St. John’s Directory
Pastor: The Reverend Dr. Eric Childers
Director of Church Administration: Barbara McDaniel
Director of Youth and Family Ministry: Megan Homesley
Director of Music: Kim Harris
Nursery Supervisor: Trinity Smith
President of the Congregation: Dr. Chris Madison
First Vice-President: Kent Farmer
Second Vice-President: Jack Weller
Secretary: Patsy Dellinger
Treasurer: Max Dellinger
Where the Word is proclaimed, bread is broken,
and fellowship is shared!
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The Newsletter of St. John'sLutheranChurch, CherryvilleNC28021
Called. Forgiven. Nourished. Sent.
You will be seeing this phrase more and more in the coming weeks. Take a moment to think about what it means. First, these four words are condensed from the St. John’s mission statement. Second, these words describe the parts of our weekly service together--the Gathering, the Word, the Meal, and the Sending. Third, these words describe what happens to us, what God does to us and for us, when we come to church. Finally, “called, forgiven, nourished, and sent” describes a little bit about who we are as people of St. John’s and as people of God.
Yes, church “happens” on Sunday mornings, but it can also “happen” other times of the week, too. In a homily a few weeks ago, I mentioned that soon we will be celebrating two weekly congregational meals together. One meal is during Holy Communion on Sunday mornings, and the other will happen on Wednesday evenings.
This brings us to Launch Week and the start of an expanded weekly ministry called St. John’s Wednesdays. No doubt, you have heard about it by now. For years and years and years, St. John’s has celebrated a healthy Wednesday ministry, primarily for children, called Rainbow Club and Wednesday Church School before that. St. John’s Wednesdays is simply an expansion of those successful programs, but it also includes a weekly congregational meal at 6:00. Our time together on Wednesdays is intended to be an intentional cross-generational experiment, where all ages of St. John’s folk interact together.
While the meal is a central part of this ministry, catechism classes will lead off each Wednesday. The Rainbow Club will now include Bible lessons, crafts, and games for the youngest St. John’s children (pre-school through elementary school), and the new Eagle Club will be a homework and mentoring time for middle schoolers. In October, I will offer a weekly Wednesday Bible study for adults, beginning at 5:00. After dinner, Kim Harris will lead children’s music at 6:30 (the Sunshine Singers, Eagle Singers, and Eagle Ringers) and adult music at 7:00 (St. John’s Chancel Choir)
Called. Forgiven. Nourished. Sent. (continued)
In this effort, Megan, our teachers, and I are attempting to increase Biblical literacy among our parishioners. “Dwelling in the Word,” our theme this year for Rally Day, will be woven throughout worship, learning, and fellowship this fall. Both the children in the Rainbow Club and the adults in the Wednesday Class will study major Bible figures and Bible stories. The Holy Scriptures are the focus for Sundays and Wednesdays, while the Tuesday Class will begin a fall study of Martin Luther’s life.
If you are a regular parish education student, great! Choose your class and let’s get started. If you are new to church classes (or maybe just out of practice), I encourage you and your family to consider giving parish education a try. Besides learning about and discussing important topics, parish education classes build relationships between parishioners, create fellowship opportunities, strengthen the church body, and lead to congregational growth.
You are called, forgiven, nourished, and sent when God meets you at church. We gather around the table on Sunday morning for Holy Communion and are nourished. We will gather around the table on Wednesday evenings for dinner and be nourished. We will gather around the table in classrooms and be nourished. In different ways, we are nourished in each of these events, but the one thing common among all three is God’s presence at each event. At each of these, we are connected to each other in the body of Christ.
It is a good time to be at St. John’s. You parishioners are making things happen, and there is a certain electricity in the air. We Christians call that electricity the work of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to bring a new person to St. John’s, maybe a friend or family member. Introduce them to the excitement of the Holy Spirit at work!
The Peace of the Lord be with you always,
The Reverend Eric Childers, Ph.D.
Pastor’s Report: Report attached. Pastor reported that we will launch the new Sunday School year with Rally Day on September 9th. Youth Prayer Breakfast will resume on September 12th. New worship booklets will be introduced on September 9th using Setting 6. New members will be received in October. Dawn Beck made a motion to accept this report, seconded by J. D. Hullander. Motion carried.
Youth and Family Ministry: Report attached. Heather Mauney made a motion to accept this report, seconded by Dawn Beck. Motion carried.
Report of the Treasurer: Report attached. Max Dellinger reviewed report. Seasonal offering from Lent was $1,122. Thrivent will match these funds. After discussion, Kent Farmer made a motion that we leave money where it is until after meeting in September, seconded by Heather Mauney. Motion carried. Max also reported that expenses for the backpack program at John Chavis (12 students) is fully financed by donations. Andy suggested asking Boards what they actually need rather than what has always been done in past. Accounting is to give quality of information for all to understand. Andy explained St. John’s new “Score Card” which will be used to give the monthly financial information to the Council. It was suggested that a comparison between last and current month needed to be included. Kent Farmer made a motion to accept this new statement, seconded by Don Millwood. Motion carried.
Finance: Russell Wingfield reported that no decision had been made about the investment of the $175,000 received from the insurance company. After some discussion, it was suggested that the money be left where it is until the first of year since cost of Blair Fraley Courtyard renovations has not been determined, and the kitchen update costs have not been determined.
Stewardship: John Fraley reported that they are working to get material from the Synod or Trinity in Hickory for the stewardship drive.
Property: Don Millwood reported that the waterproofing has been completed. He also stated he had a bid of $3,750.00 to remove approximately 50,000 lbs. of weight in the courtyard. The committee will meet to decide what will be placed back in the courtyard.
Social Ministry: Dawn Beck reported that Bethpage is having a blood drive in September so her committee will wait until 2013 to have one at St. John’s. She will be having a meeting with Kim Eaker about a clothes closet and food pantry for the church.
Evangelism: Board met and copy of minutes were furnished to each Council member. Cheryl Leu showed Council the new bookmark which will be given to visitors, new members, confirmands, and shut-ins.
Christian Education: Cheryl Leu reported in Patsy Dellinger’s absence. Vacation Bible School was a great success. Pastor liked having it from Sunday to Sunday. Rally Day will be September 9th and will begin with breakfast for congregation.
Youth: Heather Mauney reported that kickoff for the new school year will begin with Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, September 12th.
Worship and Music: Committee met and voted to permanently change our Sunday worship service to 10:30 a.m. Cheryl Leu made a motion to accept this recommendation, seconded by J.D. Hullander. Motion carried.
Cemetery: J. D. Hullander distributed a copy of the new contract they would like to sign for work in old cemetery. The cost is $2,004.00 per year to be paid in eight monthly installments. John Fraley made a motion to accept this new contract, seconded by Heather Mauney. Motion carried. Copy of contract attached.
Old Business: President Madison asked that each Council member donated $10.00 to cover the cost of the pizza meal we provided for Vacation Bible School.
New Business: President Madison reported that Council has been asked to furnish the meal for St. John’s Wednesday on October 10th. Everyone agreed to this.
/ Hoke Whitworth / Ken Pressley / Dr. Chris Madison / Gene BrooksSACRISTY / Gert Fisher
Ella Grigg
Heather Mauney / Lenita Woodruff / Cheryl Leu
Vivian White / Elaine Yount / Angie Whitworth
MINISTERS / September 2
Jan Clark / September 9
Patsy Dellinger / September 16
Kent Farmer / September 23
Matt Mauney / September 30
Tim Leu
TAPE MAKERS / September 2
Ann Newton / September 9
Evelyn Carpenter / September 16
Gail Canipe / September 23
Gloria Dellinger / September 30
Ella Grigg
Brenda Fitch
NURSERY / September 2
Trinity Smith / September 9
Trinity Smith / September 16
Trinity Smith / September 23
Trinity Smith / September 30
Trinity Smith
FLOWERS / September 2
Glenda Monk / September 9
Vivian White / September 16
Dr. Anika Howell Hastings / September 23
David Ferguson / September 30
Patsy Dellinger
Blessing of the Animals Service at St. John’s! Bring your pet for a blessing and celebrate God’s creation at a brief outdoor service in the St. John’s parking lot (playground side) on Sunday, October 7, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. Please exercise good judgment when bringing animals. Use leashes, cages, and bridles if necessary.
Are you interested in becoming a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church? A new member class will be offered in October. Several families are already prepared to be received as members. If you are interested, please contact the church office by Sunday, September 30.
Are you interested in purchasing a new communion set for St. John’s? The kits, used during home communion visits, may be given in honor or in memory of a loved one. The approximate cost of each set is $60. Please contact the church office if you are interested.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.”” Colossians 3:16
As a lifelong Lutheran, I never was challenged to learn the books of the Bible. I was taught the basic stories in Sunday school but not much beyond that. In confirmation we were challenged to learn the books in order for our final test but, I must admit, I quickly memorized those that afternoon between school and our session and soon forgot most of them. I always questioned, “Why does it really matter?” As I’ve grown in faith and encountered many different types of believers, I’ve started learning the importance of actually diving into the scriptures and actually knowing where they are in the Bible. I admit, knowing exactly what order isn’t the top priority for me (though it is important) but there is such a great reward in knowing which verse comes from what book. There is such a deeper meaning in reading the Word of God when we know the background of the story. Did you know that each Gospel was written in a different region with a different purpose? That makes a world of difference when we read the text each Sunday. Did you know that Paul was writing letters to believers, like you and I, in an attempt to hold them accountable and keep them faithful? Many people, especially us Lutherans, quickly overlook the Old Testament because it’s “boring” and there are just “too many rules”; but without the Old Testament we can’t possibly have the New Testament and the Gospel. At campfirmation this summer, we were reminded that our story is tied to history and the history of the bible and world is God’s story which is tied to us…you cannot disconnect the three. With that being said, we are connected to the faithful believers in the Old and New Testaments—to Abraham and Sarah, to Moses, to Mary and Joseph, to John the Baptist, and beyond. We continue the story today.
This year, our theme for Parish Education is BOOK OF FAITH: DWELLING IN THE WORD. Our youth and family ministry programs will focus around the Bible, providing youth and adults opportunities to learn more about the books, characters and scriptures in the Living Word of God (a Lutheran way to say Bible). Our hope is to read, study, and truly learn the Bible as a congregation, building and growing faith in each of us. As we read and grow we will learn together what it means to live out our faith each day. St. John’s Wednesdays will provide an opportunity for us to join together around a table for a meal and fellowship as we grow together in faith. Join me and the rest of St. John’s this year as we open the Book of Faith. Let’s get this journey started…
Peace be with you always,
Megan Homesley
6:00-7:00 IN SAINTS HALL
Join us for fellowship, delicious homemade ice cream, and fun for all!