The following officials attended the meeting:-
1. Dr. A.K.Ambasht, Member Secretary, DPCC
2. Dr. Manju Shukla, Medical Superintendent, G.B.Pant Hospital, Delhi
3. Dr. Chandra Prakash, SEE (BMW), DPCC
4. Sh. Shyam Sunder, AEE(BMW),DPCC
The meeting of the BMW Committee No. 2, constituted for deciding Authorization under the BMW Rules, was held on 12.08.2009 and decisions taken by the Committee are as follows:
Decisions Taken Agenda wise (please refer Annexure 1):
Agenda 1:
Decisions were taken in case of 83 units which were issued letter / reminder letter for submitting Noise Monitoring Reports ( S.No. 1 to 83). Replies / Noise Monitoring Report werereceivedfrom27HealthCareEstablishments(HCEs)anddecisionstakenaregivenat(S.No.:1,3,7,18,21,22,25,26,33,40,42,43,44,45,47,48,50,51,57,66,67,70,73,74,76,80,82). In case of 2 HCEs at S.No. 27 & 79, letters were returned back and it was decided to inspect & paste the letters. In rest of the 54 cases of HCEs, it was decided to issue Show Cause Notice (SCN) under section 5 of Environment Protection Act (EPA) for non submission of Noise Monitoring Report.
Agenda 2:
Decisionsweretakenincase of 13 HCEs which were issued final reminder for notapplyingforrenewalofAuthorization under BMW Rules (S. No. 84 to 96). In 4 cases replies were received & decisions taken are given at (S. No. - 88,89,91,96. In rest of 9 cases of HCEs it was decided to issue Show Cause Notice (SCN) u/s 5 of Environment Protection Act (EPA) since unit not applied for renewal of Authorization under BMW Rules. Application for renewal of Authorization under BMW Rules & Noise Monitoring Report are also to sought in these cases.
Agenda 3:
Decisionsweretakenincaseof25HCEswhichwereissuedLetters/FinalRemindersforthecorrectionofthedeficiencies (BalanceFee/otherdocuments) (S. No. 97 to 121). In 14 cases replies were received & decisions taken are given at
(S. No.- 97,99,100,101,106,107,110,112,114,116,117,118,120,121). In rest of 11 cases of HCEs decision taken are given at S.No. 98,102,103,104,105,108,109,111,113,115 & 119.
Agenda 4:
Decisions were taken in 8 cases of HCEs in which inspectionswere carried out after the meeting on 19.05.2009 and decisions taken are given at S. No. 122 to 129.
Agenda 5:
Decisions were taken in miscellaneouscases of 12 HCEs ( S. No. 130 to 141). In 5 cases replies were received & decisions taken are given at (S. No.- 130,132,133,135,139). In rest of the cases decisions taken are given at S.No. 131,134,136,137,138,140,141.
Decisionstakenin6casesoftheHealthCareEstablishmentswhichappliedfortheauthorizationafter last meeting, are given at S.No.142to147.As decided files are to be put up administratively in these cases.
Inspections are to be carried out in case of 5 HCEs at S.No. 27,33,50,79 & 122.
Authorization under BMW Rules were granted to 6 HCUs (S.No.- 7,88,100,107,118,139)
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair
Name of HCE / Address of HCE / Date of application for Auth. / Distt. / No of Beds / Auth. Status / NMR / Valid Agreement With Operator / Status / Remarks / Decision taken on 19.05.09 / A.T.R. w.r.t. decision taken on 19.05.09 / Remarks / Decision taken on 12.08.09Gauri Hospital Ltd / 30, Malka Ganj Road, Jawahar Nagar Delhi-7 / 18-Jun-07 / N-010 / 24 / G / Y / Y / Authorization is valid upto 03.05.10. Applied for renewal of authorization with agreement & affidavit. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for CTO on 17.10.07 without noise report. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / NMR Submitted / No Action
Leprosy Mission Hospital / Nand Nagri Delhi-93 / 08-Aug-07 / NE-004 / 40 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 03.05.10. Applied for renewal with affidavit and agreement. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. No reply / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s), Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Bhagwati Hospital (Sarvodaya Health Foundation (Regd).} / CS/OCF-6, Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi-85 / 10-Apr-07 / NW-262 / 32 / G / Y / Y / Authorization is valid upto 30.07.10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for consent on 15.10.07. Noise report is submitted.CTE issued. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). / Reminder Issued / NMR Submitted / No Action
Spring Meadows Hospital (P)Ltd / F-44 East of Kailash , New Delhi-65 / 28-Mar-07 / S-032 / 23 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 30.07.10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for consent on 05.10.07. Noise report is not submitted. No reply. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
K.R. Hospital / D-19/1519-520, Chatterpur Hill, New Delhi / 07-Feb-05 / S-250 / 15 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 03.05.10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for consent on 05.10.07. Noise report is not submitted. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Welcome Health Care Centre & Hospital / A-1/26, Aya Nagar Extension, Phase-IV, Main Market, New Delhi / 10-Jul-07 / S-262 / 15 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 03.05.10. Applied for renewal with affidavit and agreement. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Delhi E.N.T. Hospital and Research Centre / FC-33/13, Jasola.New Delhi / 08-Aug-07 / S-269 / 20 / G / Y / Y / Authorization was valid upto 20.10.08. Applied for consent on 22.12.06. Noise report is submitted. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s).& ask the unit to apply for renewal of authorization / Reminder Issued / Reply received / Authorization Granted
Diagnostics Poly Clinic & Medical Centre / A-1/46, Mahavir Enclave , Palam, New Delhi-45 / 08-Mar-07 / SW-036 / 12 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 30.07.10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for consent on 29.10.07. Noise report is not submitted. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Ansari Hospital / Gali No.6, Main Sagarpur, Near Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, New Delhi / 09-Sep-05 / SW-134 / 20 / G / N / Y / Authorization is valid upto 03.05.10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08. Applied for consent on 08.10.07. Noise report is not submitted. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). Unit be informed that CTO is not required in view of the policy decision taken & circulated vide letter dated 19.11.08. Application for CTO to be treated as disposed off. / Reminder Issued & unit informed / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Lok Kalyan Samriti / Sucheta Bhavan,11-A,Vishnu Digambar Marg New Delhi-2 / 17-Nov-04 / C-014 / 30 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s). / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Temple Nursing Home / Ansari Road ,Daya Ganj , New Delhi-2 / 28-Feb-07 / C-020 / 20 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Mangla Hospital / Plot No.1, Tent Wali Gali, Motia Khan, Ram Marg, Near DVB Office, Near Idgah Parrk, Delhi-55 / 11-Oct-05 / C-056 / 15 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Sunder Lal Jain Charitable Eye Hospital / Sadar Thana Road , Motia Khan ,Pahar Ganj Delhi-55 / 04-Apr-07 / C-074 / 10 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Delhi Hospital & Vardhman Diagnostics / 1- Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-02 / 28-Feb-07 / C-081 / 12 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Grover Maternity and Nursing Home / 10-A Kundan Nagar , Laxmi Nagar , Delhi-92 / 10-Apr-07 / E-074 / 10 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Malik Nursing Home / B-1298 GDC Mayur Vihar Phase-III, Delhi-96 / 12-Mar-07 / E-100 / 10 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Passi Hospital & Nursing Home / 31,Mahila Colony , Main Road.,Near Jheel, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-31 / 02-Feb-07 / E-114 / 15 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Surgi centre Nursing Home & Maternity centre / D-15 Vivek Vihar Delhi-95 / 05-Nov-04 / E-138 / 25 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / Reply received on an affidavit for not having DG Set / No Action
Tirupati Stone Centre & Hospital / 6, Gagan Vihar, Delhi-92 / 14-Mar-07 / E-168 / 10 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Varmani Hospital / Plot No-8, LSC Block-B, Mayur Vihar, Phase-II, New Delhi / 24-Apr-07 / E-169 / 15 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Aditya Varma Hospital & Research Centre / 32, Chitra Vihar, Vikas Maarg, Delhi-110092 / 10-Jan-07 / E-177 / 10 / G / Y / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / NMR submitted / No Action
Makkar Medical Centre / A-1 Priyadarshini Vihar, New Delhi-92. / 06-Feb-06 / E-190 / 10 / G / Y / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / NMR submitted / No Action
Gansh Ortho Trauma & Medical / F-15/7,Krishna Nagar,Delhi-51 / 12-Feb-07 / E-202 / 20 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Parmarth Mission Hospital / 23/7, Shakti Nagar Delhi-7 / 15-Nov-06 / N-050 / 26 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / No Reply. / SCN u/s 5 of EPA be issued for non submission of Noise monitoring Report
Sanjivani Nursing Home / D-13 Kamla Nagar, Delhi-7 / 11-Apr-07 / N-062 / 11 / G / N / Y / The HCU is having valid authorization. / Issue Final Reminder for submission of Noise Monitoring Report for DG Set(s) / Reminder Issued / Asking for 3 weeks time to complete the work / Time Granted