MAY 11, 2011

A regular meeting of the Madrid Town Board was called to order at 6:30 pm in the Town Office.

Members present: Joseph Finnegan, Supervisor, Kevin Finnegan, Tim Thisse, Bill Barkley, Jr., highway Supt. and Judy Hargrave, Town Clerk. Absent: David Fisher and Tony Cooper.

Also present: Marcia LeMay, Town Attorney, Tim Lucas, Ron Cady, Garry Wells, Kim Bisonette, Jeff Gilson, Stephen Barkley, Jerry Smith, Tammy Hawkins, Ryan Dunphey, Alan Finnegan and

Public Comment: Aaron Jarvis had reported to the Supervisor that the plumbing contract for the WWTP project has been closed out.

Tim Lucas gave the board copies of definitions of a boarding house, rooming house and a hostel. Tim will get together with the Town attorney to review these definitions and develop an amendment to the Local Code book in regards to these definitions.

Tim also reported that the Leberge Group is currently working on a flyer, regarding the Town Wide Planning Project, to distribute throughout the Town.

Stephen Barkley inquired about the inspection of apartment buildings, Jeff stated that buildings with three or more apartments have to be inspected. Steve also had some questions about special use permits and when they are required.

Tammy Hawkins has drawn up a cash receipt form for use during the Bluegrass Festival.

Kim Bisonette presented the board with copies of the water and sewer district maps for their review.

Kim informed the board that he is retiring effective June 29, 2011 from the Town of Potsdam and Madrid. However he would be interested in being appointed as the Madrid Assessor on a part time basis.

Jeff Gilson reported that he has issued 12 building permits so far this year.

The board reviewed the monthly report. Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Tim Thisse to acknowledge receipt of the monthly report. All were in favor.

The board reviewed the monthly bills. Tim asked if bill #151 from general was for the Easter Party for the youth, which it was. Tim Thisse made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to pay the monthly bills. General #129-152 for $18,359.88, Highway #74-87 for $12,237.37, Water #32-38 for $1,202.00, Sewer #18-22 for $4,522.40 and Light #5 for $1,124.98. All were in favor.

Communications: Received a draft of a proposed workplace violence policy statement from Safety Joe for the board to review and take action at the June meeting.

Received a copy of a letter from NYSDOT concerning CHIPS program and funding for 2011. Bill stated that the road projects have to last at least 10 years to qualify under CHIPS. This year the Town has approximately $96,363 to spend. They will continue work on the Chipman Corners Road and possibly put a cap on School Street.

Received the second quarter sales tax check from the County for $66,404.41, the Supervisor put $35,000 in the highway fund and the rest in the general fund. The highway budget income line is complete for this year.

Received a letter from the NYS Comptroller’s Office regarding the privacy procedures in distributing the Retirement System Annual Employee Statements.

Received a telephone call from Robert Best, Chairman of AMP, concerning the current situation with the NCPA and their Chairperson, James Monroe.

Bill Barkley: The crew is currently painting the inside of the water treatment plant. There was another water main break on State Highway 345. They are cleaning curb boxes. There was a complaint about the dock that was installed by the Community Building that it is not as accessible as it previously was. Alan Finnegan thought if they installed a 12’ T on the end of it that it would then be sufficient.

Bill had an estimated cost for the new E911 numbers of $20 for an 8X10 sign from Midstate industrial Supply.

Old Business: The Supervisor received a cop of the proposed contract between the Madrid Rescue Squad and the Town of Madrid for the provision of emergency medical services to the Town during 2011, it was drafted by the Town Attorney, reviewed by both parties and signed by both parties. The Town will now pay the Rescue Squad half of the contract amount for 2011.

Alan Finnegan gave the board an update on the dam rehabilitation/hydroelectric generation subject. Alan is scheduling an inspection of the dam within the next week.

The telephone systems have been switched everywhere except the Community Building.

The Supervisor sent Bradley Harte some additional information regarding the deferred compensation plan (457-b) for Town employees.

New Business: There have been some ongoing problems with skateboarders at the park. The Supervisor told Alan Finnegan to call the police if the problems continue.

Tim Thisse made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2011 Town Board meeting. All were in favor.

The next Town Board meeting will be on June 8, 2011 at 6:30 pm in the Town Office.

Tim Thisse made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.


Judy Hargrave, Town Clerk