COM 101 – Introduction to Communication

Course Competencies

1.  Compare and contrast models of the communication process

2.  Identify areas of study within the communication discipline

3.  Examine the influences of perception, self-concept, language, nonverbal behaviors, and culture on communication

4.  Identify components of effective listening and barriers to effective listening

5.  Apply knowledge of the communication process to a variety of contexts (ex. personal relationships, small groups, public communication)

6.  Analyze messages of mass communication/mass media

7.  Explain the relevance of ethics to the communication process

Course Outline

I.  Foundations of Communication Study

A.  Defining communication

B.  History of communication studies

C.  Areas of study and careers in the field of communication

II.  The Communication Process

A.  Perception

B.  Verbal communication

C.  Nonverbal communication

D.  Listening

III.  Contexts of Communication

A.  Interpersonal communication

B.  Culture and Communication

C.  Group communication

D.  Organizational Communication

E.  Public communication

F.  Mass communication

COM 249: Mass Media, Mass Culture

Subcommittee Members: Rhona Creech (Chair, Southeast), Justin Braxton-Brown (Hopkinsville), David Carter (Hopkinsville), Donna Elkins (Jefferson)

Course Competency Statements:

1.  Identify the various types of communication media.

2.  Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the various types of communication media.

3.  Explain the way the different types of media have affected culture and society and continue to do so.

4.  Critically evaluate the content and production of a given medium.

Course Outline

Course Description: COM/SOC 249 examines the interplay between the technology and content of the mass communications media and culture.

I.  Definitions of Course Content

A.  Mass Media

B.  Mass Communication

C.  Culture

II.  Role of News in US Democracy

A.  History of Media Development in US

B.  Elements of News

C.  Role of Journalists

D.  Legal Regulations on Media

III.  Media Economy

A.  Advertising

B.  Strategic Communication

C.  Media Ownership

IV.  Forms and Evolution of Media

A.  Entertainment: Music and Movies

B.  Broadcast: Radio and Television

C.  Print: Magazines and Books

D.  Technology: Internet

V.  Developing a Media Literate Critical Perspective

A.  Reviewing media effects research

B.  Evaluating media for cultural impact

Potential Textbooks:

Author / Title / Average Price / Publisher
Campbell / Media & Culture / $102.00 / Bedford/St. Martins
Vivian / The Media of Mass Communication / $111.00 / Pearson
Baran / Introduction to Mass Communication / $118.00 / McGraw-Hill
Dominick / Dynamics of Mass Communication / $118.00 / McGraw-Hill
Rodman / Mass Media in a Changing World / $118.00 / McGraw-Hill
Straubhaar / Media Now / $130.00 / Cengage
Pavlik / Converging Media / $80.00 / Oxford University Press

COM 281 - Communication in Groups


Examine current theories and research in small group communication and apply that information in small group processes.

Practice and employ group/team member principles in a small group process/project.

Demonstrate an understanding of the various models for problem solving and decision making in small groups and employ those models.

Categorize the various leadership styles/roles in small group processes and illustrate the situations to use each style/role.

Demonstrate knowledge of how to prepare effectively for group meetings.

Practice and employ group/team member principles in a small group process/project.


I. Small Group Systems

A Groups in society

B. Groups in an open system

II. Basics of Small Group Communication

A. Member principles

B. Verbal and nonverbal messages in small groups

C. Creative and critical thinking

D. Problem solving

III. Small Group Processes

A. Group formation

B. Diversity in small groups

C. Conflict management

D. Leadership

IV. Small Group Presentation

A. Oral

B. Written

C. Critical response


Communicating in Groups: Application and Skills, 7th ed.


ISBN-13 9780073385006

MHID 007338500X

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Copyright: 2009

Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices, 9/E

Steven A. Beebe, Texas State University - San Marcos John T. Masterson, Texas Lutheran University

ISBN-10: 0205547214

ISBN-13: 9780205547210

Publisher: Allyn & Bacon

Copyright: 2009

Kentucky Community and Technical College System

COM 287: Persuasive Speaking

Course Description:

A study of the process involved in the attitude change, with emphasis on the preparation and delivery of persuasive messages.

Course Competencies:

·  Explain persuasion as a communication process

·  Demonstrate appropriate research, organizational and delivery skills for persuasive speaking

·  Use persuasive theories and techniques in constructing and evaluating persuasive messages

Course Outline:

I. Definition and Characteristics of Persuasion

A. Defining Characteristics of Persuasion

B. Importance of Persuasion as a Form of Influence

C. Knowledge and Awareness of a Variety of Persuasive Processes

D. Awareness of the Importance of Cultural Differences in Communication to Multicultural Understanding

II. Persuasion Theories

A. Classic Theories of Persuasion

B. Examining the Attitude and Behavior Relationship

C. Increased Awareness of Current Research in the Psychology of Persuasion

III. Ethics in Persuasion

A. Ethical Nature of Persuasion

B. Ethics Involved in Public Speaking

IV. Persuasion and Credibility

A. Role of Credibility

B. Meanings of Credibility

V. Persuasion and Reasoning

A. Types of Reasoning

B. Defective Reasoning

C. Evaluation of Persuasive Arguments

D. Ability to Recognize and Guard Against Common Marketing, Campaign and

Propaganda Ploys

E. Find and Evaluate Appropriate Supporting Material

VI. Persuasion and Emotional Appeal

A. Influence of Emotional Appeal on Persuasion

B. Methods of Emotional Appeal

VII. Preparation and Presentation of Persuasive Messages

A. The Persuasive Claim

B. Audience Analysis

C. The Verbal Message

D. The Nonverbal Message

Suggested Textbooks:

Berger, A. (2007). Ads, Fads & Consumer Culture (3rd ed.). Bowman and Little Field.

Frymier, A. & Nadler, M. (2008). Persuasion: Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

O’Keefe, D. (2002). Persuasion Theory & Research (2nd ed.). Sage Pubications, Inc.

Rogers, W. (2006). Persuasion: Messages, Receivers & Context. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Draft Proposals for 2/26/10 meeting