Third Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Animal Health and Welfare

Date: 24th February 2014

Venue: Agriculture House 5C


Chair: Prof Colm Gaynor

Members: Simon More, Alison Hanlon, Michael Gunn, Stephen Gordon, Laura Boyle, John Magee, Cliona O’Farrelly

Apologies: David Graham, Donal Murphy, Donagh Berry, Jeff Connell

DAFM: Martin Blake (CVO) Margaret Good

Secretary: Niamh Cunningham

1.  Briefing on Animal Health and Welfare Act (2013) specifically Electro-immobilisation of animals and tail docking of bovine animals. Martin Blake

·  Martin Blake stated that a new SI is being brought forward continuing the ban on electro-immobilisation and making it illegal to use or posses the equipment.

·  There will be a new SI to replace SI 263 of 2003, continuing the ban on the docking of cows’ tails and introducing a requirement that where a Veterinary Practitioner docks a cow’s tail for therapeutic reasons, he/she must issue a certificate explaining the reason why a tail was docked.

·  Suggestion by Committee for DAFM to talk to DARDNI re electro-immobilisation.

2.  Update from Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) on the control of Bovine Tuberculosis, to include badger control and progress on possible vaccination of badgers Margaret Good

·  Margaret Good gave a detailed presentation on the control of Bovine Tuberculosis and stated that herd incidence and other parameter trend lines are reducing.

·  DAFM has been collaborating for many years with CVERA in UCD on research into a vaccine to control tuberculosis in badgers.

·  The contribution of infected badgers to the spread of disease in bovines continues to be quantified and analysed and DAFM is continuing to operate various badger based research projects including badger vaccination.

·  TB handbook can be accessed on DAFM website @

3.  Briefing on the Johne’s Disease project, Iconmap Steve Gordon

·  Stephen Gordon gave a brief presentation on Iconmap which commenced on 01/11/12 and involves 6 different institutes. Stephen reported that progress is good but it is hoped to increase the pace.

4.  Advice of Committee on welfare implications of the proposed time limits for the castration of cattle and sheep, the dehorning/disbudding of cattle, the tail docking of sheep and the welfare advantages/disadvantages of restraining cattle in the course of ritual slaughter.

·  It was decided that these matters would be discussed by the sub working group which will have its first meeting this afternoon.

5.  AOB

·  Martin Blake briefly mentioned the issue of African Swine Fever which has been identified in wild boar in Eastern borders of the EU – Lithuania and Poland. It is an issue that might come back on the agenda.

·  Possible invitation for next meeting to Denise Murphy, Laboratory Services, Athlone RVL on the matter of badger welfare

·  It was suggested that the date for next meeting will be towards the end of May.
