Name ______
Infectious Disease Agents – 30 Informal Points
In this activity you will begin exploring the different types of pathogens as well as examining specific examples of each type in order to identify what is plaguing Anna. There are six major types of infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, helminthes, and prions. You will investigate a variety of diseases caused by infectious agents and use this information to determine the tests you will need to perform in the subsequent activities to fill in the missing pieces from Anna’s medical history.
1. Read through each of the Diseases Card. As you read, highlight key information on each disease.
2. Note any similarities between the diseases caused by the same type of infectious agent. Based on this, fill in the following table:
Type ofInfectious Agent / Disease
Examples / Modes of
Transmission / Does the Agent
Require a Host
for Reproduction? / How the Agent
is Treated
Bacteria / TB (Tuberculosis),
Strep Throat / Airborne, sharing food or drinks, sometimes sexual contact / NO / Antibiotics
Viruses / Common Cold, Flu / Airborne, sharing food or drink, sometimes sexual contact / Yes / Let it run its course, antiviral medications may be used if absolutely necessary but typically come with undesirable side effects
Fungus / Ringworm,
Athletes Foot / Skin to skin contact, skin to infected surface contact / No / Antifungal medications and topical creams
Protozoa / Giardiasis, Malaria, / Eating infected meat or drinking contaminated water / Yes / Medications that are poisons to the specific to the pathogen
Helminthes / Trichinosis,
Tapeworm / Eating infected meat / Yes / Oral medications that are toxic to the worm
Prions / Mad Cox disease / Eating cow brain or memeat contaminated by cow brain / Yes / No effective treatment is known at this time
3. If necessary, use the Internet to research the six types of infectious agents and fill in any missing information in the table above.
Conclusion Questions
1. Why is it useful for epidemiologists, scientists who study disease, to categorize diseases based on different factors, such as modes of transmission?
Modes of transmission help them develop vaccines, medications and ways to prevent the illnesses. Knowing what type of an organism it is helps them develop cures.
2. Based on what you know about the six types of infectious agents, what type of agent do you think was plaguing Anna? Explain your reasoning.
Probably a bacterium since that is showing up on her urinalysis.
3. How would the infection simulation you performed in the last activity have been different if you had performed it for syphilis? What about for malaria? (Hint: Think about the transmission of these diseases.)
4. Using your completed graphic organizer, what can be done to prevent the transmission of each infectious agent?
Bacteria: Washing hands and being sanitary. Properly cooking food.
Viruses: Washing hands and being sanitary. Properly cooking food.
Fungus: Wearing flip flops in the shower. Avoid coming into contact with fungus.
Protozoa: Fully cook meat. Never drink unpurified water or water from a lake, stream, river, etc…
Helminthes: Fully cook meat. Never drink unpurified water or water from a lake, stream, river, etc…
Prions: Do not eat brain or meat contaminated by brain; heart does not cook prions so cooking brain or brain parts will not get rid of the contamination.
5. What should your next steps be as medical detectives in order to fill in the missing pieces of Anna’s medical history? Refer to your “Anna’s Medical History – Bacteria” Sheet for ideas.
Analyze the bacteria found in Anna’s body for the exact type.