PRESENT:Cllr Mrs S. Mills (Chair)
“ E.J. Breeze
“ Mrs J. Crisp
“ Mrs C. Edwardes
“ Mrs L. Evans
“ Lady Hooson
“ Mrs A.M. Jones
“ Mrs A.Morgan
“ G. Morgan
“ P. Rees
“ G. Rowlands
“ Mrs P. Smith
“ J. Whittal Williams
Town Clerk
1 Member of the Press
Due to the absence of the Mayor, Councillors agreed that the discussion regarding Mayor Making and Mayoral Sunday would take place at a meeting in the Autumn.
Clerk mentioned to Councillors that further to a discussion with Mr Charles Cowan earlier in the day, she needed authorisation from Council that an expenditure of £915 + vat takes place for cleaning down of the brickwork. This is due to second hand bricks being used which require professional cleaning. It was unanimously voted on that Mr Cowan is given the go ahead to carry out the works.
373/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received fromCllr P. Davies
373/02DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr G Morgan declared a personal interest as a member of Powys County Council. Cllr P. Smith declared a personal interest in item 7, Museum. Cllr Rees declared a prejudicial interest in item 10, Community Centre
373/03MAYORS’ SUMMARY Due to the Mayor being absent from the meeting, this item will be carried forward to the September meeting
373/04MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 24.06.13True Record. Unanimously agreed upon
Planning/Environment Panel meeting held on 08.07.13 True Record It was noted in the minutes that a decision regarding the tree in Mr Smarts’ garden would be made at the Council meeting. Clerk informed Councillors that she is still in receipt of only one quotation. Councillors unanimously agreed that Clerk would send details of 3 quotations via e mail in the next 2 weeks.
Town Hall/ Finance Panel meeting held on 08.07.13True Record. Recommendations on items a – e were voted on by the majority of Councillors. Cllr Rees abstained
a)Information from PCC Re Town and Community Council websites – Clerk informed Council that she has sent off the application for the £500 – updating of the web site to be discussed in September
b)Invitation from OVW for Council to become member of the Welsh Language Alliance - received
c)Letter from Welsh for Adults Tutor Organiser at Aberystwyth University - received
d)Newsletter from Age Concern Powys - received
e)Latest edition of The Voice from OVW - received
f)Annual report from the Ombudsman - received
g)Request for donation from Gwyl Gerdd Dant Ystrad Fflur a’r Fro 2013 – it was agreed to take to the October finance meeting
h)Thank you letter from Powys Citizens Advice Bureau - received
373/07TO RECEIVE AND REGULARISE AMENDED ARRANGEMENT IN RELATION TO PAYMENTOF SERVICE CHARGE AT THE MUSEUM, TOWN HALL, LLANIDLOES Cllr Smith declared an interest and left the room. Clerk explained that the letter had come about due to her adding the service charge payment to the regular rental invoice. Clerk agreed to invoice separately and then there will be no need to add the amendment to the lease.
373/08TO RECEIVE AND DISCUSS LETTER FROM SEVERN TRENT Clerk explained that further to a telephone call which had been discussed at the previous finance panel meeting, Clerk had negotiated a reduction of the outstanding amount by 40%, the letter had been received confirming so. Clerk will send a copy of the letter and Council Finance panel minutes to the Internal Auditor before paying the invoice. Clerk confirmed that she has sent an invoice to Toileteers recharging for services.Majority of Councillors were in agreement, there were 2 abstentions (Cllr Rees and Cllr Edwardes)
373/09TO DISCUSS REVISION OF STANDING ORDERS (Cllr Mrs C. Edwardes) Cllr Edwardes stated that she is not happy with various Standing Orders as some of them are irrelevant and outdated. Clerk was asked to contact PCC and OVW for any updates they may have. It was unanimously agreed to have a special meeting in the Autumn to discuss further.
373/10TO DISCUSS COMMUNITY CENTRE ACCOUNTS (Cllr P.Rees) Further to Council receiving Community Centre accounts at the previous meeting, Cllr Rees wished to state that members of the public are under the impression that £10 of the Council tax they currently pay is for the upkeep of the Community Centre. This information is gained from a poll of 50 people carried out by the Trustees. Cllr Margot Jones stated that she does not think that the people in Llanidloes are under the impression that they are funding the Community Centre and are quite clear that it is being run by trustees. Cllr Morgan complimented the Trustees at the Centre but stated that Council has not precepted large amounts of money for the centre for the past couple of years.
373/11TO DISCUSS REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION FOR CLYWEDOG CARAVAN PARK (Cllr P. Davies) As Councillor Davies was not present at the meeting, the item was not discussed.
P2013/0684 Section 73 application to vary condition no’s 2 & 4 attached to planning permission P2012/1250 (for builders merchants) to allow amendment to drainage layout (soakaway details) and removal of ditch from proposals at Old Quality Tools Factory Eastgate Street Troedyrallt Llanidloes
It was unanimously decided that Councillors did not feel qualified to comment on this application and will rely on the expertise of the PCC officers and the officers of Natural Resources Wales to ensure that the modifications are satisfactory and safe and will not cause detriment to the area
373/13ACCOUNTSFOR JUNE were unanimously confirmed :-
Chq No
104775Phyllip Davies(Mayoral Allow)500.00
104776Void 00.00
104777P. Davies (refreshments for mayor making) 93.32
104778Petty Cash 86.02
104779Sonia Pritchard (ex gratia)228.97
104780Inland Revenue 876.40
104781Petty Cash 78.47
Total £ 1,863.18
373/14DATES FOR SEPTEMBER MEETINGS were confirmed as
Environment/Planning & Town Hall/Finance Panel – Monday 9th September
Full Council Meeting- Monday 23rd September
Meeting closed at 7.30 pm