Code of Conduct for Murray Polocrosse Club

Modified from

1.Abide by rules of the Polocrosse Association of Australia and amendments by the PAWA

2.Players must comply with uniform dress code requirements of the club (i.e. white jeans, club shirt, safe riding boots, approved helmet) and your horse (bandages/boots, bellboots, plaited tail, breastplate, saddle with double girth or surcingle and bridle)

3.Show a spirit of cooperation in your club for the betterment of Polocrosse.

4.Acknowledge and respect those in leadership positions within the club.

5.Acknowledge and respect umpires and officials from all clubs

6.Be a role model for your club and sport.

7.Verbal abuse of officials or other players is prejudicial and will be dealt with within the club constitution (see appendix 1) and could lead to expulsion from the club.

8.Work equally hard for yourself and for your team. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you.

9.Be a good sports person. Acknowledge all good players, whether in your team or the opposing team.

10.Play for the fun of it and not just to please parents and coaches.

11.Excessive consumption of alcohol is not encouraged by Seniors and will not be tolerated by Juniors at any time. Non prescription, illegal drugs are forbidden at all times.

12.Players must take responsibility for the fitness, care and general well being of the horse at all times.

13.Care and consideration must be shown to your team mates and the opposition horses at all times

14. If coaching within the club, select players based on their ability and develop teams for the betterment of the club and players


Signed (applicant or parent or guardian if under 16)


Appendix 1

Excerpt from Murray Polocrosse Club Constitution in regard to conditions for cessation of membership