2017 Community Service Exchange

Application Instructions

To apply for the Yale-China Community Service Exchange, please submit all of the materials listed below. If you are applying to more than one position, please submit a separate statement of purpose for each internship to which you are applying.

A complete application includes:

a)  Application form (pages 2-6)

b)  A one-page resume (please do not go over one page)

c)  The Residential College Dean’s form (page 7)

d)  A copy of your transcript (official or unofficial copies are both acceptable)

The completed application form, resume, and statement(s) of purpose should be sent as ONE e-mail attachment with the subject “Yale-China Community Service Exchange Application” to no later than Friday, April 21, 2017 at 11:59 PM. Your transcript may be sent as part of the attachment or dropped off at the Yale-China office (442 Temple Street) before the application deadline. Your Dean’s form should be scanned and emailed to the email address given at the bottom of the form (page 5).

Questions about the program or the application process should be directed to Zijie (Bill) Peng at . For urgent questions that you need to ask by phone, please call Leslie Stone at 203-432-1771.

2017 Community Service Exchange

Application Form

Applications are due on Friday, April 21, 2017 at 11:59 pm. Application materials should be submitted by e-mail as ONE attachment to with the subject “Yale-China Community Service Exchange Application.”

Applicant Information
Applicant’s Full Name: / Male
Affiliation with Yale
Residential College: Year:
/ Major or Field of Study:
Current Mailing Address (please do not abbreviate)
Line 1: / Line 2: / City:
/ State:
/ Zip Code:
Permanent Mailing Address (if different from above)
Line 1: / Line 2: / City: / State:
/ Zip Code:
Current Phone Number:
/ Home/Alternate Phone Number:
/ Email Address:
How did you hear about this program?
1st Choice Internship: / 2nd Choice (if applicable): / 3rd Choice (if applicable):
Have you applied to a Yale-China program previously?
Yes No If so, which ones? / Have you applied to other summer programs in China?
Yes No If so, which ones?
Chinese language ability is not a requirement for this program, but may be helpful for some internships.
Please indicate whether you speak any of the following:
Cantonese Chinese Yes No / Years Studied: / Level of Proficiency:
Mandarin Chinese Yes No / Years Studied: / Level of Proficiency:
China Experience
Have you previously spent time in China? If yes, please indicate where, when, and for what purpose:
Please supply the names and contact information (phone number and email address) for three recommenders and explain the capacity in which the recommender has known you. They can be academic or professional, but one must be from Yale. Ideally, one of your references should be an employer or someone who has supervised you.
Names, titles, and contact information for recommenders:
Name: / Title: / Phone Number: / Email:
Name: / Title: / Phone Number: / Email:
Name: / Title: / Phone Number: / Email:

Public Service Experience and Interest

In the space below, please describe the public service/volunteer activities in which you have participated during your time at Yale. Describe what challenges you faced, what you have learned from these experiences, and note your level of involvement (time commitment and duration). Please do not go on to a second page.

Application continued on next page.

Statement of Purpose

Please include: 1) Why you are interested in the internship; 2) How your past experience, skills or future goals match the internship to which you are applying.

Statement of Purpose

Please include: 1) Why you are interested in the internship; 2) How your past experience, skills or future goals match the internship to which you are applying.

Statement of Purpose

Please include: 1) Why you are interested in the internship; 2) How your past experience, skills or future goals match the internship to which you are applying.

Residential College Dean’s Form

Applicant should fill in the upper section (please print or type).

I, / , a candidate for admission to the

Name of applicant

Yale-China Community Service Exchange, hereby waive my right to inspect and review this document with the understanding that it will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating my qualifications for receipt of a Yale-China internship and will not be available to any other institution, organization, or private party.

Signature of applicant date

To the Residential College Dean:

The student named above is being considered for the Yale-China Association Community Service Exchange. Yale-China interns spend the summer working at non-governmental organizations in Guangzhou. Yale-China interns must be mature, independent, and flexible to meet the challenges associated with living and working in China. They must also be able to work with people of different backgrounds and cultures and should be extremely self-reliant. Strong interpersonal and cooperation skills are essential.

Please check one of the statements below and return this form to the Yale-China Association by Friday, April 21, 2017.

I have no reservations regarding the applicant’s plans to live and work in China this summer.

I have reservations regarding the applicant’s plans to live and work in China this summer. My concerns are (please list briefly or indicate if you would prefer to discuss the person’s candidacy over the phone):

In my judgment, the candidate is not suitable at this time for this opportunity.

Name Signature Date

Name of Residential College

Thank you for your time. Please return this form by a scanned email attachment to by Friday, April 21, 2017.

Questions about the Yale-China Community Service Exchange should be directed to Zijie (Bill) Peng at .

Yale-China 2017 Community Service Exchange – Application Form Page 7 of 7