Conference and research visit travel application form

Student details

Student name (BLOCK CAPITALS) ______

Student number ______

Supervisor ______

Are you currently off-books*? Y/N

Please complete either conference OR research visit section below:

Conference name / Research visit
Location / Location
Dates / Dates

Funding application (Please submit 2 months in advance of conference/research visit)

Date of submission of application ______

Total requested amount ______(Maximum €500)

Breakdown of costs

  1. *Travel:

Bus €/ Air €/ Boat €/ Rail €

Total travel cost €

  1. Accommodation:


Number of nights (maximum 5 nights may be supported):

  1. *Registration fee (if applicable): €

Total cost of travel, accommodation and registration fee €

Total amount requested from the DAH travel fund €

*Please quote the most economical fares available

*Please note that confirmation of the registration fee must be included in receipts when claiming your travel cost reimbursement

Have you applied for other funding to attend this conference? Y/N

If yes when and for what amount? ______

Has this application been successful? Y/N

Conference attendance details

Are you presenting a paper at this conference? (please supply confirmation of this – invitation, schedule etc) Y/N

Are you attending this conference as a spectator only? Y/N

What benefit to your DAH research is this conference? (please give explanation)

Is there an opportunity for you to profile the DAH programme at this conference? Y/N

If yes, how?


Applicant ______Date______

Supervisor ______Date______

Budget line (for official use)



Your application will be submitted to a DAH finance committee and reviewed under the terms and conditions of the PRTLI grant. You will be informed of the outcome of your application as soon as possible after this committee meets.

*A student can be off-books in two ways

  1. Off-books: A student takes a year out and returns in the next academic year to continue their studies. Students must apply to the Senior Lecturer for permission to go off-books. Permission is normally only granted to students in good standing, ie already entitled to join the class above on their return to College.
  2. Off-books exams only: A student does not attend lectures or classes etc but is required to take examinations during the annual examination period. This is usually done in a repeat year where a student has applied to, and been granted permission by, the Senior Lecturer to take this course of action.