Some from other AEC Verticals. Still work in C3D 2012







MassElementOpSubtract ?









Object Anchor – to anchor an AEC object to another AEC object.
Curve Anchor – to anchor objects to the base curve of other objects.
Leader Anchor – to anchor nodes on a layout curve with a leader.
Node Anchor - to anchor nodes on a layout curve or grids
Cell Anchor – to attach objects to positions on a 2D layout grid or 3D volume grid.
Volume Anchor – to anchor objects to volumes on 3D grids.

LayoutCurveAdd-to space nodes along an object.


AECLINEWORKSHRINKWRAP-Create a boundary polyline around selected objects.


Napkin Create a Squiggle effect.

AECFILEOPENMESSAGE Dislay courtesy message when opening a file from a previous version of ADT [Yes/No]

OSNAPOVERRIDE Set OSNAPOVERRIDE to 1. You then cannot pick a point that does not conform to your running osnaps.

SPACESWITCH Set to 0 to prevent doubleclick inside a viewport from switching to Model Space.

If you encounter problems with the method (alignment) of linetype generation (dashed segments in corners, dashes in dotted line, etc.) you can try to use an undocumented alignment code in the linetype definition (.LIN file) - instead of "A" use "S". E.g.:

*DASHED,Dashed ______

S, 12.7, -6.35

FILTERS Use to bring up a dialog box to decide which layer filters to keep and which to delete.

Civil 3D


Start with this command, which will check for overlapping alignments, feature lines, and lot lines in a Site. A dialog box will be displayed, prompting you to select the Site to check. This command will mark any overlapping locations found with AutoCAD points, placed on the layer _OVERLAPPING_SEGMENT_LOCATIONS.

Note: To see the AutoCAD points better, you can use the DDPTYPE command to change the visibility settings if necessary, which will force a Regen. However, in cases with unstable Gradings or behavior a Regen may result in a crash.

Press the F2 button to review the command line. You will see the result of the check, and it will tell you which of the following commands to use to remove the overlaps.

Once you have performed the first set of recommended corrections, erase the AutoCAD points that were created and then run the AeccFindSiteOverlaps command again to see if any overlaps remain.


This command will move each overlapping feature line to its own individual Site, with the name "Overlap X" (Overlap 1, Overlap 2, and so on.). This command will not remove feature lines that use grading criteria. The thought here is that feature lines used simply as breaklines will be removed to separate sites but can still be used to create surfaces. Feature lines created from Survey data will only be included if they are part of a named Site.


This command moves alignments to the Alignments collection in Prospector. The alignments will no longer be part of the Site, but their names will be maintained.


This command performs the same function as AeccRemoveDupFeatureLines command above, except it will move overlapping parcel lot lines to separate Sites. It operates on the linework, not the parcels themselves, so removing some of the parcel linework to its own site may either create new parcels or remove existing parcels (a similar effect to moving the lines with the Move to Site command).

MAPLAYOUTREFERENCESYSTEM Not unreferenced but hard to remember.

Creates a reference system for a selected viewport on the layout tab of your map.

OSNAPOVERRIDE. Available in 2006 and up

I often have to draw lines using Osnaps. Especially random lines and PLines based on nodes. One problem that you can face when working quickly is that even with the running Osnap set to Node you can still miss a pick. AutoCAD will still let you pick a point in the drawing that is not a Node. Then you end up with an invalid vertex.

This can be solved by setting OSNAPOVERRIDE to 1. Once it is set to 1 you can only select a point that matches your Osnap. This can save a lot of zooming and let you be more confident in the lines you’ve created.

One thing to remember is that you want to set OSNAPOVERRIDE to 0 as soon as you’re done. That’s because it will affect every pick. If you leave it set to 1 and try a copy, move, offset, etc. you will only be able to pick an entity at a point that matches your running Osnap.

Strikethro​ugh in Mtext

Not an AUTOMATIC option: you could go nutty and slip this unicode in between each letter


CoreUnicode that do lines in text:





Dean Saadallah


Controls whether hidden objects remain hidden between drawing sessions.

OJBECTISOLATIONMODE controls whether objects that are hidden using the ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS command remain hidden after saving and reopening the drawing.

0 Isolated/hidden objects are temporary for current drawing session

1 Isolated/hidden objects persist between drawing sessions


Not undocumented but forgettable.