Time / Task / Materials
Concrete, Representational, Abstract Teaching Sequence / CRA Article

Bradley Witzel Video on CRA

Graphic Organizer of Strategies:
Ask participants to solve 9 x 4 using more than one strategy.
While participants are solving the problem, walk around and select participants to share who are solving the problem using the following strategies. As you are selecting strategies, be sure to put them in a pre-determined sequence as suggested below. You may need to share some of the strategies that were not used.
Participants will draw models as they are discussed on the backside of the graphic organizer. After strategies are discussed participants will partner to complete the front side of the graphic organizer, filling in such things as vocabulary, core connections and possible questions at varying DOK levels.
*At this point, don’t tell them whether the strategy is concrete,representational, or abstract.
Model with manipulatives (concrete)
Draw a picture (representational)
Nine groups with 4 objects in each group.

Number line (representational)
Make 9 jumps of 4. Each number represented on the number line is 4 more than the previous number.

An array (representational)
9 x 4 or 4 x 9 (Discuss the commutative property)
Use arrays to show that if you turn them they are the same, you are not adding anything or taking anything away.

Repeated additionor skip counting (abstract)

Double and double again (abstract)
Solve 2 x 9 = 18.
Double for 4 x 9 = 18 + 18 = 36.

Solve using a 10 (abstract)
10 x 4 = 40
Remove 1 group of 4. 40 – 4 = 36
To prove it, draw a 10 x 4 array and remove one group of 4 for 9 x 4 (representational).
Doubling and Halving (abstract)
9 x 4 = 18 x 2 = 36 x 1
You double one factor and half the other until you are left with an easier problem to solve

Use the 9s pattern (abstract)
All products of 9 add up to nine. Whatever number you are multiplying by, subtract 1. In this case it is 4. 4 – 1 = 3. Three is the number in the tens place. To find the number in the ones place, think what plus 3 equals 9. 3 + 6 = 9. So the answer is 36.
Distributive property (abstract)
Break one factor into 2 numbers that are easy to multiply by. Leave the other factor whole.

Show video clip 4:59:
You will need to be aware that there is an error in the video that some participants may notice. In the beginning when the narrator shows a multiplication fact to be solved, he demonstrates columns and rows. In fact, if we’re being technical, rows represents the first number and columns represent the second number. This is not the main point of the video, however. The point is that we can solve a fact we don't know by using the distributive property. Another important concept of the video is that one number can be broken into more manageable chunks, while the other number needs to remain whole. Also because of the commutative property, the fact can be looked at either way. / Strategy Graphic Organizer
Document Camera, or white board
Distributive Property Video

30 min / Graphic Organizer Partner Activity
With a partner participants will now complete the front side of the graphic organizer. They will reference their core, the progression documents and the math cognitive rigor matrix to complete the graphic organizer. Allow 10 minutes to share out. / Strategy Graphic Organizer
Cognitive Rigor Matrix
10 min
35 min / The Distributive Property Reading
Distribute NCTM article and allow time for reading. Ask participants at their tables to discuss article using the Final Word Protocol below.
Final Word Protocol
1. In tables identify a facilitator/time-keeper.
2. Each person needs to have one “most” significant idea from the text underlined or highlighted in thearticle. It is often helpful to identify a “back up” quote as well.
3. The first person begins by reading what “struck him or her the most” from the article. Have this person refer to where the quote is in the text - one thought or quote only. Then, in less than 3 minutes, thisperson describes why that quote struck him or her. For example, why does s/he agree/disagree with thequote, what questions does s/he have about that quote, and what issues does it raise for him or her, whatdoes s/he now wonder about in relation to that quote?
4. Continuing around the circle each person responds to that quote and what the presenter said, briefly, inless than a minute. The purpose of the response is:
• to expand on the presenter’s thinking about the quote and the issues raised for him or her by the quote,
• to provide a different look at the quote,
• to clarify the presenter’s thinking about the quote, and/or
• to question the presenter’s assumptions about the quote and the issues raised (although at this timethere is no response from the presenter).
5. After going around the circle with each person having responded for less than one minute, the personthat began has the “final word.” In no more than one minute the presenter responds to what has beensaid. Now what is s/he thinking? What is his or her reaction to what s/he has heard? / NCTM Article “The Distributive Property in Grade 3?”
Final Word Protocol
Graph Paper Array Activity
Write each problem one at a time on the board or large post-it pad. Solve each odd number problem by representing it on graph paper. Solve the even number problems by manipulating the odd number array. See examples on paper copy.
  1. 10 x 9
  2. 9 x 9
  3. 6 x 6
  4. 3 x 6
  5. 9 x 3
  6. 6 x 9
**Now go back and identify each strategy as being concrete, representational, or abstract. / Graph paper
Graphic Organizer of Strategies:
Solve 12 x 23 using more than one strategy.
While participants are solving the problem, walk around and select participants who are solving the problem using the following strategies. As you are selecting strategies, be sure to put them in a pre-determined sequence as suggested below. You may need to share some of the strategies if they were not used.
Participants will draw models as they are discussed on the backside of the graphic organizer. After strategies are discussed participants will partner to complete the front side of the graphic organizer, filling in such things as vocabulary, core connections and possible questions at varying DOK levels.
Note: manipulatives, pictures, and repeated addition are no longer efficient strategies for a 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problem.
An Array (representational)
Break into friendlier chunks. This example used tens and ones.
(10 + 2) x (20 + 3)
Partial Products
6 (3 x 2)
30 (3 x 10)
40 (20 x 2)
200 (10 x 20)
Distributive Property (abstract)
Break one factor into 2 numbers that are easy to multiply by. Leave the other factor whole.
(10 x 23) + (2 x 23) = 12 x 23
230 + 46 = 276
Common mistake: (10 x 20) + (2 x 3). Show the array model to demonstrate that not all parts are represented.
Reason behind error: students are used to breaking one number apart and keeping one number whole.
Compensation (abstract)
Select an easier number to multiply by (in this case 25), and then subtract the number of groups you added on.

Common mistake: only subtract 2 instead of 12 groups of 2.
Lattice: Great opportunity to discuss procedure without understanding.
Often time students love lattice model, however this method is very procedural and lacks place value. Students who prefer this method are probably lacking foundational place value understanding. These are the students that struggle with the traditional algorithm because they do not understand the role zero is playing.

Traditional algorithm (abstract)
Connect to the array model. Each problem solved is represented with the corresponding number in the array model.
/ Strategy Graphic Organizer
Document Camera, or white board
Graphic Organizer Partner Activity
With a partner participants will now complete the front side of the graphic organizer. They will reference their core, the progression documents and the math cognitive rigor matrix to complete the graphic organizer. Allow 10 minutes to share out. / Strategy Graphic Organizer
Cognitive Rigor Matrix
Division Graphic Organizer of Strategies:
Ask participants to solve 56 ÷ 8 using more than one strategy.
Select participants to share most of the following strategies. You may need to share some of the strategies if they were not used. As you are selecting strategies, be sure to put themin a predetermined sequence as suggested below, moving from concrete examples tomore abstract examples.
Participants will draw models as they are discussed on the backside of the graphic organizer. After strategies are discussed participants will partner to complete the front side of the graphic organizer, filling in such things as vocabulary, core connections and possible questions at varying DOK levels.
Model with Manipulatives (concrete)
Make 8 groups of 7 (or 7 groups of 8) cubes or counters. Share a counting onstrategy or partitioning into equal groups.
Draw a picture(representational)
8 groups of 7 objects in each group or 7 groups of 8 objects in each group.

Equal Groups- Partitioning(representational)
8 groups of 7 objects in each group or 7 groups of 8 objects in each group. Similar to modeling with manipulatives and drawing a picture.
56 ÷ 8 or 56 ÷ 7
(Discuss the commutative property)

Use arrays to show that if you turn them they are the same, you are not adding anything ortaking anything away.
Repeated Addition- Skip Counting(abstract)
7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 or 8+8+8+8+8+8+8
Repeated Subtraction- Skip Counting(abstract)
56-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 or 56-8-8-8-8-8-8-8
Fact Family/ Inverse Operation Multiplication(abstract)

Traditional Algorithm(abstract)

Partial Quotient (abstract)

Answer: Add 5+2=7 / Graphic organizer
Graph Paper/ Hundreds Chart
Colored Pencils
Cube Manipulatives or Counters
Graphic Organizer Partner Activity
With a partner participants will now complete the front side of the graphic organizer. They will reference their core, the progression documents and the math cognitive rigor matrix to complete the graphic organizer. Allow 10 minutes to share out. / Strategy Graphic Organizer
Cognitive Rigor Matrix
Using Place Value to Divide (abstract)
Show clip: (7 minutes)

Questions to Consider:
How does Ms. Simpson encourage mathematical discourse?
Why is it important to discuss and understand multiple strategies?
What can you learn from Ms. Simpson about facilitating discussion?
Discuss value of number strings
Try a number string with participants.
Use hyperlink to help guide discussion:

Math Task:
The Teachers’ Lounge LESSON PLAN
A teacher notices a serviceman in the teachers’ lounge filling two different vending machines with different beverages. The first machine only holds water. The second one holds different flavors of juice. The teacher asks the person filling the machines how many bottles of water the machine can hold. The machine can hold 156 bottles. Next to the machine, the man has a cart with the water bottles on it. The bottles were in six packs, and the teacher wonders how many six packs the machine will hold.
The second machine, the juice machine, also holds 156 bottles. The machine doesn’t just hold one kind of juice, there are six different flavors: apple, cranberry, lemonade, grapefruit, grape, and orange. The machine holds an equal amount of each flavor. The teacher wonders how many bottles of each flavor fit in the juice machine when it is full.
Students work on the problems in pairs. Teacher walks around and takes note of the variety of strategies that they see. They select two or three strategies to share during the debrief / gallery walk.
Here are some strategies you might see:
  • The bottles arranged in arrays
  • Students may not realize that the two problems are related, don’t lead them to the connection, let them make it on their own
  • Groups of six
  • Skip counting, with each multiple of six representing another six pack
  • Partitive grouping
  • Counting three times
  • Drawing all bottles, then grouping them by 6’s and counting the groups
  • Looking at every tenth multiple in the skip counting sequence
  • Using ten-times to make partial products
As students finish up their work, have them make posters that depict the important things they want to share the next day in Math congress. The posters should be clear for others to understand.
Questions to ask students as they work on their posters:
How is this strategy the same? How is it different? Did you try any strategies before this one? How do we know this strategy worked? Which strategy is the most efficient? Will these strategies work for bigger numbers?
Collect student work. Sort into three groups: those who’ve got it and are ready to move on, those who need a little more practice, and those that need extra help. How will you support each learner?
Conduct a gallery walk to give students a chance to comment on their peers’ posters. Ask students to explain their strategies and talk about the relationship between problems.
Pass out sticky notes for students to ask questions or comment on the class posters. Allow time for students to post their notes on the posters and then time for them to read the commentsand questions on their own posters.
Have students meet to discuss the posters you selected from day one. Encourage students to talk about the strategies shared and to make comparisons between strategies. Could discuss different division notations.
Chris NataleFosnot, C. (2007) The Teachers’ Lounge. (pp. 11-20). Portsmouth, NH:
/ Drawing paper
Unifix cubes, tiles, graph paper, poster paper, markers