Programme Philosophy

The programmeaims to provide safe and stimulating sessions that cater for the children’s different ages, genders and cultural backgrounds as well as encompassing individual needs and interests.Safety of the children is the paramount consideration during the programme.

1. Operation

RASC provides a well-managed service for the Roseneath School community.

Programme hours

The programme operates from 3:00pm – 6:00pm on Monday through to Friday during the school term. The programme does not operate on public holidays.

Fees(GST incl.)

Regular bookings $20 / child / session

$38 / 2 siblings / session

$55 / 3 siblings / session

Fees are due weekly/ fortnightly/ per term in advance and are non-refundable.Regular bookings apply for the whole term, except public holidays.

Extra day/s can be booked midterm for regular attendees subject to space and staff availability.

No fee applies when notification is given at start of term for an absence of 3 or more consecutive days within that term.


Online bankinginto the RASC account number: 38-9007-0456474-00(Include name)

Extra fees

$5late pick up fee for every 5 minutes after 6pm

$5 admin fee for invoices sent out for outstanding fees

$10 late feefor every month from date of issue for outstanding invoices

WINZ subsidies are available for qualifying families. Please organise this with your case manager before you enrol at RASC

Enrolment Procedure

RASC Registration and Enrolment forms are available on the Roseneath School website or by contacting the operator. Signed forms can be returned to the RASC operator, the school office or the RASC supervisor.

  1. Fill out and return a signed Registrationform.
  2. Fill out and return a signed Enrolmentform.
  3. Registration and Enrolment forms are required from each household where parents/ caregivers are living in two separate households. ie. Two forms/ child/ren/ household.
  4. Attendance onthe programme is subject to confirmation of a booking and payment as per terms and conditions.
  5. It is the parent/caregiver’s responsibility to inform the operator of any changesto the information given.
  6. If there are changes to an existing booking or other details, enrolments forms must be renewed by the start of each term.
  7. New registration and enrolment forms are required at the start of each year.


The RASCservice will ensure staff and child confidentiality. At all times the programme will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993.

Arrival and pick up

Parents/caregivers are required to sign their child/ren out of RASCby 6:00pm and ensure a staff member is aware of the pick-up.

Parents/caregivers are required to contact the operator before the beginning of the programme if their child will not be attending.

If a child does not arrive at the programme, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The school will be contacted for absence information
  2. Parents/caregivers will be contacted
  3. If parents are unavailable, emergency contacts will be contacted
  4. Local police will be contacted

If a child arrives at the programme but the regular fee is in arrears, the following procedure will be followed:

The child/ren will be sent back to the school and the parent/ caregiver will be

contacted to come and collect the child/ren immediately.

If a child is not collected by the end of the programme, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. A staff member will remain with the child
  2. Parents/caregivers will be contacted immediately
  3. Emergency contacts will be contacted if parents have not been contactable.
  4. If there has been no contact with the parents or emergency contacts within 30 minutes of the programme closing, the police will be contacted to pick the child up. A note will be left at the centre indicating where the child has been taken. The Operator will also be informed.

Parents/caregivers are required to inform the operator if a person not listed on the child’s enrolment form as an authorised person will be collecting the child.

Permission must be given for children to leave the programme unaccompanied.


If any parents/caregivers have complaints about the programme or staff members, the following process is in place:

  1. The parent/ caregiver contacts the operator who will attempt to rectify the situation.
  2. If the parent/caregiver is still unhappy, they should then contact the RASC

Management Committee in writing with details of the grievance and desired


  1. The Management Committee will respond to the complaint within 14 days.
  2. A mutually agreeable outcome will be sought. This may be with the assistance of an external mediation service.
  3. Wherever possible the requests of parents/caregivers will be incorporated in programme planning and design.

2. Programme Content

RASCprovides a safe, varied and stimulating programme that best captures the spirit of regeneration and informal learning in out of school activities.

The following activities are offered on a daily basis:

  • arts and crafts project
  • sports or active group game
  • quiet games or activity
  • free outdoor play
  • supervised homework sessions (Monday – Thursday)


Children are provided with a nutritional afternoon tea: fresh and dried fruits and toast with various spreads. Treats may be provided for birthdays and special situations.

Parents/caregivers are required to brief staff fully on any food allergies that their children have and provide the nutritional requirements required.

3. Health and Safety

RASC operates in a safe and healthy environment, suitable for the care of children and for the needs of the staff and volunteers. At all times the well-being and safety of the children is foremost. All relevant legislation is adhered to.

Programme supervision

The staff/child ratio is 1:10 on the programme and there are two adults on site.

Children are in view of staff at all times.

Children are informed of the boundaries they are required to stay within at all times and must inform an adult when they are going to leave the area. Formal attendance checks and head counts are made regularly and often.

Sun-Safe Policy

Parents/caregivers are encouraged to have sun hats for their children to wear outside during terms 1 and 4 and sunscreen is provided at the programme to use. Children are reminded to wear their sun hats and are directed to play in shade where possible.

Accidents/emergency procedures

A first aid kit is kept on the premises and our staff has been briefed in first aid and emergencies. In the case of a serious accident involving your child, the staff will contact you and take your child to the nearest medical facility. In a civil emergency the staff will remain at the centre until all children are collected.

Serious accidents andsafety compromising incidents are recorded by staff on an Accident or Incident sheet. Parents/caregivers will be informed and asked to sign the sheet when collecting their child/ren.

Illness and medication

Please do not send along sick children as we do not have the facilities to care for them. If a child becomes ill during the day they are made comfortable, put into a quiet area and the parents/caregivers notified. Medicine is not administered unless parents/caregivers have signed a medicine consent form.

4. Behaviour Management

RASC is designed to ensure that children and families experience an environment where they are safe, secure, respected and their dignity is protected.

RASC staff and children have made a set of rules for the programme which are discussed with each new child. They reflect respect for each other, the equipment, property and the environment.Staff encourage children by outlining what is expected of them and explaining the consequences of behaviour outside those boundaries.

Positive reinforcement is used at all times and a varied programme is provided.

Children are only physically restrained if immediate safety is at risk and verbal commands have failed. If a child continues to showviolent or dangerous behaviour where other children’s safety or supervision is compromised, the operatorreserves the right to contact the parent/caregiver and request the child be collected immediately to ensure the safety of others.

Procedure for dealing with adverse behaviour:

RASC staff will document incidences where any of the following occur:

  • Hurting other children or staff
  • Threatening or intimidating
  • Creating safety issues for themselves or others by refusing to comply with safety routines
  • Having a significant impact on other children’s participation and enjoyment
  • Causing damage to property or the facility

The operator will contact the parent/ caregiver and may negotiate an ‘exclusion from the programme’ period, to allow things to cool off and an opportunity for the child to make changes.The problem may require an individual plan with target behaviours, clear expectations, incentives and consequences. Regular communication with parents and a limited trial period may be put in place.The RASC staff team will be informed and asked to support the process.

A full set of the RASC policies is available from the operator.

If you have any questions or concerns, the operator is available for you.