AM GovUnit 6 - State and Local Government Assessment CG18 1011

Guidelines. Please follow these guidelines IN ORDER so as to make grading this assignment efficient and quick. State government counts as 50 points, local/county government counts as 50 points.

1. Describe the system of government for the state of Georgia. You must address the following topics:

a)Type of government (federal-style or unitary); explain

b)Branches/Divisions (They may have different names/labels.)


  • Name(s) of body
  • Qualifications and terms of office
  • Basic duties/responsibilities
  • Three Powers for each chamber
  • Leaders (Title and name)
  • Name of your elected official at each level


  • Name of body
  • Title and name of current leader
  • Qualifications and terms of office
  • Duties/Responsibilities
  • Powers


  • Name of highest body
  • Diagram of court system
  • Qualifications and terms of office
  • Title and name of current members
  • Duties/Responsibilities
  • Powers/types of jurisdiction

2. Describe the form of government for the town/county in which you live.

a)Town (Note: If you live in the unincorporated area of Henry County, your address will still have a town name on it – Stockbridge or Hampton are the two most likely. Use the town name on your address for this part.)

* Type of city government (mayor/council or council/city manager)

* Name of the mayor

* Map of HenryCounty with your city location noted

* Map of the city (find an outline map)

b) Describe the form of government that HenryCounty uses (i.e., what type of governing body does the county use?)

* Find the name of your representative on the county’s governing board

c) Describe the court system on the county level: name of the courts, types of cases they try, types of jurisdiction.

These are the web sites you can use to find this information. In addition, each city has its own web site.