Adopted May 2014


The name of the organization shall be the Oakwood Band Parents Association (OBPA)


The purpose of the OBPA shall be:

·  To provide financial and organizational support to the Oakwood Bands

·  To foster a continued interest in all forms of band music throughout the Oakwood community


There shall be three classes of membership:

1. Regular - any parent and/or guardian who have at least one child participating in an Oakwood school band shall automatically become a member of the OBPA. Any regular member is entitled to hold office.

2. Associate - any adult may become a member of the OBPA upon request. An associate member shall be entitled to participate in all activities, receive all communications, and lend advice in floor discussions, but not be entitled to vote or hold an elected office.

3. Alumni – any past member of the OBPA is encouraged to participate in an advisory and volunteer capacity. Alumni members are eligible to hold voting Board positions upon approval of the Nominating Committee and election at the spring meeting.


The President shall call meetings of the OBPA as the need arises, but at least once a month. A majority of the Board must be present to hold a valid vote on any business matters. Further, if at least 15 members petition in writing for a meeting, the President shall call the meeting within two weeks.


Officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the regular members in attendance at the May Membership meeting.

A nominating committee composed of the President and three members appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board shall place a slate of officer candidates before the membership no later than the May Board Meeting.

At the election meeting, nominations can be made from the floor. Permission for nomination shall be obtained from every person nominated, in advance of the election.

New officers shall assume their official duties at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Any vacancies occurring after the election shall be filled by the vote of the Executive Board. Incoming Board members are expected to actively participate with the current Board immediately after they accept their nomination. Actively participate includes attending Board meetings and setting up orientation meetings with the outgoing Board member of the post they have accepted.


The elected officers shall consist of:

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Ways and Means Officer

4. Activities Officer

5. Secretary

6. Treasurer

7. Operations Officer

6.  Uniforms Officer

7.  Concessions Officer

10. Volunteer Coordinator

11. Public Relations Officer


Every officer must be a regular member of the OBPA for at least one year. Further it is required that:

·  The Vice President will make a commitment to accept the nomination for President the following year

·  The President not serve two consecutive terms

And it is preferred that:

·  The Treasurer has experience in accounting and financial investments


·  To preside at all meetings of the OBPA

·  To preside at all meetings of the Executive Board

·  To enforce Bylaws of the OBPA

·  To schedule and provide notice of meetings, as required

·  To submit an annual budget along with the Treasurer and the Ways and Means Officer, to the Executive Board for approval

·  To provide an annual State of the Band review to the Executive Board and membership, ideally in the spring near the close of the school year

·  Is empowered to sign checks issued in the name of the OBPA


·  To preside during the President's absence and assume all associated duties and responsibilities

·  To make a commitment to accept a nomination for President the following year

·  To assist and supplement the elected officers in any activities, as required

·  To perform special taskings at the discretion of the President

·  To organize and convene the Scholarship Committee

·  To lead and participate as a member of the Audit Committee to perform an internal audit


·  To determine revenue needs of the OBPA and recommend appropriate fundraising activities

·  To provide management and oversight of all supplemental fundraising activities (supplemental means not including concessions and fruit sale).

·  To obtain chairpersons as needed for supplemental fundraising activity

·  To submit a final report in conjunction with the Treasurer, to the Executive Board on supplemental fundraising activities.

·  To help develop the annual budget.

·  To work with the treasurer to develop a 5 year plan. Keep this plan up to date as decisions are made throughout the year and make this available to the full executive board as needed.

·  To participate as a member of the Audit Committee to perform an internal audit


·  To manage and schedule all band activities as the need arises

·  To obtain chairpersons for each activity

·  To determine those activities requiring support, to include, but not limited to, Band Bonding, band trips, and picnics.

·  To work with the Public Relations Officer for all communications relating to band activities.

·  To plan and implement band trips or to appoint and oversee an individual to do so once approved by the Board


·  To maintain a current roster of regular and associate members

·  To maintain a database of contact information in order to notify the membership of activities

·  To keep minutes of all the Executive Board and membership meetings and distribute them to the entire membership and to the Oakwood Senior High School Principal

·  To perform any correspondence as required by another member of the Executive Board

·  To convene and organize the Nominations Committee

·  To maintain and update the Oakwood Band Handbook that is distributed to new Band students and parents annually.


·  To receive all monies of the OBPA

·  Is empowered to sign checks issued in the name of the OBPA

·  Shall pay such approved bills as are within the confines of the approved budget or otherwise approved by the Executive Board or membership

·  To keep an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and disbursed, and present a financial report at each board and regular meeting, and a final report at the end of the OBPA fiscal year.

·  To submit the books for audit within a reasonable period of time after the close of the OBPA fiscal year on June 30th

·  To ensure all required tax documentation (form 990) is annually filed with the IRS (due Aug. 15 each year).

·  To oversee the seed money for the concessions and the counting of money of all band events pursuant to the rules of the Bylaws.

·  To help develop the budget and provide regular updates to the executive board as to the status of income and spending against this annual budget.


·  To manage the logistics of transportation for all band activities

·  To arrange awards distributed at the Spring Concert.

·  To administer the Band Spirit Shop, including sale of Band Banners.

·  To arrange for an annual parent appreciation event.

·  To participate as a member of the Audit Committee to perform an internal audit.


·  To order all parts of uniforms: Marching Band, Concert Band, and summer uniforms when needed

·  To fit students for Senior High band uniforms

·  To assist student uniform officers in organizing and storing of uniforms

·  To sew hems, buttons, and repairs, etc. on all uniforms

·  To make arrangements for uniforms to be cleaned

·  To assist student uniform officers in assigning uniforms to band members

·  To hand out or send order forms to students for summer uniforms before end of June

·  To communicate to the Board the needs of the band in reference to uniforms


·  To drive overall profitability of concession stands

·  To research new items that can increase profitability

·  To handle any issues encountered by buyers and stand setup

·  Ensure that all necessary permits are acquired and are up to date.

·  To control staffing of stands with the Volunteer Coordinator

·  Training of the Stand Managers including maintaining a good set of instructions for operation of equipment in each stand

·  To work with the Treasurer regarding change and cash pick up

·  Organize an annual “deep cleaning” of the stands before each fall season

·  Other duties relating to operations of stands


·  Review and have a good understanding of the OBPA “Share Plan” and make recommendations to the executive board for year to year changes to the plan.

·  To develop a schedule of all needs for OPBA member volunteers including

o  Concession stand workers

o  Drivers

o  Other needs as determined by the band Director

·  Arrange a method by which members can sign up for the various volunteer slots

·  Collect the data concerning volunteer hours and track such data so that it can be submitted to the President and treasurer for the annual Share plan.


·  To write all press releases announcing band concerts and events

·  To arrange the band presentations at local community groups such as the Rotary

·  To develop all literature and programs related to concerts and special events

·  To design ads as needed

·  To work with the Treasurer on a public relations budget


The members of the Executive Board shall be:

·  The eleven annually elected officers; and

·  The Oakwood Schools Band Director

Duties of the Executive Board shall be:

·  It shall transact the business of the OBPA between regular meetings. A simple majority shall decide all questions. A quorum equal to a majority of members shall be desired to conduct business

·  It shall be subject to the orders of the OBPA and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the OBPA

·  It shall meet when the President calls for a meeting

·  The Secretary shall act as its recorder and shall keep complete minutes, copies of which are to be filed in the Secretary’s book and made a part of the permanent minutes

·  It shall designate the manner and financial institution for deposit of the OBPA funds

·  At least one member of the Executive Board or a person designated by the Executive Board shall assist the Treasurer in tabulating proceeds from all revenue generating events

·  Upon termination of office, each board member shall make available to his successor all money, record books, timeline of events, papers, files, end of year assessment surveys, and material of the OBPA

·  Each Board member shall mentor and train his/her successor.

·  If two people (for example a husband and wife) desire to share the responsibilities of an office, this will be allowed for all offices except President and Vice-President. In this case that office will still have one vote for the position (in other words both individuals do not get a separate vote). If there is a case where the two people do not agree on which way to vote on the issue at hand, the vote for that position will abstain.

·  Any item or OBPA activity has to be coordinated and approved by the Executive Board and the Band Director.


In addition to the executive board described above, there will be, from time to time, a need for advisors to participate in discussion at the regular board meetings. In addition to the advisors, there will be certain offices that require an assistant. These assistants may vary from year to year depending on the band size and the needs of the position in the particular year.

The Advisors shall be:

·  Oakwood Senior High Principal

·  Oakwood Junior High Principal

·  Edwin D. Smith Elementary School Principal

·  Harman Elementary School Principal

·  Past Presidents of the OBPA

Student Band Captain, or their representative

Non-Voting Members of the Executive Board may include all or some of the following:

·  Junior High Liaison

·  Fruit Sale Coordinator

·  Assistant Treasurer

·  Assistant Concessions officer (Buyers)

·  Jazz band Liaison

·  Other Assistants as required and approved by the executive board


The OBPA fiscal year shall run July 1st through June 30th, in order to correspond with the annual academic calendar

The OBPA will strive to generate a positive annual income stream. However, if it is deemed necessary to implement deficit spending, and a two-third’s majority of the members approve it, the OBPA will be limited to withdrawing no more than $5,000.00 of the OBPA reserve funds in any twelve-month period of time, beyond the approved annual budget.

An internal audit of the accounting records of the OBPA shall be performed at the close of each school year. The Audit Committee shall be made up of at least three newly elected Board members fulfilling the positions of Vice President, Operations, and Ways and Means. Other members of the Board may volunteer to help with the audit. These volunteers cannot be members that regularly handle cash in the organization during the audited year. This would include Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Concession Officer. This audit shall be performed along the written guidelines provided by the Oakwood School Treasurer. The findings of the audit shall be presented to the OBPA Board at the following September meeting.

The outgoing board shall strive to draft a proposed budget for the following school year before the annual transition of members occurs. It shall be the responsibility of the incoming board to review and approve this proposed budget, preferably before the start of the following academic year.