Oak Harbor Football and Cheer League

Official Bylaws

Article I. Articles of Incorporation

1.1  The name of our organization is the Oak Harbor Football and Cheer League, referred to as OHFCL. The venue of our league is Fort Nugent Park in the City of Oak Harbor, Washington. The league mailing address is PO Box 1304, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

1.2  The OHFCL does not maintain a business store front in an effort for all of the money raised from fund raising and registration fees to be directed at the League program benefitting the children and adult volunteers serviced by the league.

1.3  The OHFCL will have no paid employees.

1.4  The OHFCL will be a not for profit business following all federal and state nonprofit rules.

1.5  The OHFCL will file for federal tax exempt status no later than December 31, 2014.

1.6  The OHFCL will be governed by a board of directors elected at the December Executive Board Meeting. When board positions change, the President, Vice President and Treasurer will always be updated with the Secretary of State to insure accurate information is received at the state.

1.7  The OHFCL competes in the North Cascade Youth Football League. Any change of league membership requires a 2/3 majority of board members to vote for succession.

Article II. Mission Statement

2.1  The Oak Harbor Football and Cheer league is dedicated to the teaching of youth tackle football and cheer leading. The OHFCL strives to insure children are taught the fundamentals and skills of football and cheer leading in a safe, positive, family oriented atmosphere. The OHFCL, its board, coaches and members strive daily to foster a fun environment teaching leadership, discipline, sportsmanship and fair-play. It is the hope of the OHFCL that all children who participate in the league develop a love of football and cheer leading.

Article III. Definitions

3.1  Executive Board Member – Members of the Executive Board identified as having voting privileges on all items where board members vote on items pertaining to league business.

3.2  Associate Board Member – Members of the Executive Board having access to the Executive Board Meetings. They have the ability to discuss items under consideration and have rights to all Board reports but no voting privileges.

3.3  Member – Any person registered as a player, coach or volunteer, who has completed registration or been appointed by a head coach as a member. Membership runs from Holland Happening (last weekend in April) to the last day of the playoffs.

3.4  Parent – Any legal guardian of a person under the age of 18 registered as a player, coach or volunteer.

3.5  Spectator – Any person associated with OHFCL who is not a member, parent or board member.

Article IV. Executive Board Position Description, Responsibilities and Powers

Executive Board Positions / term length / expiration on

President – 2 years, odd years

Vice President – 2 years, even years

Secretary – 2 years, odd years

Treasurer – 2 years, even years

NCYFL Representative – 2 years, odd years

Safety Officer – 2 years, odd years

Facilities and Equipment Director – 2 years, even years

Fund Raising Director – 2 years, even years

Parent Director – 2 years, odd years

Cheer Director – 2 years, even years

Associate Board Positions

Coaches Representative – 1 year

Public Relations Director – 1 year

Head Coaches of each team – 1 year

Flag Football Director – 1 year

Field Monitor – 1 year


Fund Raising Committee

Football Coaches Selection Committee

Cheer Coaches Selection Committee

Grievance Committee

Disciplinary Committee

Bylaws Committee

Non-Voting League Positions

Assistant Coach


Chain Gang

Snack Shack Coordinator

Snack Shack Volunteer

Youth Volunteer

4.1  Structure – The Executive Board is a ten person board with 9 members having voting rights. The President only votes to break a tie. The president will preside over a quorum. A quorum of 60% or 6 members of the board must be present for an official Executive Board Meeting.

4.2  Terms of Executive Board Positions. Each Executive Board Member serves for a length of two years. Board positions are elected at the Annual Open Board Meeting in December. Terms are two years from the December in which an Executive Board Member is elected. Positions are staggered to insure continuity of knowledge within the organization. The following Positions are elected on odd numbered years: President, Parent Director, NCYFL Representative, Secretary and Safety Officer. The following positions are elected on even numbered years: Vice President, Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Fund Raising Commissioner and Cheer Director.

4.3  Election of Board Members. In an effort to balance the make-up of the board, at no time shall current coaches consist of more than 50% of the executive board.

a.  Nominations for expired or open board positions may be made by the general membership at the December open board meeting.

b.  Nominations for expired or open board positions may be made by the Executive Board anytime an open position exists.

c.  During the open board meeting, candidates wishing to be on the board are given 4 minutes to explain why they would be a good board member.

d.  Existing board members will vote on the candidates for each position. If a sitting board member’s position is expiring, they may not vote for their own position.

e.  New officers take immediate office after having been elected.

f.  Executive Board members are elected whey they receive a majority of the votes by the Executive Board. The President will break any ties.

g.  At no time may a board member occupy more than one board position.

h.  At no time may two family members occupy board positions during the same term.

4.4  President

The President will serve as Chief Executive Officer of the league and the Chairman of the Board of OHFCL. The President is responsible for overall supervision and management of the organization. Responsibilities include:

a.  Will attend and preside, or designate the Vice President to preside over scheduled board or organizational meetings not chaired by a committee chair.

b.  Create the agenda for all Executive or Open Board meetings

c.  Execute all contracts

d.  Enforce all policies and decisions of the organization

e.  Approve all expenses and sign all checks(dispersal of funds) for the organization

f.  Has debit card authorization for amounts under $500.00 or for use on board approved expenses

g.  Chair or designate a chair for committees to investigate and take action when appropriate regarding complaints, irregularities and grievances

h.  Provide reports to the Board on all grievances, irregularities or concerns investigated by committees

i.  Represent the league in any and all grievances, lawsuits, or public accusation made against the league or any member of the league when appropriate or subpoenaed

j.  Conduct a monthly review of the financial status of the league

k.  Provide an audit of the registration process each year after registration is closed

l.  Manage any player drafts as the final decision maker in all disputes concerning drafts

m.  Represent the league in all public fundraising activities

n.  Authority to suspend any board member until the next Executive Board meeting where membership and position may be discussed and voted on

o.  Does not vote in the course of normal business except to break a tie

p.  May offer opinions on all subjects during discussion

q.  May invite non Executive Board Members to attend Executive Board Meetings

r.  May invite non members to any meeting where appropriate to present information, analyze issues or provide expert opinions

s.  Authorized to approve all non-members invited to attend Executive Board Meetings

t.  Make rulings on all conflict of interest situations

u.  Authority to make purchases of less than $500 pertinent to the operations of the league without board approval

v.  Authority to pay board-approved invoices

w.  Create a Saturday Field Schedule and require all Executive Board Members to sign up for their time managing the field on home game Saturdays

4.5  Vice President

The Vice President is a member of the Executive Board with voting privileges in all club matters except in the presence of a legitimate conflict of interest. Responsibilities Include:

a.  The Vice President will act as President in the absence of the President

b.  May appoint a Vice President Pro Tem to server during an extended absence of the President.

c.  Authority to temporarily remove the President for cause, pending a vote of the Executive Board. For Cause is defined as any actions of an unethical, immoral or illegal nature which threaten the wellbeing of the OHFCL.

d.  Assume the role of President and serve the remaining term in the event the President is removed for cause or resigns

e.  Is a member of all committees unless it is agreed by the board the VP may opt out of a specific committee

f.  Attends all league meetings unless excused due to prior request

g.  Chairs any grievance committee where a grievance is filed against the President or the President is called as a witness

h.  Works with the book keeper to perform an annual audit of league finances

i.  Preside over the league’s scholarship program working with the treasurer to award and facilitate scholarships

i.  Responsible for insuring all scholarship awardees fulfill their volunteer obligation to the league.

j.  Authority to make purchases up to $500 pertinent to the league without board approval

4.6  Treasurer

The treasurer is responsible for all money collected by the league. The Treasurer will act as Chief Financial Officer of the league. The Treasurer must know and understand the financial health of the organization at all times. For a person to hold this position, the OHFCL will perform a back ground check for an elected person before officially confirming them as Treasurer. All applicants for this position must have background in finance, accounting or business operations that has been reviewed by the board.

a.  Reporting

i.  Present any non approved expenses for board approval

ii. File Quarterly Tax forms

iii.  Ensure Organization maintains non-profit status

iv.  Work with Accountant/Book keeper to ensure compliance for state and federal requirements

v. Prepare a monthly balance sheet to be presented at all Executive Board Meetings

vi.  File all appropriate 501c3 reports and forms with the Federal Government

vii.  Coordinate with the Fundraising Commissioner to reconcile deposits and receipts

viii.  Reconcile bank statements and check accounts with online accounting software

ix.  Provide annual report with recommendations for improvement

x. Prepare an annual budget

b.  Money Handling

i.  Responsible for all bank deposits

ii. Organize and schedule all payments to vendors

iii.  Signing checks (dual signature with the President and/or Vice President)

iv.  Pay all bills

v. Reimbursing all approved out of pocket expenses submitted by a league representative

vi.  Manage Cash Flow

vii.  Manage accounts payable and accounts receivable activities to collect payments and pay obligations

viii.  Process any refunds

ix.  Accepts Payments for registration, special orders or league fundraisers

c.  Operations

i.  Pick up or designate pick up of snack shack deposits on a nightly basis

ii. Deposit Snack Shack revenue

iii.  Provide an audit of expenses vs. revenue in the snack shack

iv.  Responsible for creating procedures for the handling of money in all of our activities including the Snack Shack

v. Sign on all checks as part of a dual signature

vi.  Maintain the online bank account software

4.7  Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for assisting in the operations of the league. They are the “catch all” managed by the President. Duties include:

a.  Record and maintain copies of all meeting minutes, mailing lists, and registration data as well as other designated important documents. Documents must be kept for at least 5 years, then may be destroyed with board approval.

b.  File any medical claims with the league’s insurance

c.  Oversee the organization and dispersing of the mandated “Coaches Book” for each team. The Coach’s Book includes the following information:

i.  Team Roster (as well as 10 Exchange Rosters)

ii. Copies of Player registration forms

iii.  Copies of Player birth certificates

iv.  Signed Coaches Code of Conduct

v. Signed Players Code of Conduct

vi.  Signed Parents Code of Conduct

vii.  Signed Concussion Awareness

viii.  NCYFL required documents

ix.  Insurance forms

x. Copies of Coaches USA Football Certification

d.  Coordinate meeting space for board meetings

e.  Organize special events

f.  Serve on grievance committees

g.  Perform any other normal administrative tasks associated with the position of Secretary

4.8  NCYFL Representative

The OHFCL is a member of the North Cascade Youth Football League. The NCYFL Representative is the league’s voice on the Executive Board. Responsibilities of the NCYFL Representative are:

a.  Act as the organizational liaison between the OHFCL and the NCYFL

b.  Attend all NCYFL and Executive Board meetings

c.  Represent the OHFCL and cast votes at NCYFL meetings in the name of OHFCL based on Executive Board feedback

d.  Ensures all required NCYFL directives are followed at the OHFCL level

e.  Manage any disputes between coaches and NCYFL officials

f.  Report all required incidents to OHFCL Executive Board and NCYFL as appropriate

g.  Act in the best interest of the OHFCL

4.9  Safety Officer

The OHFCL recognizes that injuries occur in the practice and performance of football and cheerleading. The safety officer position is dedicated to insuring the OHFCL does all it can to prevent threats to its’ members and league. In addition, when incidents occur, the Safety Officer will head a committee to identify if any lessons may be learned from incidents whether they are a sports injury or some other event which may harm the league.

Safety Officer has the authority to stop any drills/practices he deems as unsafe. These drills will be reviewed by President/Vice President, Safety Officer and the Coaches Representative to determine if it is acceptable drill for youth football.

Duties Include:

a.  Update all coaches and board members on the latest techniques for game play