Nimisha Vedanti

Dr. NimishaVedanti

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI)

Hyderabad, INDIA


Shallow Seismic Group


  • Exploration Geophysics, Time Lapse Seismic, Inverse Theory, Reservoir Geophysics


2006-07Ph.D. Geophysics, Osmania University,Hyderabad, India (work done at CSIR-NGRI)

2000M.Sc(Tech)Exploration Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

1997B.Sc(Hons)Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Professional Experience:

03/14-continuingPrincipalScientist, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India

03/10-03/14SeniorScientist, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India

03/07-03/10Scientist, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India

03/04-03/07Jr. Scientist, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India

Visiting Positions:

03/07 -03/08BOYSCAST Fellow, University of Texas at Austin

2005 -2006Visiting Scientist under Indo-Norwegian collaboration project for 6 Months at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway

2010 -2014Visiting Scientist under Indo-Norwegian collaboration project every year for few weeks at SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim Norway

04/16 -06/16CSIR-Raman Research Fellow, University of Calgary, Canada

Teaching Experience:

Associate Professor AcSIR-NGRI

Awards and Honors:

Krishnan Gold Medal (IGU)2017

KR Gupta Medal by Geological Society of India2015

National Geo-science Award (Govt. of India)2012

CSIR-Young Scientist Award 2009

Indian Science Congress Association- Young Scientist Award 2008

Gold Medal for best technical paper by student (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists SPG, India)2004

Fellow of Geological Society of India

Complimentary membership by EGU based on publication in EGU journals

BOYSCAST Fellowship of Department of S&T, Govt. of India

CSIR-Raman Research Fellowship, Govt. of India

Ph.D. Advisor:

Prof. V.P. Dimri, CSIR-NGRI

Scientists with whom I have collaborated (outside NGRI):

Professor David Eaton, Dept of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Idar Akervoll, Dept of Seismic and Reservoir Technology, SINTEF Petroleum Research

Prof. Martin Landro, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Dr. Hossein Mehdizadeh, Statoil, Norway

Prof Mrinal K. Sen, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Authored Book (1)

Fractal models in exploration geophysics: Application to hydrocarbon reservoir, Elsevier Science Publishers, July 2012 (Co-authors: Prof. V.P., Dr. R.P. Srivastava)

Co-Edited Special Issue of Journal (1)

IGU journal special issue based on papers presented during Indo-Norwegian
conference on CO2 EOR (Nov 26-28, 2012), Co-Edotor Prof. V.P. Dimri.

Peer Reviewed Publications: (51)

  1. Pandey, O.P., Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., and Dimri, V.P.,2017, Complexity in elucidating crustal thermal regime in geodynamically active areas: a case study from Deccan volcanic region of western India, Journal of Geological Society of India 90 (3), 289-300.
  1. Rekapalli,R., Tiwari, RK, Sen, MK, Vedanti, N, 2017, 3D seismic data de-noising and reconstruction using Multichannel Time Slice Singular Spectrum Analysis,Journal of Applied Geophysics, 140, 145-153.
  1. Ganguli, SS, Vedanti, N., Akervoll,I, Bergmo, PE, Srivastava, RP, Dimri, VP,2017, Investigating CO2-enhanced oil recovery potential for a mature oil field: a case study based on Ankleshwar oil field, Cambay Basin, India, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (5), 124.
  1. Malkoti,A., Vedanti, N., Bhattacharya, AK, 2017, Inversion of well log data using improved shale model for determination of petrophysical parameters, J. Ind. Geophys. Union (March 2017) 21 (2), 96-104.
  1. Ganguli, SS, Vedanti, N, Dimri, VP, 2016, 4D reservoir characterization using well log data for feasible CO2-enhanced oil recovery at Ankleshwar, Cambay Basin-a rock physics diagnostic and modeling approach, Journal of Applied Geophysics 135, 111-121.
  1. Vadapalli,U, Vedanti, N., 2016, Time-lapse seismic response evaluation based on well log data for Ankleshwar reservoir, Cambay basin, India, J. Ind. Geophys. Union, 20 (5), 472-481.
  1. Ganguli, SS, Vedanti, N, Akervoll, I,Dimri, VP, 2016, Assessing the feasibility of CO2-enhanced oil recovery and storage in mature oil field: A case study from Cambay basin, Journal of the Geological Society of India 88 (3), 273-280
  2. Vedanti, N, 2016, Hydrocarbon reservoir monitoring: Need for multidisciplinary
    approach, Journal of Geological Society of India, 87, 498.
  3. Pandey, O.P., Vedanti, N., Ganguli, S.S., 2016, Some insights into possible CO2
    sequestration in subsurface formations beneath Deccan Volcanic Province of India,
    Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 20-
  4. Pandey,O.P., Tripathi, P., Vedanti, N.,Sarma, D.S., 2016, Anomalous Seismic Velocity
    Drop in Iron and Biotite Rich Amphibolite to Granulite Facies Transitional Rocks from
    Deccan Volcanic Covered 1993 Killari Earthquake Region, Maharashtra (India): a Case
    Study, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-17, published online.
  5. Banerjee, P., Vedanti, N, 2016, Fractal Characters of Porous Media and Flow Analysis,In Fractal Solutions for Understanding Complex Systems in Earth Sciences (Ed.Dr. V.P.Dimri), Springer, 67-77.
  6. Ganguli, S.S., Vedanti, N., Akervoll, I., and Dimri, V.P., 2015. Assessing the Feasibility of CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage in Mature Oil Field: A Case Study from Cambay Basin.Jour. of GSI (Accepted: In Press).
  1. Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., and Dimri, V.P., 2015, New Gravity Bases in Jabera-Damoh, Vindhyan Basin, Central India, Journal of Geological Society of India, 85, 359-366.
  1. Ghosh, R., Sen, M.K., Vedanti, N., 2015, Interpretation of a growing CO2 plume at Sleipner, North Sea observed in time-lapse seismic data using rock physics modeling, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 32, 147-158.
  1. Banerjee, P., Vedanti, N., Singh, V.S., 2015, A conceptual numerical model to simulate hydraulic head. Water Resources Management, 29 (3), 771-784.
  1. Vedanti, N., S. Yerramilli, R. Yerramilli, Mrinal K Sen, R.P. Srivastava, 2015 Integrated Reservoir Characterization for understanding In-situ Combustion Process in Balol Heavy Oil Field, India, Interpretation (SEG Journal), 3(2), T69-T80.doi:10.1190/INT-2014-0110.1
  2. Ganguli, S.S., Nayak, G.K., Vedanti, N. and Dimri, V.P.,2016. A regularized Wiener–Hopf filter for inverting models with magnetic susceptibility. Geophysical Prospecting, 64, 456–468. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12285.
  1. Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., Yerramilli, R., Yerramilli, S., Akervoll, I., Bergmo, P., Dimri, V.P., 2015, Study of CO2 EOR in a Sector Model from Mature Oil Field, Cambay Basin, India, In: S. Mukherjee (ed.), Petroleum Geosciences: Indian Contexts, Springer Geology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03119-4_3,87-98.
  1. Vedanti, N., Lakshmi, K. J. P., Dutta, S., Malkoti, A., & Pandey, O. P. (2015, December
    17). Investigation of Petrophysical Properties and Ultrasonic P-and S- Wave
    attenuation in Deccan Flood Basalts, India. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, DOI
  1. Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., Kunagu, P., & Tiwari, R. K. (2015, December 17). Modeling
    Viscoelastic Seismic Wave Propagation in Deccan Flood Basalt, Western India. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, DOI
    5898555.1, 3764-3768.
  1. Rajesh, R., Tiwari, R.K., Sen, M.K, and Vedanti, N., (2015, December 17). De-noising of 3D seismic data using multichannel singular spectrum based time slice and horizon
    processing, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, DOI 2015-5843217.1. 4708-4713
  1. Pandey, O.P., Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., Dutta, S., and Dimri, V.P., 2014, Anomalous crustal and lithospheric mantle structure of southern part of Vindhyan basin and its geodynamic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 91, 316-328.
  1. Uma, V., Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., and Dimri, V.P., 2014, Estimation of permeability of sand stone reservoir by fractal and Monte – Carlo simulation approach: A case study, Non Linear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 9–18.
  1. Pandey, O.P., Vedanti, N., Lakshmi, K.J.P., Tripathi, P., Sen, M.K., Kumar, V., Ravinder, S., 2014, Composition & Elastic Properties of Deccan Volcanic Basement: Evidences from Killari borehole, Western India, Goldschmidt 2014 Abstracts, 1896.
  1. Pandey, O.P., Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., 2013, Anomalous lithospheric and geodynamical evolution of the southern part of Vindhyan basin, central India, Mineralogical Magazine,(3212, GOLDSCHMIDT abstract).
  1. Pandey, O.P., Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., Uma, V., and Dimri, V.P. 2013, Was Archean Dharwar craton ever stable: A seismic perspective, Journal of Geological Society of India, Vol.81, 774-780.
  1. Yerramilli, S., Yerramilli, R., Vedanti, N., Sen,M.K., Srivastava, R.P., 2013, Integrated Reservoir Characterization of an Unconventional Reservoir using 3D Seismic and Well log Data: A Case Study of Balol Field, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, doi 2279-2284.
  1. Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., Uma, V., 2012, Seismic Reservoir Monitoring for EOR process in Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Journal of Applied Geochemistry (special volume), Vol. 14(4), 402-413.
  1. Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., Pandey, O.P., Mandal, P., Kumar, S., and Dimri, V.P. 2011, Predicting Heat Flow in the 2001 Bhuj Earthquake(Mw 7.7) Region of Kachchh (Western India), using an Inverse Recurrence Method, Non Linear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 611–625, 2011, doi:10.5194/npg-18-611-2011
  1. Vedanti N., Srivastava, R.P., Pandey, O. P., and Dimri, V. P., 2011, Power law behaviour in continental crustal heat production and its implications to the thermal regime of the continents, Minerological Magazine, Vol 75(3), P 2076.
  1. Dimri, V.P., Srivastava, Ravi. P., Vedanti, N., 2011, Fractals and Chaos, In: Encyclopedia of solid earth geophysics, Ed. Harsh Gupta, Springer.
  1. Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R. P., Pandey, O. P., and Dimri, V. P., 2011, Fractal behaviour in continental crustal heat production, Non Linear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 119–124, 2011, doi:10.5194/npg-18-119-2011
  1. Mehdi Zadeh, H., Srivastava, R., Vedanti, N., Landrø, M., 2010 "Seismic monitoring of in-situ combustion process in the Balol heavy oil field", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 7(1), 16-29, doi: 10.1088/1742-2132/7/1/002 (Most popular article of 2010).
  1. Vedanti,N., Srivastava, R.P., and Dimri, V.P., 2010, Possible Extension of Hydrocarbon Bearing Jabera-Damoh Vindhyan Basin, Central India and its Geotectonic Evolution: Inferences from Detailed Gravity Studies, Proceedings of 8th SPG conference Hyderabad, P-130.
  1. Vedanti, N., Pathak, A., Srivastava, R.P., and Dimri,V.P., 2009, Time Lapse (4D) Seismic: Some Case Studies, e-Journal Earth Science India, Vol.2 (IV), 230-248, ISSN: 0974-8350.
  1. Vedanti, N., and Sen, M.K., 2009, Seismic Inversion Tracks In-Situ Combustion: A Case Study from Balol Oil Field, India, Geophysics, V. 74(4), p.B103-B112 (highly appreciated by the Editor, Listed as Top 20 Downloads of SEG).
  1. Srivastava, R.P.,Vedanti, N., Pandey, O.P., and Dimri, V.P., 2009, Detailed gravity studies over Jabera-Damoh region of the Vindhyan basin, central India and crustal evolution, Journal of Geological Society of India, Vol. 73, 715-723.
  1. Srivastava, R.P.,Vedanti, N., Pandey, O.P., and Dimri,V.P., 2009, Mafic crustal exhumation below Jabera-Damoh region of Vindhyan basin (India) and thermo-tectonic evolution, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Special Supplement, Vol 73, p A1260. (IF 4.235).
  1. Sen, M.K., and Vedanti, N., 2008, "Prestack Seismic Inversion Tracks In Situ Combustion: 4D Seismic at the Balol Field, India", SPE-116600-PP, ATCE.
  1. Vedanti,N., Srivastava, R.P., and Dimri, V.P., 2007, Is source distribution of radiogenic heat generation inside the crust fractal? EOS Transactions AGU Fall meeting Supplement, 88(52) December 2007.
  1. Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., and Dimri, V.P., 2007, Optimum design of a gravity survey network and its application to delineate the Jabera-Damoh Vindhyan basin, Central India, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 1-14.
  1. Hossein, M., Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., Landro, M., 2007, Seismic monitoring of in-situ combustion in the Balol heavy oil field, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007: 2878-2882. doi:10.1190/1.2793064.
  1. Vedanti, N., Srivastava,R.P., Sagode, J., and Dimri, V.P., 2005, An efficient non-linear Occam’s inversion algorithm with analytically computed first and second derivatives for DC resistivity sounding, Computers & Geosciences, 31,319-328.
  1. Dimri, V.P., Vedanti, N., and S. Chattopadhyay, 2005, Fractal analysis of aftershock sequence of Bhuj earthquake - a wavelet based approach, Current Science, 88(10) 1617-1620.
  1. Mehdizadeh, H., Landrø,M., Mythen,B.A., Vedanti, N., and Srivastava,R.P., Time lapse seismic analysis using long offset PS data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2005 – Vol, 24, pp. 2480-2483, doi:10.1190/1.2148225.
  1. Dimri,V.P., Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., and Optimum gridding of potential field data: a case study, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2005- Vol 24, pp. 674-675, doi:10.1190/1.2144413.
  1. Dimri,V.P., Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., 2004, Scaling in Geophysics: Advancements in Hydrocarbon Exploration Techniques, Oil Asia Journal, 24 (2), 49-53.
  1. Srivastava, R.P., Chattopadhyay,S., Vedanti, N., and Dimri, V.P., 2004, Gravity and magnetic studies over the circular geomorphic crater looking structures in the Narmada traps, central India, Journal of Geological Society of India,64,97-101.
  1. Vedanti, N., and Dimri,V.P., 2003, “Fractal behavior of electrical properties in oceanic and continental crust”, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, V. 32(4), 273-278.
  1. Dimri,V.P., Srivastava, R.P., Vedanti, N., 2003, Computation of gravity response over a basin of fractal geometry, Expanded Abstracts, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol 22, 596-598 doi:.10.1190/1.1817998.
  1. Dimri,V.P., Vedanti, N., Srivastava, R.P., 2003, An efficient and accurate algorithm for non-linear inversion of resistivity data following Occam’s inversion scheme, Expanded Abstracts, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 22, pp. 534-536, doi:10.1190/1.1817963.1.(Declared Best Technical paper of the session by Prof S. Trietel).

Papers in Indian Edited Volumes: (4)

  1. Dimri,V.P., Bansal, A.R., Srivastava, R.P. and Vedanti, N., 2003, Scaling behavior of real earth source distribution: Indian case Studies, in: “Indian continental lithosphere; Energy research trends”, (Ed. T.M. Mahadevan et al.), Geological Society of India, Memoir-53, 431-448.
  1. Dimri, V.P., and Vedanti, N., 2005, Scaling evidences of thermal properties in Earth’s crust and its implications, In: Fractal behaviour of the Earth system, Edited V.P. Dimri, Springer, New York, p. 207.
  1. Dimri, V.P. Srivastava, R.P., and Vedanti, N., 2008, Tools for Enhanced Oil Recovery, In: Carbon Capture and Storage, R & D Technologies for Sustainable Energy Future, (Eds. M. Goel, B. Kumar, S.N. Charan), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, p. 219
  1. Vadapalli, V., and Vedanti N., Well log analysis for shale gas prospects in Ankleshwar
    field, Cambay basin, India, contribution to a book titled "Shale Gas: Exploration,
    Exploitation, and Production" to be published by Elsevier (Ed Dr A.M. Dayal)