
Thursday,16th March 2017, 1-2pm in Rooms 706/707, 1-19 Torrington Place

Present: Madiha Sajid (MS, Chair), Noriko Cable (NC),RikkeOsterlund (RO), Richard Marsh (RM), Lauren Bird (LB), Andrew Hayward (AH), Annie Herbert (AH), Sarah James (SJ), Chloe Levelle (CL), Jane Maddock (JM), Samantha Quaife (SQ), Shaun Scholes (SS), Nicola Shelton (NS),Hitakshi Tailor (HT).

Apologies:Angus Ramsay (AR), Elena Pizzo (EP), Nora Groce (NG),Fran Harkness (FH), AradhnaKaushal (AK),WulanWulaningsih (WW),Mike Higgins (MH).

1 / Apologies and introductions
  • Reminder that intention to apply for silver award renewal submitted and the focus now is on compiling a complete draft of the application.

2 / Minutes and Matters Arising
  • RO has incorporated SAT members’ contributions into the application
  • Have most of the data needed except for data on recruitment held centrally at UCL, which RO is chasing for the end of the week
  • Looking for SAT members to take ownership of sections of the form
  • RO highlighted sections of the application where all SAT members are needed to source and contribute local knowledge from their departments on relevant activities:
  • Makeup of the institute (point 4.2)
  • the figures/data are in need of descriptive text
  • Career development of academic staff (point 5.3)
  • any informal activities or lack endeavours not captured
  • AH offered text for formal plans by Institute for a code of practice for group managers’ supporting early career researchers
  • Career progression
  • text on mentoring has been added
  • RO asked that all staff take a good look at this section and suggest things to be added
  • Culture
  • SAT members to suggest examples of good practice from their departments
  • Participation in influential committees
  • no picture yet of staff’s level of involvement: the types of committees, characteristics of those involved, the selection process, etc.
  • need to begin to build picture of the sorts of external activity happening based on SAT members’ local insight
  • NS suggested information may be available from IRIS
  • SAT members to provide information on any external outreach and networks. Suggestions made were schools, the Brilliant Club (NS), non-academic NHS boards (CL), PACT network (MS).
  • Role models
  • provide examples of staff member’s awards and demonstrate excellent role models
  • RM suggested documenting Beacon bursary awards for public engagement
/ RO
  • AH suggested the inclusion of photos and images as in the example gold applications and RO asked SAT members to contribute these. Involvement of someone experienced in graphic design recommended (e.g. Andreas Opitz if he has capacity).
  • RO to circulate version 3 of the application for all SAT members to contribute to by Wednesday 22ndMarch.
  • NC fed back the results of the IEHC staff survey, highlighting key findings (appended to these minutes). NC asked that SAT members include relevant survey results when addressing their action points.
  • AH raised the involvement of senior staff in the application. It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged to feedback the results of the IEHC staff survey and to provide board-level input on the action plan after submission. This would aim to ensure commitment in delivering and progressing the outlined activities.
  • SS suggested adding text to contextualise the application within the current economic climate and wider challenges facing the Institute. AH and RM discussed drafting a paragraphfor the foreword to the application.
  • There are five possible case studies to include with the application but we can include a maximum of two. One must be a member of the SAT. RO asked that SAT members review the case studies and suggest which two are the best to put forward.
RO (complete)
3 / Moving forward: IEHC staff survey
  • All SAT members to review version 4 of the application circulated by RO and to source and contribute local knowledge from their departments for the sections discussed and highlighted.
  • RM emphasised that even sentences and brief bullet points will be useful and to please contribute anything that could be relevant.
  • Contributions needed by close of play Wednesday 22ndMarch.
Next meetings:
Date / Time / Venue / Minute taker
Tuesday, 28 March / 1-2pm / Rooms 706/707
1-19 Torrington Place
Thursday, 20 April / 1-2pm / Rooms 706/707
1-19 Torrington Place