chosen chemist