Beginning Dance Course Syllabus


Teacher: Mrs. Natalie Bout

Class: Beginning Dance

Class Location: Dance Room

Phone: (951) 253-7200 x2455


Class Description: This is an introductory course for students who wish to learn basic dance skills and techniques. Dance history and a variety of dance styles will be explored. Students learn basic concepts and applications of dance in ballet, jazz, modern/contemporary and choreography techniques. Exercises will strengthen the students’ physical and mental capacities resulting in a deeper understanding of the movement, vocabulary, and how it is used. Proper anatomical placement is taught throughout the semester in each area of technique.

Class Expectations:

1.  Presence – attendance is crucial.

2.  Punctuality – coming to class on time to assure that students’ get proper warm-up to prevent injury from occurring is vital.

3.  Preparation – all students must practice what they have learned during class so further material can be covered.

4.  Participation – it is expected that all students are active participants throughout the entire class.

5.  Positivity – please leave the drama outside and use this time to be positive and enjoy the opportunity to explore movement.

6.  Peer Support – at all times we show our support towards fellow peers in the classroom.

Dress Code: Each class is assigned a color according to their dance level. You are permitted to wear any solid white full-length top (it must cover the stomach completely), black dance pants, black capris, or long black dance shorts (tights preferred under), and the proper dance shoes (tan jazz shoes preferred). Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail at all times. Dance tops and bottoms can be purchased at any sport store, Wal-Mart (Danskin), Target, or dance supplier. Dance shoes may be purchased from Please enter teacher code TP28903 when you purchase.

Dress code is enforced in class and counts as 15% of your grade. If you are not dressed for class you will not be allowed to participate in class. You will be required to take thorough notes throughout the entire class.

Student planners will be necessary to have with you in class along with a writing utensil and dance notebook on Wednesdays, unless told otherwise. It is important to use your student planner to record any assignments.

Requirement of Notation:

All students are required to purchase a spiral bound single-subject notebook for dance (not to be shared with other classes). On the outside cover, the student’s full name and class period and class title must be included. Any contact information should be placed on the inside cover of the notebook. Every class journal entry should include the date and lesson information and writing must be legible to receive full credit. Notebooks must be up-to-date. In the case of an absence, students are responsible for getting the missed material immediately following the absence. Notebooks will be collected frequently for credit. Please remember this is not to create more work, but it should serve as a resource for you throughout your dance experience. Key vocabulary and important dance information will be recorded in this notebook, as well as reflective journaling.

Important: Please if you have a cell phone or other electronic device you must store it with your belongings in the locker. The school is not responsible for your valuables. You will be given opportunities where your devices will be utilized as a learning tool in the class, at such time you will be permitted to use them when instructed by the teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!

Lockers: Each individual student will be issued a locker and provided with a school lock. However, we only issue one lock and locker per student. If you lose your school lock, you will be charged for a replacement ($8.00). The school holds you accountable for your lock and you are required to return it during the checkout process. You may not use your own lock on the school lockers. Please do not bring any valuables to school (refer to school handbook) and never give your combination to friends. Sharing of lockers is not permitted. Please refer to the sign posted in the locker room. Also, please do not leave food items or breakables in lockers. Last year we had critters in the locker room and many broken glass perfume bottles.

Grading Criteria: Given the nature of the dance program and the extensive lab work involved, attendance and punctuality are critical components in grading and developing discipline required in this program. Should a student be unable to attend class due to long-term illness or injury, exceptions might be considered. However, in this circumstance you will be provided alternative assignments to make up the work missed during that given period. All unexcused absences do count against your total attendance, participation and dress code points.

Grade Scale:

90-100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D), 0-59 (F)

1st Semester Grading______

Attendance 10%

Participation 30%

Dress Code 15%

Test/Perf. Assessments 20%

Research/Reports/Notebooks 25%

2nd Semester Grading______

Attendance 10%

Participation 30%

Dress Code 15%

Test/Perf. Assessments 20%

Research/Reports/Notebooks 25%


Absence Make-up Assignments: You may only make up participation and dress points for three excused absences per semester. All make-up assignments must be handed into the teacher the week following your absence to receive credit. They will not be accepted any later. You must include your first and last name, day of absence, current date, and period of dance you are currently enrolled on the top right hand corner of your assignment.

******Absence make-ups will only be accepted up to one week after the absence. Please make sure to include your name and the date of absence on your paper.

1st absence – Find a magazine or journal article pertaining to a dance topic. Submit a copy of the article with a one-page summary written in your own words about the topic of the article. Please include your own view about what you read in the article. Include your name and period of dance you currently are in on the top right hand corner.

2nd absence –Pick a current dance choreographer and create a poster about them (must be the style of dance we are currently studying in class). Be sure to include their most important contribution to the dance world. Give a 1-minute presentation to the class.

3rd absence – Create a 5-minute warm-up to use in class. It must pertain to the style of dance we are working on at the time. You must demonstrate and teach it to the class with music you supply (school appropriate).


Please bring back this page signed and dated by you and your parent or guardian. Thank you!

I agree to follow the above class policies and procedures. By signing this form, I understand and have read the above-mentioned information and agree to abide and follow the course syllabus for this school year 2017-2018.

______Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date