Job Application File – Appendix 6.01 (1)

Job applications give employers their first look at you as a potential employee. How you complete the application suggests whether or not you have the ability to prepare ahead, to follow instructions, to fill out a document neatly and accurately, and to follow through on a task. Complete the following worksheet to organize the information that you will need to make a good impression with your job application.

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Driver’s License Number: ______

Emergency Contact: ______

Type of job required: ______

Job requirements: ______

Date available to begin work: ______Salary Requirement: ______

Previous Employment

Job Title: ______

Employer: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______Fax: ______

Dates of employment: ______

Reason for leaving: ______

Skills demonstrated: ______


Job Title: ______

Appendix 6.01 (1): Job Application File Continued

Employer: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______Fax: ______

Dates of employment: ______

Reason for leaving: ______

Skills demonstrated: ______



High School: ______

Address: ______


Dates attended: ______Degree earned: ______

Activities: ______

Honors: ______


Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Relationship: ______

Appendix 6.01 (1): Job Application File Continued

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Relationship: ______

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Relationship: ______

Job Application Performance – Appendix 6.01 (2)

Directions:Complete the attached job application. Guidelines regarding completion can be found below. Use the evaluation criteria found on the Job Application Rating Sheet to plan and pre-evaluate your project. This work product will be included as part of the Course Portfolio.

  • Use accurate spelling
  • Use correct grammar and punctuation
  • Print or type the information
  • Sign the application in cursive writing
  • Sign your complete/legal name
  • Provide complete information for 2 references


Above Mastery (4)Outstanding evidence of the criteria

Mastery (3)Substantial evidence of the criteria, but minor flaws may be present

Partial Mastery (2)Some evidence of the criteria, but flaws exist

Non-Mastery (1)Little or no evidence of the criteria

Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Correct spelling
Correct grammar and punctuation
Signed in cursive handwriting
Signed with complete legal name
Answered questions completely
Answered questions correctly
Provided complete information for 2 references.
Typed or printed in blue or black ink
Completed with no extra marks or smudges



Date:______Social Security Number:______



Present Address______

StreetCity StateZip


StreetCity StateZip

Phone No.______

If related to anyone in our employ,

state name and department: ______Referred by:______


Date you Salary

Position: ______can start: desired:______

If so, may we inquire of

Are you employed now?______your present employer?______

Ever applied to this company before?__Where? ______When?______



School / Name and Location of School / Years Attended / Subjects Studied/Degree(s) Earned
High School
Trade School

What foreign languages do you speak fluently?______Read?______Write?______

U.S. Military or Present membership in

Naval service:______Rank: ______National Guard or Reserves______

Activities other than religious (civic, athletic, fraternal, etc.): ______





List below your last two employers, starting with the last one first.

Name and Address of Employer / Supervisor / Employment Dates / Salary / Position / Reason for Leaving


Give below the names of two persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least one year.

Name / Address / Phone / Job Title / Relationship / Years Acquainted






Have you any defects in hearing, vision, or speech?


In case of emergency notify:


Name Address Phone No.

I authorize investigations of all statements contained in this application. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is cause for dismissal.



Interview: ______Date: ______File: ______


The hardest part of creating a chronological or a “chrono-functional” resume is collecting all of the information for your references, work experience, and education. It is helpful to collect all of the information initially, so that you won’t have to remember everything at a later date when you revise your resume.

Directions: Complete the form below to help you prepare your resume or you may organize this information on 4-inch by 6-inch index cards.


High School Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Phone Number: ______

Principal’s Name: ______Dates Attended: ______

Jr. High/Middle School Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Phone Number: ______

Principal’s Name: ______Dates Attended: ______

Other Education: ______


Work/Volunteer Experience

Company/Organization Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Phone Number: ______Dates worked/volunteered______

Contact/Supervisor Name: ______

Work/Volunteer Experience, (cont’d)

Company/Organization Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Phone Number: ______Dates worked/volunteered______

Contact/Supervisor Name: ______

Company/Organization Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Phone Number: ______Dates worked/volunteered______

Contact/Supervisor Name: ______


References can be either professional or personal. Professional references are people who have worked with you and personal references are those who know you from activities outside of work.

Name: ______

Work or Home Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Work or Home Phone Number: ______

Type of Relationship: ______

Name: ______

Work or Home Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Work or Home Phone Number: ______

Type of Relationship: ______

References, (cont’d)

Name: ______

Work or Home Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Work or Home Phone Number: ______

Type of Relationship: ______

Resume Performance – Appendix 6.01 (4)

Directions: Complete a Functional Skills Resume. Guidelines regarding content criteria and formatting can be found below. Use the evaluation criteria found on the Resume Rating Sheet to plan and pre-evaluate your project. This work product will be included as part of the Course Portfolio.

The functional resume organizes your experience by areas of skills, avoiding a strict reliance on chronology. Functional titles or skill clusters are used to organize your skills from various places of employment, volunteer or educational experiences. The functional resume is an excellent tool for career changers, job seekers re-entering the job market after a period of not working and for students finishing a degree or program area, which qualifies them for work differing from their previous employment.

Writing a Functional Resume:

  • Determine the functional titles that best describe your skill area and are most closely related to your job target.
  • Include summary statement.
  • Within each functional area stress your accomplishments, results, or abilities.
  • Include all relevant accomplishments without identifying the place of employment or voluntary situation in which it took place.
  • List your education, relevant courses or degree at the top of the resume if it was completed within the last five years.
  • List work experience at the bottom, giving dates, company name and title.
  • Keep length of resume to one page.


NAME – type full name in large print





OBJECTIVE – although optional, either career highlights or objective gives reader the messages of your career goals and your focus.



FUNCTIONAL TITLE (S) – Select two or three skill areas in which you are interested. Examples: Customer Service, Sales & Marketing, Office Technology, Graphics & Design, Medical Services, Food Service, Hospitality, Horticulture, etc. List them in order of your interest and skill level. State accomplishments or qualifications you have under each title.

Appendix 6.01: Resume Performance Continued


datejob title company name, city, state

datejob title company name, city, state


Available Upon Request

Resume Rating Sheet

Student ______Consensus Score ______


Above Mastery (4)Outstanding evidence of the criteria

Mastery (3)Substantial evidence of the criteria, but minor flaws may be present

Partial Mastery (2)Some evidence of the criteria, but flaws exist

Non-Mastery (1)Little or no evidence of the criteria

Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Organized in an orderly fashion
Contains centered personal heading
Includes employment objective
Incorporates education heading
Incorporates work experience heading
Follows Functional Skills Resume formatting guidelines
Concludes with a reference heading
Is no more than 1 page in length
Information is complete and orderly
Information presented in correct order
Includes at least 2 skill categories and associated information
Phrases are accurate and clear
Includes enough information for clarity
Correct spelling
Correct subject/verb agreement
Maintains verb tense
Correct punctuation

Supervisor’s Rating Sheet – Appendix 6.01 (5)

Employee: ______Date: ______

Job Title: ______Dept.: ______

Rating Criteria / Good / Fair / Poor
Is usually punctual.
Is usually present.
Gives notification of pending absence.
Work Habits:
Is industrious.
Performs quality work.
Shows an interest in learning.
Takes care of and uses equipment and supplies properly.
Is properly groomed and dressed.
Follows directions.
Keeps focused.
Completes assignments in a timely fashion.
Interpersonal Skills:
Displays self-confidence.
Is polite.
Is willing to learn from others.

Comments: ______




Supervisor’s Signature: ______

Employee’s Signature: ______


Did the applicant… / Needs
improvement / Good / GREAT!
-introduce self?
-shake hands?
-use employer’s name?
-have good eye contact?
-appear neat and clean?
-respond well to questions?
-exhibit enthusiasm about working?
-appear to have a positive attitude?


Employer Job Evaluation – Appendix 6.01 (7)

Directions: Currently, your job is student. Your work environment is the classroom. Have a classmate evaluate your job performance by placing a check mark in the appropriate spaces. Then answer the questions that follow.

  1. Cooperation

_____ A Gets along well with others; is friendly with others.

_____ B Cooperates willingly; gets along with others.

_____ C Usually gets along with others.

_____ D Does not work well with others.

_____ E Is antagonistic; pulls against rather than works with others.

  1. Initiative

_____ A Is resourceful; looks for tasks to learn and do.

_____ B Is fairly resourceful; does well by himself/herself.

_____ C Does routine work acceptably.

_____ D Takes very little initiative; requires urging.

_____ E Takes no initiative; has to be instructed repeatedly.

  1. Courtesy

_____ A Is very courteous and very considerate of others.

_____ B Is considerate and courteous.

_____ C Usually polite and considerate of others.

_____ D Is not particularly courteous in action or speech.

_____ E Has been discourteous to classmates.

  1. Attitude toward constructive criticism

_____ A Accepts criticism and improves greatly.

_____ B Accepts criticism and improvement noted.

_____ C Accepts criticism and tries to do better.

_____ D Doesn’t pay much attention to criticism.

_____ E Doesn’t profit by criticism; resents it.

  1. Knowledge of job

_____ A Knows job well and shows desire to learn more.

_____ B Understands work; needs little supervision.

_____ C Has learned necessary routine but needs supervision.

_____ D Pays little attention.

_____ E Has not tried to learn.

  1. Accuracy of work

_____ A Very seldom makes errors; does work of very good quality.

_____ B Makes few errors; is careful, thorough, and neat.

_____ C Makes errors; shows average care, thoroughness, and neatness.

_____ D Is frequently inaccurate and careless.

_____ E Is extremely careless.

Appendix 6.01 (7): Employer Job Evaluation Continued

7. Work accomplished

_____ A Is fast and efficient; production is well above average.

_____ B Works rapidly; output is above average.

_____ C Works with ordinary speed; work is generally satisfactory.

_____ D Is slower that average.

_____ E Is very slow; output is unsatisfactory.

  1. Work habits

_____ A Is industrious; concentrates very well.

_____ B Seldom wastes time; is reliable.

_____ C Wastes time occasionally; is usually reliable.

_____ D Frequently wastes time; needs close supervision.

_____ E Habitually wastes time; has to be watched and reminded of work.

  1. Adaptability

_____ A Learns quickly; is adept at meeting changing conditions.

_____ B Adjusts readily.

_____ C Makes necessary adjustments after considerable instruction.

_____ D Is slow in grasping ideas; has difficulty adapting to new situations.

_____ E Can’t adjust to changing situations.

  1. Personal appearance

_____ A Is excellent in appearance; always looks neat.

_____ B Is very good in appearance; looks neat most of the time.

_____ C Is passable in appearance but should make effort to improve.

_____ D Often neglects appearance.

_____ E Is extremely careless in appearance.

  1. Punctuality

_____ A Never tardy except for unavoidable emergencies.

_____ B Seldom tardy.

_____ C Punctuality could be improved.

_____ D Very often tardy.

_____ E Too frequently tardy.

  1. Dependability

_____ A Never absent except for an unavoidable emergency.

_____ B Dependable.

_____ C Usually dependable.

_____ D Not regular enough in attendance.

_____ E Too frequently absent.

Appendix 6.01 (7): Employer Job Evaluation Continued

I. Do you believe this is an accurate evaluation of your work habits and performance? Explain.

  1. In which areas could you improve? Explain.
  1. Which areas are your strongest? Why?

IV. Based on this evaluation, do you think you would be a desirable employee? Explain.

Adapted from: Littrell, J.J., Clasen, Annie H. & Pearson, Peggy. (2004). From School to

Work – Student Activity Guide. Tinley Park, IL. The Goodheart-Willcox


Common Interview Questions – Appendix 6.01 (8)

Below is a list of common interview questions you should be prepared to answer. On a separate sheet of paper, write down three questions and your responses to each.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What was your favorite subject in school? Why?
  • What was your least favorite subject in school? Why?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Tell me about other jobs you have had.
  • How did you get along with your co-workers?
  • Do you enjoy working by yourself or with others?
  • What do you want to be doing in a year? In five years?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why do you want to work for our company?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • How will you fit this job in with your school work?
  • Why should I hire you?
  • Have you ever been fired? Explain the circumstances.
  • What salary do you expect?
  • When can you start working?
  • Tell me anything else you would like me to know about you.

Rating the Job Applicant – Appendix 6.01 (9)

Directions: Use the form below to rate the job applicant.



Excellent / 15
Good / 10
Fair / 5
Poor / 0
Criteria / Score
Eye contact

Overall Rating:

  • Excellent (91-105)
  • Good (66-90)
  • Fair (31-65)
  • Poor (0-30)

Criteria / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Asking questions

Interview Practice Questions – Appendix 6.01 (10)

Directions: Write a complete sentence to answer the following questions frequently asked during an interview.

  1. What jobs, including summer and part-time, have interested you the most? Why?
  1. How have your education and/or employment experiences prepared for this job?
  1. What are your career goals?
  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  1. Can you tell me about yourself and your background?
  1. What do you consider your best qualities or strengths?
  1. What do you consider your weaknesses?
  1. What interests you about this job?
  1. Why do you want to work for this company?
  1. What did you like and dislike about your last job?
  1. Which course(s) did you like best in school?
  1. Last month, how many days of work or school did you miss?
  1. Why should I hire you for this job?
  1. How would your last supervisor or teacher describe you?
  1. How would a friend describe you?
  1. What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

Cover Letter Performance – Appendix 6.01 (11)

Directions: Complete a cover letter/letter of application. Guidelines regarding content criteria and formatting can be found below. Use the evaluation criteria found on the Cover Letter Rating Sheet to plan and pre-evaluate your project. This work product will be included as part of the Course Portfolio.

Content Criteria/Formatting Guidelines

Cover Letters in General

  • Short
  • Three paragraphs
  • Introduce you to the company
  • Emphasize your good points

Paragraph I

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain why you are writing.
  • If you are responding to an ad, mention where you saw the ad and the date it appeared.
  • If you are not responding to an ad, explain the type of work you are looking for.
  • Express interest in the company.

Paragraph II

  • Describe your qualifications.
  • Emphasize relevant experience or school work.
  • Show how your abilities match the job description.
  • Emphasize how you can benefit the company.

Paragraph III

  • Indicate what action you plan to take.
  • State that you will stop by on a certain date or that you will call to arrange an interview.
  • Include information on how and where you can be reached.
  • End with a “thank you”.


  • Proofread carefully.
  • Have at least one other person proofread your cover letter.

Cover Letter Rating Sheet

Student ______Consensus Score ______


Above Mastery (4)Outstanding evidence of the criteria

Mastery (3)Substantial evidence of the criteria, but minor flaws may be present

Partial Mastery (2)Some evidence of the criteria, but flaws exist

Non-Mastery (1)Little or no evidence of the criteria

Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Includes correct heading
Includes inside address
Includes personal salutation
Consists of at least 3 body paragraphs
Includes appropriate closing
Includes a hand written signature
Notates an enclosure
Written in standard block format
Indicates interest in the position
Establishes qualifications
Requests an interview
Information presented clearly
Refers reader to the enclosed resume
Information presented in concise, yet complete sentences
Correct spelling
Correct subject/verb agreement
Correct punctuation
Maintains verb tense
Sentences vary in length and structure
Correct use of transitions and connective phrases

Cover Letter Outline – Appendix 6.01 (12)

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______

E-mail: ______

Date: ______

Employer’s name: ______

Employer’s title: ______

Company name: ______

Address: ______


Dear ______:

Paragraph stating what is known about the company and how you learned about the job opening: ______




Paragraph stating what is known about the job opening and how you are suited to the position: ______




Specific description of skills, abilities, strengths that you will bring to the position: ______




Appendix 6.01 (12): Cover Letter Outline Continued

Concluding paragraph that states how you will follow up, requests an interview and thanks the reader for his/her consideration and time: ______