Kevin Milton Smith Scholarships

Application Pack

Kevin Milton Smith Scholarship

Kevin Milton Smith Scholarship

Mr Kevin Milton Smith joined the then St John Ambulance Brigade in 1966 and became a paid ambulance officer in 1967. Mr Smith was with St John Ambulance WA for 23 years holding positions of Ambulance Officer, Duty Officer and Chief Superintendent. Sadly Mr Smith passed away in 1991. The Kevin Milton Smith Scholarship was set up in his memory.

In order to honour his many years of dedicated service to St John Ambulance WA and pre-hospital care in Western Australia, ACAP WA and St John Ambulance WA have developed a scholarship to provide financial assistance to a number of financial ACAP members to attend the ACAP Asia Pacific International Conference.

The Scholarship has been used to fund a variety of opportunities that have enabled both career and volunteer service personnel to expand their education in the field of pre-hospital care.

This year the ACAP Asia Pacific International Conference is being held in Perth WA and a total of 10 scholarships will be awarded which will cover event registration, the welcome reception and a clinical simulation or triage workshop. (shift coverage, accommodation or conference dinner will not be included in this year’s scholarships and can be organised individually by members).

For further information on the ACAP Asia Pacific International Conference visit or for information regarding scholarships contact the ACAP WA Scholarships co-ordinator Blaise Rego at or mobile: 0403308276

Personal Details

Surname: Given names:______

Address: ______

Telephone: Mobile:______

Service No:______ E-mail:


This Application Package asks applicants to detail their achievements over the previous five (5) years focusing on areas including employment, education, community service, arts and sports.

The applicant must also briefly address two (2) questions related to their expectations of the conference and the future of the Paramedic profession.

Scholarship submissions must include copies of all necessary supporting documentation.

Dates & Deadlines

Completed packages must be received by ACAP WA no later than 5.00pm on Friday the 24th of September 2010.

Please submit applications via email to with supporting documentation mailed to PO Box 335 Belmont WA 6984.

No late entries will be considered.

All applications will be receipted and confirmation notified in writing whether successful or not. (Please contact scholarships coordinator if no correspondence has been received).

A Judging panel made up of The Chairman of ACAP WA, St John Ambulance Service Director and one other designated marker will “blind” mark the applications. The decision of the Judging Panel is final.

Successful applicants will be unable to apply for further ACAP WA scholarships for a further 12 month period.

Category 1: Paramedic and/or Pre-Hospital Care Service

Please outline any contributions and achievements directly related to your Paramedic Service and/or Pre-hospital care service eg: On-Road Tutor, Secondment to training, Paramedic Co-ordinator, Team Leader, taking medical students and other observers, Committee Memberships (Union, Equipment Review, OH&S, ASMO), Volunteer First Aider, Mine-site medic, etc

Category 2: Community Service

Please outline any service and contributions you have made to the community eg: volunteer positions (RPH patient transport, Make a Wish Foundation, Pets as Companions), blood donor, fundraising etc.

Category 3: Personal Achievements and Life Experience

Please outline any personal achievements and awards received from your work place, community and personal interests eg: long service, bravery, sport, education, art etc)

Category 4: Education

Please outline further education in progress or completed, prior to, or since becoming involved in the pre-hospital care field (either as a first aider, volunteer, mine-site medic or Paramedic etc) e.g.: degree conversion, post graduate studies, certificates or TAFE courses etc.

Category 5: How will this scholarship enhance your standing as a Paramedic or Pre-Hospital Care Professional

a)  Describe how you believe your attendance at the ACAP 2010 conference will enhance your standing as an Paramedic or Pre-Hospital Care Professional

b)  Briefly explain how you believe you and your colleagues will benefit by way of your attendance at the conference.

Category 6: How do you see the role of a Paramedic changing over the next 10 years?

Briefly explain your expectations and aspirations for the Paramedic of the future.

I understand that if my application is successful and I am awarded the Kevin Milton Smith Scholarship, within 2 months from the conference, I am required to make 2 short presentations (~ 10 mins.) to:

·  Directors of St John Ambulance WA (a major supporter of this scholarship)

·  A short lead-in presentation to a scheduled Professional Development Seminar as arranged by ACAP WA

I have read and agree to the conditions and requirements set by ACAP WA in awarding this scholarship.

Signed: ______Date: ______

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