This list is by no means comprehensive. If the purpose of your trip is not listed below and you are unsure if it is eligible for funding, please contact the Gwaii Trust office.
You are not eligible for funding if your trip has been paid for by your employer or any other group or person. The travel assistance program is an out of pocket program.
*Medical travel does not qualify under the Gwaii Trust travel program
Eligible purposes- Cultural / Ineligible purposesPerformance in a dance or singing group / Going to a museum
Participation in a cultural ceremony / Vacation in a foreign country
Participation in a Language conference / Watching a ceremony, dance or singing goup
Participate in a cultural gathering or festival / Attending a cultural gathering or festival
Eligible purposes- Education / Ineligible purposes
To attend a workshop as a registered participant / Vacations
To attend a conference as a registered participant / Visiting the aquarium, Science world etc
Student Travel to college or university / Parent or friend accompanying a student to school
Attend your own graduation ceremony / Attend a relative’s graduation ceremony
Bring a course facilitator to Haida Gwaii / Bring students to Haida Gwaii
Eligible purposes- Arts / Ineligible purposes
To attend an arts workshop / To work on your art
To attend a drama,film, art or dance camp / Attend plays, concerts or festivals
Exhibit off Island / Attend anyone else’s exhibit
Eligible purposes- Youth / Ineligible purposes
Field trips hosted by school or recognized youth group / Travel on Island
Travel to a youth camp off Haida Gwaii, including sports camps, wilderness camps, drama camps, etc / Registration fees for Youth camps on or off Haida Gwaii
Participation in sports at an event (race, tournament, etc) / Visiting a swimming pool, skating rink etc
Perform at a festival, concert etc / Attend a festival, concert
Attend a youth conference as a registered participant
Eligible purposes- Sports / Ineligible purposes
Participation in sports at an event (race, tournament, etc) of a group or individual / Attending a sporting event (All Native, softball tournament) as a spectator
To attend a sports camp off of Haida Gwaii (tai chi, basketball, soccer, etc) / On Island travel to sports camps
Participate in Senior Games / Watch Senior Games