Workshop program, 1st Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop
(See the following pages for detailed session programs.)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time / Event /8.30-9.00 / Workshop registration
9.00-9.15 / Workshop introduction
9.15-10.00 / Group discussions – what do we want to know about markets? (Getting to know some of the participants.)
10.00-10.30 / Coffee
10.30-11.00 / Feedback from group discussions
11.00-12.30 / Session 1a. Representations. Papers 1-3 (30 minutes/paper). Chair: Douglas Brownlie. / Session 1b. Temporalities & communities. Papers 4-6 (30 minutes/paper). Chair: C-F Helgesson.
12.30-13.45 / Lunch
13.45-14.30 / Plenary session: Bernard Cova
14.40-15.40 / Session 2a. Architectures. Papers 7-8. Chair: Hans Kjellberg. / Session 2b. Devices. Papers 9-10. Chair: Robert Spencer.
15.40-16.05 / Coffee
16.05-16.50 / Plenary session: Steve Woolgar
17.00-18.30 / Session 3a. Contestations. Papers 11-13. Chair: Steve Vargo. / Session 3b. Consumption & use. Papers 14-16. Chair: Lisa Penaloza.
19.30- / Workshop dinner
Friday, June 4, 2010
Time / Event /8.30-10.00 / Session 4a. Possibilities & realities. Papers 17-19. Chair: Susi Geiger. / Session 4b. Monitoring & auditing. Papers 20-22. Chair: Ebba Sjögren.
10.00-10.30 / Coffee
10.30-12.30 / Session 5a. Ideas & ideals. Papers 23-26. Chair: John Finch. / Session 5b. Valuation. Papers 27-30. Chair: Debbie Harrison.
12.30-13.45 / Lunch
13.45-14.30 / Plenary session: Barbara Czarniawska
14.30-15.45 / Coffee & Group discussions – Future directions in the study of markets?
15.45-16.30 / Concluding roundtable
Session program
Thursday, June 3, 2010
1a. Representations. Chair: Douglas Brownlie
1. Laure Seguy. How public policies feed the market: a case study of the translation of the PNNS’ ”nutritional balance” concept in the French market. Discussant: Johan Hagberg.
2. Lisa Penaloza & Alladi Venkatesh. The Market as a Sign System and the Creation of Sign Value. Discussant: Katy Mason.
3. Johan Hagberg. Cheapest, largest, best. Representation disputes in the Swedish Market Court. Discussant: Lisa Penaloza.
1b. Temporalities & communities. Chair: C-F Helgesson
4. Pascale Trompette. Political devices behind the formation of the market: The case of the funeral market in France. Discussant: Carole Botton.
5. Aliakbar Jafari. A Historical View of the (Re)Formation of Markets in the Context of Islamic Captialism (7th-13th Centuries). Discussant: Pascale Trompette.
6. Carole Botton. Auction sales for racehorses: market, community and practices. Discussant: Aliakbar Jafari.
2a. Architectures. Chair: Hans Kjellberg
7. Jesper Meijling. The market – A configurational problem? Discussion around a porto franco constitution and its plan. Discussant: Dan Neyland.
8. Dan Neyland. Market inversions: selling security, securing sales. Discussant: Douglas Brownlie.
2b. Devices. Chair: Robert Spencer
9. Per Andersson, Jan Markendahl, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson. The Mobile Phone as a Market Shaping Device. Discussant: John Finch.
10. Susi Geiger and John Finch. Why Market(er)s Can’t Handle Hot Objects. Discussant: Per Andersson.
3a. Contestations. Chair: Steve Vargo
11. Satu Reijonen and Kjell Tryggestad. Contested and compatible environments: on the possibility of a green market. Discussant: Erik Stam.
12. Erik Stam and Gerard de Vries. Carbon Markets: Serving the public interest by disciplining organizations? Discussant: Ebba Sjögren.
13. Liv Fries, C-F Helgesson and Ebba Sjögren. Non-coherencies in the ordering of markets. Discussant: Satu Reijonen.
3b. Consumption & use. Chair: Lisa Penaloza
14. Alexandre Mallard. Developing uses, qualifying goods: on the construction of market exchange for internet access services. Discussant: Gerard de Vries.
15. Lionel Sitz. Kitchen stories: Practices, contexts and consumptionwork. Discussant: Alexandre Mallard.
16. Debbie Harrison and Hans Kjellberg. How users shape and use markets. Discussant: Lionel Sitz.
Friday, June 4, 2010
4a. Possibilities & realities. Chair: Susi Geiger
17. Sara Lindeman. Market Shaping in Urban Slums: Introducing the Concept of Aspiring Markets. Discussant: Céline Cholez.
18. Steve Vargo & Robert Lusch. Toward a Science of the Market: Orientations and Directions. Discussant: Lars-Gunnar Mattsson.
19. Céline Cholez, Pascale Trompette, Dominique Vinck and Thomas Reverdy. BOP markets: a change of paradigm. Discussant: Steve Vargo.
4b. Monitoring & auditing. Chair: Ebba Sjögren
20. Kimberly Chong. ’The Market’, Time and Billable Hours: An Ethnographic perspective on Audit Culture in Post-Mao China. Discussant: Kevin Mellet.
21. Jean-Samuel Beuscart and Kevin Mellet. Competing Quality Conventions in the French Online Display Advertising Market. Discussant: Stefan Schwarzkopf.
22. Stefan Schwarzkopf: Of ’Christall Mirrors’ and ’Barometers’: Audience Measurement Systems and the Historical-Ontological Trajectories of the Market for Attention. Discussant: Suvi Nenonen.
5a. Ideas and ideals. Chair: John Finch
23. Glenn Morgan. Constructing Financial Markets: reforming Over-theCounter derivatives markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Discussant: Mats Bladh.
24. Mats Bladh. Implementing marginal cost pricing. Discussant: Philip Roscoe.
25. Damien Cahill. Did the new right make neoliberal markets? Discussant: Glenn Morgan.
26. Philip Roscoe. On the possibility of organ markets and the performativity of economics. Discussant: Damien Cahill.
5b. Valuation. Chair: Debbie Harrison
27. Véra Ehrenstein. Making Climate change mitigation operational: Valuation in a project-based carbon market. Discussant: Luis Araujo.
28. Lotta Björklund Larsen. Helping hands in modern markets. Constructing the ’good deal’ when purchasing informal work in Sweden. Discussant: Annmarie Ryan.
29. Winfred Ikiring Onyas, Annmarie Ryan, Morven McEachern. Market shaping and valuation in the Ugandan Coffee Value Chain. Discussant: Kaj Storbacka.
30. Frank Azimont and Luis Araujo. Re-classifying and Re-valuing Goods: a case-study. Discussant: Kajsa Lindberg.