Monday, April 25th day 7 of Passover (closed all day)
The last day of Passover is Tuesday, April 26th. Please remember to send Passover lunches that day and the deli will remain closed until Wednesday, April 27th

IMMUNIZATION RECORDS It’s time for our annual audit on immunizations from the Pima County Department of Health Services. Children attending ECE must be up-to-date with their immunizations. Please bring us updated shot records so that we are ready for our audit on May 3rd. You will receive a notice if your child is not up-to-date. You will then have 15 days to comply after that notice. If you choose not to have your child immunized for a particular vaccine, you must fill out an immunization exemption form. You can pick one up in the ECE office. Your cooperation with this very important matter is appreciated. Please contact Stacy at ext.156 with any questions.

AM I BEING CHARGED FOR ECE WHEN THE JCC IS CLOSED? In our Benchmarking Member Survey, there were a few comments about ECE parents paying tuition for days that the JCC is closed. With the holidays coming up, we wanted to share how we figure your ECE tuition rates. Early Childhood tuition is set for a school year, based on the number of school days in the 9 or 12 month period (total days reduced by days closed for holidays). That amount is then divided into 12 equal installment payments, with no additional fee for choosing to pay by the monthly payment option. Because our school year starts mid-August, the August installment payment for a 12 month school year will always reflect 50% of the old school year and 50% of the new school year. Thank you to everyone who let us know they needed more information on this. If you have any questions at all, please contact Charlotte or Wendy.

SUNSHINE COMMITTEE Thanks so much to the Jie family for the yummy lemon cupcakes, mini blueberry muffins and chocolate candies. We also enjoyed a juicy apples and oranges at the end of the week. It was a very “sweet” week. Thanks again.

THE TJCC ANNUAL MEETING will take place on Tuesday, May 3rd at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $18 per person. Babysitting is available on site with advance reservations. Please RSVP to Lori Maurer at 299-3000 ext. 212 by April 26th for dinner reservations. Teena Sterlachini, Athena Buhrow and Stacy Ramsower will all be receiving their well-deserved awards that evening.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARENTS WHO LIKE TO BUILD We have a garden on the pool playground that is in desperate need of a new fence. If you would like to help with this project please contact Wendy.

ISRAEL 63 FESTIVAL & ART FAIR will be on Sunday May 15th from 1-6p.m. here at the JCC. Everyone is welcome and it is free for all. There will be lots of fun activities for children including hayrides, pita making, tree planting, pine cone animals, bookmark making and colored sand crafts. There will lots of activities for grown ups as well: dancing, music, a basketball tournament, and a Ben Yehuda Street Art Fair. Watch for further information.

SPLASH PARK The splash park is now open. Our ECE classes (two years old and older) will begin going once a week starting May 2nd. Your child’s teacher will be informing you about your child’s day of the week and the time for this fun and refreshing activity to closer to May.

SAVE PRINTER CARTRIDGES Cartridge World Tucson will pay cash for every cartridge (laser, inkjet, black or color) with proceeds coming directly back to the ECE. Please drop your empty cartridges into the box in the ECE lobby and help us with our Recycle/Rewards program.

REGISTRATION FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR is well under way. If you have not re-registered your child and want him/her to continue to attend ECE once the new school year begins August 15th, please do so now. Some age groups are already nearing capacity.

Bring your blankets
Friday, May 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the grassy area
This is our last ECE event of our school year. Please join us for this fun and delicious potluck picnic and end-of-school celebration.
Every family is being asked to bring a non-dairy dish (with utensils) from the following list to share. ECE will provide kosher hot dogs and drinks.
J  buns (marked with a Kosher symbol)
J  condiments
J  chips
J  fruit or vegetables
J  pasta salads, pasta with tomato sauce, beans, and rice (These dishes should not contain any milk or cheese ingredients.)
J  desserts that do not contain milk or milk products

Sign-up sheets will be posted on classroom doors in a next week
Parent volunteers are needed to grill the “dogs”.
If you can help with this fun task please contact Wendy.