Melrose Bandaider, Inc.

Board Meeting

August 21, 2012

MHS Faculty Lounge – Melrose, MA

In attendance: Matt Repucci, Mike Buckley, Jerry Gates, Bill Corvene, Eric Heath, Nancy Ingram, Regina Donovan, Joan Hicks, Shelley O’Brien

Call to Order: 7:02 pm

Monthly Business

Recording Secretary’s Report – Minutes accepted

Corresponding Secretary’s Report – Send out emails seeking volunteers to work at the NESBA competition to be held in Melrose on September 29th.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill C. passed out a draft of the budget listing expenses and income for review. Any questions, please contact Bill C. Will email file to people not present. Lively discussion of disposal options of old Bandaider checks found from the 1990’s.

Band Director’s Report – Band camp has gotten off to a great start. Campus is reserved for home competition, but still need to reserve the Knoll. Need to put line markers on the fence and a find a better place to run the electrical cord to the field. The band will be marching in the Columbus Day Parade in East Boston on Sunday, October 7th. Matt R. needs to be added to the band’s email list: .

Publicity Report – No Report

Website Updates –Paul L. uploaded photos from the car wash.

Uniform Committee – Regina D. is making her way through sorting uniforms that are in disarray from all the extra events last Spring. Larger uniform pants need to be altered to accommodate smaller size. Buying band shoes for those with financial hardship was approved. Room needs a cleanout; sell or donate old haberdashery. New color guard members fitted with uniforms. A system needs to be set up to keep track of the $25.00 deposit forms from year-to-year, especially for the color guard.

Old Business

Car Wash – netted approx. $500.00 after expenses.

New Business

Discussion of whether parent volunteers need to have a CORI check. School parent volunteers are CORI’d through the Bridge Program. Consensus leans towards having this done. Eric H. will talk to Emily Rubenstein about this.

Election of Shelley O’Brien as Recording Secretary will take place at the general meeting on September 12th.

Home Show Preparations – Spreadsheet handed out and reviewed. Discussion included: manning posts (i.e. consensus for a nurse; Kevin Rowe (?) for bus/car parking if not on call; Taylor R. – ticket booth/sales; Mark – field control; Nancy I. – Runners) switching trophy vendor to Reading Trophy, and enlisting volunteers for the 50/50 raffle and bake sale. Sign-up sheets will be posted at the ice cream social/meeting. Malden wants to run the concessions at the competition. However, it was felt to be more cost effective to hire a caterer, thus freeing up volunteers for other posts. Will look into this further.

Band Book – Regina D. is in the process of updating email addresses for the band book. Book needs to be reviewed before printing. Need dates for the X-mas tree sale (weekend of December 7, 8 & 9), holiday concert, and pizza party (November 28th). By-laws not changed. Taylor R. updating music-lesson scholarship page in handbook. It was decided to keep the scholarship description in book to a general overview of the program and rename it Music Lesson Reimbursement. Nancy I. will redo the scholarship form to reflect program specifics.

Ice Cream Social – After general meeting on September 12th. Volunteer sign-up sheets will be posted for the NESBA competition.

Next Meeting dates – General meeting/Ice Cream social September 12th. Board meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.