Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:9
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 59:1-2; Proverbs 15:29; Psalm 6:8-9; 1 John 1:9-10; James 5:16. What consequences followed the sins of the people? Who was responsible?What is the relationship that exists between sin and prayer? Why is it crucial we understand this?
Q2: Look out
What is the difference between unanswered prayer and prayer whose answer is ‘No’? Which do you believe to be more common?
Q3: Look in
As you think about your prayer life, what are the areas that God is saying presevere in prayer? Where might there be unconfessed sin that needs to be addressed? Where do you sense your will is not aligned with the will of God in prayer?
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:9
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 59:3-8. How do the sins of God’s people involve each of the areas listed below?
•Hands v3a
•Speech v3b-4
•Plans v5-6
•Pursuits v7-8
Q2: Look out
Keeping the question above in mind, what does this look like in the lives of those who do not yet believe? How is does it differ? How is it similar?
Q3: Look in
Read Isaiah 59:3-8 & Romans 3:15-17. Paul references vv7–8 in Romans. What is his point in that context and how can that help us to apply these verses to ourselves today?
Day 3, SESSION 14
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:9
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 59:1-13, Psalm 51:1-5 The language changes from “you” in vv.1-8 to “we,our” in vv9-13. What is the significance of this shift? How is their attitude similar to David’s in Psalm 51:3?
Q2: Look out
Read 59:12–15a. Confession and repentance are spoken corporately for all the people. Is this corporate response equally appropriate for us today? If so, what might that look like?
Q3: Look in
Read Isaiah 59:10-14. Explain how each point below paints a picture of what it’s like living with unconfessed sin in your own life.
•V9-10 We hope for light, and behold, darkness, We grope for the wall like the blind
•V11 We all growl like bears; we moan and moan like doves
•V12 Our sins testify against us
•V14 Justice is turned back, righteousness stands far awar. Truth has stumbled in public squares,
Day 4, SESSION 14
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:9
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 59:15b–19 What does v15b highlight? What is God going to do about it? What is the significance of the armour he puts on? What will he do? What will result?
Q2: Look out
Read Isaiah 51:9; 52:10; 53:1. How does this affirmation of God’s character give hope to those who say but God cannot, would not “do that” for me?
Q3: Look in
Where in your life have you experienced the discouragement that Satan brings when you recognize sinful behaviours in your life? How does the affirmation of God’s character encourage you personally?
Day 5, SESSION 14
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:9
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 59:19-21. How did the Lord describe His salvation for the repentant?
•V19 The protection His reign provides
•V20 The ones whom He protects
•V21 The covenant He makes with the repentant
Q2: Look out
We have the greatest gift to give away, Jesus. Why do you think we are so hesitant? What do we fear when we can share freely the hope offered in these passages?
Q3: Look in
When the Lord has prompted you to confess and repent of sins in your life, how have you experienced the blessings of Isaiah 59:21?
Tying it all together
What impacted you the most within this week’s passage of Isaiah? What one thing will you do this week to apply a lesson learned from the Book of Isaiah? Who will keep you accountable?
Main Idea:
Lean In
Think of a time when you were faced by adversaries. How did you respond in that situation? What was the result? Share with your group.
Look Down & Live It Out (Out/In)
- Look Down (question 1, day 1):
Read Isaiah 59:1-2; Proverbs 15:29; Psalm 6:8-9; 1 John 1:9-10; James 5:16. What consequences followed the sins of the people? Who was to responsible?What is the relationship that exists between sin and prayer? Why is it crucial we understand this?
- Look Out (question 2, day 4):
Read Isaiah 51:9; 52:10; 53:1. How does this affirmation of God’s character give hope to those who say but God cannot, would not “do that” for me? - Look In (question 3, day 3):
Read Isaiah 59:10-14. Explain how each point below paint a picture of what it’s like living with unconfessed sin in your own life. - V9-10 We hope for light, and behold, darkness, We grope for the wall like the blind
- V11 We all growl like bears; we moan and moan like doves
- V12 Our sins testify against us
- V14 Justice is turned back, righteousness stands far awar. Truth has stumbled in public squares,
- In Your Own Words:Share with your group one action you will take in the next week to continue to walk in the light of the Lord. How can you keep each other accountable?
Look Up
Pray that
- We would recognize the sin that binds us in our lives and choose to invite God into the cleansing process to free us from our sin.
- His Bride, the Church would openly confess her sins without fear of judgement. That we would be transparent in our struggles that we might grow alongside one another in humility.
- When Satan speaks lies in your ear that you would stand on the promises of God for He is the covenant keeping God and He is for us.
Session Notes