Finger Lakes Paragliding

3336 County Road 40

Bloomfield, NY 14469

(585) 703-6607

History: Quantum Series parachutes were developed in 1993 in response to problems encountered by pilots due to the failure modes of the more efficient hang glider wings. Thanks to the incredible work of Bill Gargano, the revolutionary round airfoil shape was born.

Design: The Round Airfoil shape of the Quantum Series produced a parahute that not only utilizes the traditional drag of the canopy, but also gives 360 degrees of lift. This lift is angled in such a way that the inflated parachute is trying to fly away from itself. This accounts for the tremendous stability characteristics of the Quantum Series parachutes as well as the slow rate of descent.

Testing: Designed and tested to meet the rigorous standards of the Parachute Industry, the Quantum Series represents a new generation in parachute technology.

Sizes: Quantum Series Parachutes are available in 3 sizes: QS330, QS440 and for tandem QS550.

The attached graph illustrates how the Quantum Series Parachutes compare with the older generation of hang gliding parachutes.

Model / Quatum 330 / Quantum 440 / Quantum 550
Square footage / 330 / 440 / 550
Weight without Deployment Bag and Bridle / 4.25 lbs / 5.25 lbs / 6.75 lbs
Weight with Deployment Bag and Bridle / 5 lbs. / 6 lbs / 7.5 lbs.
Line construction / Spectra spliced with nylon cord / Spectra spliced with nylon cord / Spectra spliced with nylon cord
Radial Seam Reinforcement / 3/8" nylon tape / 3/8" nylon tape / 3/8" nylon tape
Center Line Material / Tubular nylon webbing / Tubular nylon webbing / Tubular nylon webbing
Skirt and Apex Reinforcement / Kevlar Tape / Kevlar Tape / Kevlar Tape
Finished Bridle Length / 25’ / 25’ / 25’
Bridle Material / Type 18 nylon covered with UV resistant cloth / Type 18 nylon covered with UV resistant cloth / Type 18 nylon covered with UV resistant cloth
Canopy Material / Nylon ripstop sport chute / Nylon ripstop sport chute / Nylon ripstop sport chute

Flight Performance Comparison Chart

High Energy Sports’ Quantum Series Parachutes are the most sophisticated, highly engineered and highly tested parachutes ever produced for hang gliding. The sizes reflect the square footage in the canopy. Since we have achieved "lift" in this design, the traditional formulas used to calculate rate of descent do not work. All these figures come from actual test jumps we made with the parachutes. Our instrument package gives us readings 17 times per second and is altitude density compensated.

We are particularly excited about this design due to the extremely low rate of descent we have been able to achieve. Not only do the Quantum Series Parachutes generate drag but they also produce lift thus bringing the pilot down very slowly. We think a slow rate of descent is extremely important Often we see broken hang gliders spinning. The spinning glider may be descending relatively slow. If your parachute has a rate of descent faster than you are falling it will not open and the "wind mill effect" may take place. The faster you are falling the faster the broken wing will spin. The more you spin under an open canopy, the greater your chances of twisting the bridle and eventually the lines of your parachute. This twist can continue until the parachute lines get short enough to close the parachute altogether.

Some people argue that if you are descending too slowly to open your parachute, your are going too slow to get hurt. That is totally wrong! They continue to cite the incredible safety record we have enjoyed when people have deployed their parachutes in the past. We believe that we have just been very lucky.

The other benefits to coming down under canopy are: 1. The opening of the parachute may disrupt the momentum of the spin and help slow it down, 2. If you are coming down under canopy slower than the stall speed of the part of the wing that is still flying and causing the spin, your chances of spinning are greatly reduced and 3. The slower you come down the greater your chances of not getting hurt.

We use standard parachute construction techniques with full radial tape along the seams and Kevlar reinforcement tape at the apex and skirt. In addition we have utilized a combination of spectra and nylon for each line. The spectra gives us light weight, low volume benefits while the nylon gives us the stretch characteristics desirable for higher speed deployments.

We are very excited about the Quantum Series Parachutes and the extra margin of safety they bring to our sport. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to write or call.