Title III
Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
2017-2018 School Year Grant Application (FFY 17)
Part 1: Grantee Information
Applicant Information
School Corporation/Eligible Entity / Corp #
Superintendent Name / Email
Title III AdministratorName / Email
Mailing Address / City / Zip Code
Telephone / Fax
Total Funding Authorization
Application Type
Select one of the following options:Individual LEA Application
LEA Consortium Application
Educational Service Center (ESC) Consortium Application
If participating in a LEA Consortium or ESC Consortium, please indicate the consortium’s fiscal agent:
See p. 23-25 of the Title III Application User Guide for the Consortium Participant Agreement Form to be submitted by each participating LEA.
Important Dates
Application Due / Application has been emailed to IDOE via / 09/01/2017Grant Effective / Activities and purchases made starting on this date can be reimbursed by the grant. / Dateapplication is submitted to IDOE in substantially approvable form
Encumber Deadline / Activities have taken place and/or Materials/Equipment/Technology have been ordered. / 09/30/2019
Liquidate Deadline / Approved activities/purchases have been paid for and the school corporation has submitted all requests for reimbursement. / 12/15/2019
Part 2: Assurances
The LEA/Eligible Entity must provide the following assurances in its application. The LEA/Eligible Entity must be able to provide, upon request, evidence ofcompliance with each assurance.
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that teachers, researchers, school administrators, parents and family members, community members, private schools, institutions of higher education, [3116 (g) (C)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures the proper identification of LEP students, including identification of the original Home Language Survey (HLS) that a student completed during their initial enrollment in an Indiana school corporation, or implementation of a new HLS if the student is enrolling for the first time in school or new to Indiana.
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures it will comply with all parental notification requirements as outlined in Title I, Section 1112(e)(3)(A), prior to, and throughout, each school year [1112(e)(3)(A)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures it will annually assess the English proficiency of all children with limited English proficiency participating in programs funded under this part [3116 (d) (2)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that it will useeffective approaches and methodologies for teachingEnglish learners [3115 (a)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that that the programs will help ensure that English learners attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet [Sec.3115 (a)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures it is not in violation of any State law, including State constitutional law, regarding the education of limited English proficient children, consistent with sections 3125 and 3126.
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that all teachers in any language instruction educational program for limited English proficiency children that is, or will be, funded under this part are fluent in English and any other language used for instruction, including having written and oral communications skills [3116 (c)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that it will comply with all “Supplement not Supplant” provisions of Title III of the ESEA, to ensure that services provided with Title III funds are in addition to, and do not replace (or supplant), services that are the responsibility of the school corporation to provide with other local, state or federal funding [3115 (g)].
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that the WIDA English language development standards will be implemented with fidelity which isevident through district-wide professional development, teacher preparation, and lesson delivery.
The LEA/Eligible Entity assures that it has provided nonpublic school consultation to all nonpublic schools in the LEA boundaries as required by Section 9501 (c) “Uniform Provisions.”
The LEA certifies by submitting this application that neither it nor its principals nor any of its subcontractors are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded by any federal agency or by any department, agency or political subdivision of the State of Indiana. The term “principal” for purposes of this application means an officer, director, owner, partner, key employee or other person with primary management or supervisory responsibilities, or a person who has a critical influence on or substantive control over the operations of the LEA.
The LEA certifies that it has verified the state and federal suspension and debarment status for all subcontractors receiving funds under the fund associated with this application and shall be solely responsible for any recoupment, penalties or costs that might arise from use of a suspended or debarred subcontractor. The LEA shall immediately notify the State if any subcontractor becomes debarred or suspended, and shall, at the State’s request, take all steps required by the State to terminate its contractual relationship with the subcontractor for work to be performed and supported by funding from the application.
The School Corporation/Charter School certifies that it is currently registered in the System of Award Management (SAM database.
The School Corporation/Charter School has expended $750,000 in federal funds between July 01, 2015 and June 30, 2016.
Yes No.
If yes, the School Corporation/Charter School has received a single audit or program specific audit (2 CFR 200.501).
Yes No
Superintendent Signature:______Date:______
Title III Administrator Signature:______Date:______
Part 3: Core EL Program (Lau) Required Activities
Directions: Please refer to pages 7-12 of the Application User Guidefor directions on completing this section.
Core EL program (Lau) reminders:1) LEAs are required to provide a core EL program (Lau) whether or not they receive Title funds.
2) Federal grants, including Title I and III, must be supplemental to your core EL program listed on this page.
3) Staff listed on this page must be paid with state (such as NESP, tuition support) or local funds only.
4) All EL students (Levels 1.0through 4.9) must be provided the core EL program describedon this page, in
addition to core instruction; instruction in the core EL program must be provided byqualifiedteachers trained
in EL strategies.
5) The core EL program, per federal law, must be based on effective approaches and methodologies that
demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency, reasonably calculated for success in terms of
resources and personnel, and regularly evaluated to ensure the language barriers are being overcome.
NOTE: If more than one service model is used throughout the corporation for a specific grade/school setting or proficiency level, choose from the following options below and listall models of your Core EL program ELD (English language development) that apply:
Elementary / Middle School / High School
1 / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models]
Level 2 / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models]
Level 3 / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☒English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models]
Level 4 / EL Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models] / ELD Program Models Used:
☐Structured immersion/Content-Based
☐Pull-Out ESL
☐Scheduled ESL class (elem., MS)
☐ENL class for credit (HS)
☐Sheltered Instruction class for ELs
☐English lab/Resource period
☐Transitional Bilingual Education
☐Dual Language Immersion
☐Heritage Language class
☐Other (please explain)
[Frequency and duration for listed above ELD models
[Staff for listed above core ELD models]
[Curriculum/resources/materials for listed above core ELD models]
Certified / Non-Certified
Total staff paid from local and state funds to provide core EL program ELDservices, listedfor all models in the boxes above:
Part 4: ELProgram Narrative(using local, NESP, Title I, Title III, and any other funds)
Directions: Please refer to page 12 of the Application User Guide for directions on completing this section.
1. Describe how your district’s ELProgram(using local, state, NESP, Title I, Title III, and any other available funds) will specifically target these subsets of English learners, based on their needs, for them to learn English and meet the challenging State academic Standards [Section 3115(a)]Level of English proficiency / # of EL students at each level / % of total EL students /
Briefly describe activities to address any identified areas of need
Level 1 / [Based on the latest available state and local data, what is the LEA's need for improvement in this area?]
[How will your district target this need using all available funds?]
Level 2 / [Based on the latest available state and local data, what is the LEA's need for improvement in this area?]
[How will your district target this need using all available funds?]
Level 3 / [Based on the latest available state and local data, what is the LEA's need for improvement in this area?]
[How will your district target this need using all available funds?]
Level 4 / [Based on the latest available state and local data, what is the LEA's need for improvement in this area?]
[How will your district target this need using all available funds?]
Long term English learners (LTEL): ELs who have been English learners for 5 or more years without attaining proficiency / [Based on the latest available state and local data, what is the LEA's need for improvement in this area?]
[How will your district target this need using all available funds?]
2. By checking each box, the LEA assuresthat 100% ofEnglish learners arecorrectly identified andincluded in the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment each year until reaching proficiency. Correctly identifying and assessing English learners is a requirement for LEAs in order to receive any federal grants. If needing assistance with carrying out the activities listed below, please contact 317-232-0558.
Administer the Home Language Survey (HLS)only to students enrolling in Indiana for the first time (i.e. KDG or out of state transfer); the original HLS is obtained for a student transferring from another Indiana school.
Maintain a copy of every student’s HLS, including students whose HLS indicates English only.
Within 30 days of enrollment, administer the Kindergarten W-APT or WIDA Screener (grades 1-12) to new students whose HLS indicates a language other than English for any of the three questions by a state/locally funded licensed personnel OR obtain the previous annual ACCESS results for students previously identified as an English learner by another Indiana school or WIDA consortium state.
Notify parents of English learners via the Annual Parent Notification form.
Develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and provide core EL program services until student reaches proficiency on ACCESS.
Maintain a local system to track English learners in order to provide core EL program services and include 100% of EL students in annual ACCESS administration.
3. Indiana has adopted the WIDA English language development standards as the state college and career ready standards for English language development. Please describe the district plan to ensure that the WIDAELD standards are implemented with fidelity by all teachers of language learners. This includes English learner teachers and all classroom/content area teachers. Be sure to include the implementation plan, WIDA training opportunities, a process and approach for reviewing or developing English language development and content curriculum that integrates components of WIDA, and appropriate district personnel that will ensure the plan is in full implementation. For additional information, visit
What percentage of your district’s EL and classroom teachers of English learners have been provided with WIDA Standards training at the elementary level?
What percentage of your district’s EL and content area teachers of English learners have been provided with WIDA Standards training at the secondary level?
For SY 2017-18, describe your district's plan for the continued integration of WIDA, i.e. for developing English language development (ELD) and content curriculum that integrates components of WIDA, in all of the district's schools.
District’s personnel that ensures implementation and integration of WIDA Standards in each school
4. Once an English learner achieves English language proficiency, LEAs are required to rigorously monitor the student for two years after the school year in which the student was reclassified. Assure that a process exists to monitor “the progress made by children in meeting challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards for each of the 2 years after such children are no longer receiving services” by checking one (1) of the following:
Utilize state recommended2 year former LEP monitoring formthat
-Ensures former LEP students are meeting challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards
-Shared, reviewed, and implemented on a regular basis by appropriate educational personnel that work with the respective former EL students during the 2 year monitoring window
Utilize locally created, formal 2 year former EL students’ monitoring method that
-Ensures former EL students are meeting challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards
-Shared, reviewed, and implemented on a regular basis by appropriate educational personnel that work with the respective former EL students during the 2 year monitoring window
NOTE:The implementation of ESSA allows for states to monitor former EL students for up to four years. The timeline for monitoring in Indiana will be determined upon finalization of our state ESSA Plan.