Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment

Reference Number: / WTCA / Version
  1. Reason for hazardous substance risk assessment:

COSHH Criteria /


/ Substance name / description

CHIP classified (state classification):

Workplace Exposure limits assigned:
Biological agents (state group):
Dust (substantial concentrations):
Other (state):
  1. Hazardous properties, effects of over exposure and exposure limits:

Risk & Safety phrases and effects (if applicable) /

Meaning of Phrase


Meaning of Phrase

  1. General description of the process or activity:

Explain how the substance is currently used (or for future activities, how it will be used)

1 / Explain how the substance is or will be stored and identified?
2 / How much is or will be used or generated per day/week/month?
3 / Explain how, if the substance is or will be decanted?
4 / How many people are or will be exposed to the substance?
5 / Explain how long people are or will be exposed to the substance?
6 / Describe how exposure to the substance might occur
7 / Are there any other comments regarding the current methods of use that might be useful

WTHS012-02Version 2Issued 16.10.14

  1. Existing Control Measures:

Explain how exposures are currently being controlled (or for future activities, the controls that will be in place)

Description / Outline the extent to which we are applying this principle to reduce risks
1 / Process controls to reduce the production of hazardous substances
2 / Do we need to enclose the process or person
3 / Detail the general and local exhaust ventilation in place or required.
4 / Can the numbers of people exposed be reduced? If yes How?
5 / Can the frequency and duration of exposure be reduced?
6 / Can quantities used or produced be reduced?
7 / Explain the cleaning of workplace / PPE requirements
8 / Detail the safe storage and disposal facilities and arrangement
9 / Are adequate hygiene and welfare facilities (washing, changing eating and drinking arrangements) available?
10 / Housekeeping
11 / What Personal Protective Equipment MUST be worn.
12 / If Hazardous substance is Health Surveillance required?
13 Immediate Aid / Detail the First aid requirements where a substance is:
Skin Contact:
Eye Contact:
  1. Monitoring for Airborne Contaminants

Give details of any previous relevant airborne contaminant monitoring undertaken:


/ Name of Company / Summary of Findings
  1. Assessment of risk:

Review the information in sections 2 to 5 and give an assessment as to whether you consider the risks of exposure to be adequately controlled in accordance with regulation 7 of the COSHH regulations.

Risks adequately controlled? / Y / N / Tick as appropriate
Assessment carried out by (print name):
Assessment date:
  1. Action Plan & Risk Assessment Review:

Where risks are not adequately controlled, outline the further control measures that will be required to ensure exposures are adequately controlled.

# / Further control measure / Date for implementation / Date
Are risks now adequately controlled? / Y / N / Tick as appropriate
Assessment carried out by (print name):
Assessment date:

WTHS012-02Version 2Issued 16.10.14