Minutes of the meeting held on Monday13th March 2017at 7pm in Mitcheldean Town Hall


Parish Councillors:Adrian James (Chair), Sue Henchley, Janet Keene, Bill Waddell, Kay Wozencroft, Shaun Stammers andAndre Edwards

Also present: April Seabrook (Clerk)

District Councillor Doug Scott

2 Members of the Public

  1. To note Apologies for Absence

Cllr Jackie Fraser & County Councillor Brian Robinson

  1. Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)

Gerald Cooke gave a presentation about producing a History of Rank Xerox. He has created a DVD with historical paperwork of Xerox and also made an application to the Heritage Lottery fund to assist with the funding of a website. Gerald is also planning to interview past staff to collect more memories about working at Rank Xerox and is hoping to work more closely with the Parish Council to help produce interactive displays for the museum.

  1. Declarations of Interests

Cllr Edwards declared an interest in the Sports Club.

  1. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on13th February2017

It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2017 as an accurate record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Planning matters

a) P0296/17/FUL – 2 Baresfield, Jubilee Road, Mitcheldean – First floor extension and new car parking area. No objection

b) P0018/17/DISCON – Pit House, Wigpool Common, Mitcheldean – Discharge of condition 06 (details of glazing bars, rainwater goods, window/door openings and eaves) of planning permission P0598/FUL. No objection

c) Licensing Application – Jolter Press, 3/6 The Mews, Brook Street, Mitcheldean. No objection

6.The Flower Festival

Council discussed participating in the Flower Festival and Cllrs Fraser & Wozencroft will attend the meeting which the organisers are holding on Monday 20th March to find out further information about what is required from Council. Action: Cllrs Fraser & Wozencroft

7.Pavement repair on the High Street

Cllr Waddell updated Council regarding the pavement repair on the High Street and informed them that he had contacted The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, to request that one of their Safety Inspectors come and look at the repair carried out by Highways.

8.New Bank Account

Council discussed which bank to move some monies to in order that their funds were covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and agreed that further discussion was required before a decision could be made.

9.Annual Play Area Inspection

Council agreed that John Hicks & Associates would carry out the Annual Play Area Inspection.Action: Clerk

10.Annual Review of Standing Orders

Council reviewed the Standing Orders and agreed that they would like the following changes made. Item 3i delete standing up when speaking, item 5c delete Annual Meeting of the Council shall meet at 6.00pm and also to update the document so that it is gender free. Council agree that once these changes have been carried out the Standing Orders will be adopted at the next Full Council Meeting. Action: Clerk

11.Annual Review of Financial Regulations

Council will be reviewed the Financial Regulations at the next Full Council Meeting.


12.Donation to SARA

Council agreed to make a donation of £200 to SARA. Action: Clerk

13.Quotes for Painting the Outside of the Town Hall

Council considered the quotes for painting the outside of the Town Hall and agreed to accept the quote from studio 24. Action: Clerk

14.Grass Cutting Tenders

Council considered the grass cutting tenders and agreed that PJ & PD Adams would have the Grass Cutting Contract for 2017 & 2018. Action: Clerk

15.Update regarding the Fete

Councillor Henchley gave an update regarding the Fete and informed Council that there would be a dog show and suggested that the Parish Council should have a stall.

16.Quote for Re-surfacing the Church Path

Council considered the quote for re-surfacing the Church path and agreed that two more quotes were required before a decision could be reached. Action: Clerk

17.Update regarding the Being a Better Councillor Course

Councillor Waddell gave an update regarding the Being a Better Councillor Course that he had recently attended. Clerk to ask GPATC if they would be willing to hold a Saturday training session for Council. Action: Clerk


Council agreed the updated quote received from Mowtech. Action: Clerk

19.County & District Councillor Reports

Cllr Scott informed Council that the budget at the District Council had been agreed and that the Council Tax would now be increased.

20.Clerk’s Report

The Council received the Clerk’s report which was circulated prior to the meeting.

21. Accounts/Finance

a)The payment schedule totalling £5828.27 was approved as follows:

Payments Mitcheldean Parish Council 13th March 2017

Payee / Details / Method / Amount / Budget
Salaries / February 2017 Payroll for 4 staff / BACS / £2536.78 / Staff Costs
PATA (UK) / Payroll services for February 2017 / Chq / £44.20 / General Admin
GAPTC / Clerk’s Knowledge 2 Course / Chq / £35.00 / General Admin
Mitcheldean Lunch Club / Donation / Chq / £250.00 / Grants/Donations
FODDC / Garden Waste Licence / Chq / £30.00 / Playing Field
OfficeStar / Office chair / Chq / £165.60 / General Admin
Getters / Redesign NDP Website / Chq / £450.00 / NDP
Magenta / Photocopier / Chq / £35.93 / General Admin
GAPTC / Annual Subscription / Chq / £721.15 / General Admin
FODDC / Non-Domestic rates for Town Hall / Chq / £225.49 / General Admin
Getters / Parish Magazine / Chq / £510.00 / Comms
Grenke / Equipment protection for 2017 / DD
(15/02/17) / £106.80 / General Admin
Grenke / Pro- rata equipment protection
From 20/12/16 to 31/12/16 / DD
(15/02/17) / £3.26 / General Admin
CNG / Utilities – gas @ Town Hall / DD
(20/01/17) / £476.03 / General Admin
Severn Trent Water / Utilites – water @ Pavilion / DD
(01/02/17) / £100.60 / Pavilion
nPower / Utilities – electric @ Town Hall / DD
(01/02/17) / £82.00 / General Admin
Opus / Utilities – gas @ Pavilion / DD
(17/02/17) / £7.81 / Pavilion
XLN / Broadband & telephone / DD
(24/02/17) / £47.62 / General Admin
TOTAL / £5828.27


01/02/17 Mitcheldean Sports Club£55.60

07/02/17 Zurich Insurance£675.23

09/02/17 Interest£1.31

09/02/17 Interest£0.85

09/02/17 Matured Fixed Term Deposit£20220.60

21/02/17 Payment for stall at Fete £10.00

b) Council received the bank reconciliation for February 2017

c) Council received the budget versus spend report up to 28th February 2017.

22.Separate Business

Pursuant to 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during the consideration of:

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.45pm